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**February, darling!** The crisp, clean air of a new year still clings to the stage as we welcome a flurry of premieres and revivals, a breathtaking showcase of balletic brilliance. From the grandest opera houses to intimate studios, the world of ballet pulsates with creativity, defying expectations and offering a vibrant, exciting tapestry of human emotion. Our ballet diary for February takes you on a jet-set tour of the best that the world of dance has to offer.

London's Dance Delights

Let's start at home, shall we? The Royal Ballet, my loves, is in top form this February, kicking off the month with an intimate and achingly beautiful revival of Frederick Ashton's "The Two Pigeons". There's a certain poignancy to this charming little tale, its bittersweet melody and delicately choreographed dances resonating deeply. My darling Marianela Nuñez, with her exquisite lightness and elegant grace, truly embodied the innocence and longing of the leading lady, while the partnering of the wonderful Vadim Muntagirov was a revelation - the two simply danced poetry into being. Oh, to witness such pure talent! It was truly an evening that stole our breath.

But the Royal Ballet isn't done, not yet! "Romeo and Juliet" is back, darling! And as if I need to tell you, it's simply magnificent! Kenneth MacMillan's iconic choreography is a tour de force of emotional intensity. The iconic Juliet's balcony scene, with its breathtaking athleticism, remains as heart-wrenchingly romantic as ever, a truly unforgettable ballet experience that transports you directly to the tumultuous passion of Shakespeare's play. This is a must-see for any ballet lover!

And let's not forget our beloved Sadler's Wells Theatre. This vibrant little space continues to champion a diverse range of dance. This month, darling, it was a sheer delight to watch "Le Sacre du Printemps", the seminal masterpiece by the great Vaslav Nijinsky, brought to life by the exceptional Rambert Dance Company. With its primal energy and bold innovation, "Sacre" is not for the faint-hearted, but its raw emotional force and bold choreography are captivating. This production, perfectly balanced between its inherent violence and stark beauty, left an unforgettable impression.

Parisian Flair and Flirting

Who needs couture when you've got the Paris Opera Ballet? February is the season of grand gesture and lavish display, as the Opéra bursts with life in a dazzling premiere. It was impossible not to be utterly swept away by Angelin Preljocaj's new work, "La Stravaganza." Preljocaj is a true master of his art, effortlessly weaving his trademark blend of modern and classical technique, making for a captivating, visually spectacular spectacle. This piece is an invitation to abandon oneself to pure sensuality and elegance. Let me tell you, darling, it is absolutely impossible not to be swept off your feet!

Of course, no ballet trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the Ballet de l'OpĂ©ra National de Paris. This esteemed institution delivers a captivating performance of "Giselle" each and every night! The production itself is exquisite. But the true highlight was the dancing, especially the captivating, mesmerizing performances by Ă©toile dancers Marie-AgnĂšs Gillot and Mathieu Ganio. A sublime blend of grace, technique, and raw emotion – they made this classic feel as fresh and powerful as the day it premiered. I wouldn’t dream of leaving Paris without witnessing the perfection that is "Giselle"!

Across the Globe: Dance in Motion

February truly brings the world of dance to life, and we have the most exciting experiences for you beyond our borders.

**The United States: Dancing Dreams in America**

From New York to Los Angeles, the US continues to be a hotbed of balletic activity. The New York City Ballet, always a favourite, opened the month with a glorious performance of George Balanchine's masterpiece "Symphony in C" - pure joy embodied in movement. The elegance of the dancers, the energy of the music, and the inherent sense of delight made it a truly unforgettable experience. But the highlights continued! "The Rite of Spring" by Stravinsky was simply sublime, bringing a modern, contemporary take on a ballet classic, boldly pushed by a company brimming with talent. Don't you love the way a new interpretation can reinvent and refresh a work so familiar? Oh, it is a delight!

The Los Angeles Ballet continues to deliver exquisite dance performances. "Don Quixote" - a ballet that combines intricate steps, dynamic staging, and genuine storytelling. I was completely entranced. And of course, how could I resist a touch of contemporary delight in the "L.A. Dance Project." They are on a roll, darling! Their modern work "The Calling" offered a powerful blend of beauty and emotional depth. There’s something particularly thrilling about watching dance emerge from a company on the cusp of their greatness.

Australia's Ballet Gems:

Down under, Australia continues to be a melting pot of ballet styles. The Australian Ballet's “Cinderella" is nothing short of a masterpiece. The choreography beautifully marries the traditional with the contemporary, and the stunning sets and costumes are nothing less than an exquisite fairytale! "Cinderella" truly captured the heart of the Australian audience.

And let's not forget the extraordinary Queensland Ballet. They brought forth "Swan Lake," the grandaddy of ballets, and transformed it into an enchanting and utterly captivating experience. The technical brilliance of the dancers was astounding - they really were swan-like! And then they went for an added surprise. They hosted the "Sydney Dance Company." This ensemble's innovative choreography is simply breath-taking. It pushed the boundaries of dance, leaving you in awe and on the edge of your seat. These Australian companies, darling, are true champions of artistry, a force to be reckoned with.

Across the Borders: More than Ballet

February, the month that brings us not only the most sublime ballet but an entire galaxy of creative and inspired performance!

The Netherlands:

Across the European continent, in Amsterdam's National Opera and Ballet, the celebrated choreographer Wayne McGregor’s latest work, “Entity,” had the critics swooning with praise. It was quite the avant-garde production, challenging conventions and offering a captivating exploration of the body in movement, pushing boundaries while exploring themes of human connection and resilience. The Netherlands seems to be experiencing a cultural revolution within its contemporary dance, and this new work only reinforces that impression. I for one am keeping my eye on this exciting up-and-coming region.


I adore Milan. And this February, Milan's Teatro alla Scala presented a stunning performance of "Carmen" in which a beautifully crafted story met some of the most exciting ballet choreography we’ve seen in years. It is quite the unique offering for Italy - a dramatic blend of dance, opera, and visual storytelling, leaving a lasting impact. If you can get a ticket, it's truly worth the trip, darling.


We return to Russia, the homeland of ballet, for an evening of breathtaking classical performances in St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre. From “Sleeping Beauty" to the sublime and soulful “Swan Lake," this venerable theater has held its position as one of the most cherished bastions of traditional ballet, with performances that are both technical wonders and a moving celebration of artistic legacy. The Marinskiy continues to inspire a love of classical ballet across the globe.

Our Thoughts

It’s exciting to witness the sheer diversity and evolution of the dance scene worldwide, from the reimagined classics to cutting-edge, challenging modern work. This February was truly a delight to behold and a reminder that dance is one of the most expressive, versatile and beautiful forms of artistic communication, offering audiences a worldwide passport to a realm of emotions and captivating stories that we continue to cherish and celebrate.