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A Month of Ballet Delights

Darling dears,

What a month for ballet, isn’t it? April was just divine. We’ve had some stunning performances from both well-established companies and emerging talent, a feast for the eyes, wouldn’t you say? And not a tutu in sight, although there were a few exquisite pas de deuxs, with dazzling leaps and stunning Ă©chappĂ©s. Let’s just say, some of our younger dancers are clearly showing just how hot the international scene is becoming.

Of course, one could not talk about the month of ballet without giving a nod to the grand old dame herself – the Bolshoi! This month was absolutely bursting with their legendary grandeur, especially those glorious Russian souls. We just swooned at “La Bayadere” , a dazzling, visually stunning spectacle, and if those leaps and those turns were anything to go by, they just don’t stop teaching the Bolshoi ballerinas how to absolutely dazzle us! Of course, any review of the Bolshoi has to touch on their strength – those grand ballets. A strength that brings you back again and again. I wouldn’t miss “Swan Lake” if my life depended on it (which thank heavens it doesn't). There’s such raw emotion there that is completely irresistible, and yes, one does need a tissue or two after those heartbreaking scenes, especially the finale. My dear friend Caroline said she nearly broke a nail, but I did make sure I kept my stilettos pristine, my darling, this isn’t a casual trip to the ballet, one simply has to have a look for these productions.

Then we’ve had the Parisians, who always seem to capture the essence of ballet perfectly. “Giselle”, now, this was something else entirely, those wicked fairies! This ballet is truly a modern classic, and to watch them execute it with such panache, well, darling it was simply a joy. One does simply fall into the story; those heartbreaking sequences are executed with a perfect mix of anguish and defiance. The dancers make every move seem both beautiful and painful, a delicious mix. The choreography in this performance is quite astounding, even for an experienced ballet watcher. You just marvel at how they get their bodies to perform in this manner.

If that wasn’t enough, there was the new production at the English National Ballet, “La Sylphide” a classic reimagined. It really got the tongues wagging! Some say it was too modern, I thought it had some real elegance. The first few performances were pretty full and I’m not at all surprised. The main thing, though, is that the production shows how much ballet can evolve and stay fresh, so definitely a performance for those who have a passion for this genre and are looking for something with a touch of daring, which really added a spark of freshness to what we might usually expect, a wonderful performance to draw new audiences to the ballet.

I simply could not resist the chance to pop down to London’s Covent Garden Royal Opera House this month, and dearie me what a night that was! For me, it’s always about the grandeur and spectacle that they so beautifully create in a classical piece, and they don’t disappoint. And a few surprises too, which I must say I enjoyed very much indeed. But "Romeo and Juliet", just stunning. Yes, darling I really was in tears at the end of this. Romeo, the epitome of tortured masculinity! That finale really does bring on the waterworks and they couldn’t have cast it better. I’ve been telling everyone I know that they must go see this production!

The Australian Ballet has been touring with a new production of “Swan Lake” . This production, featuring choreography by David McAllister and with a stunning set designed by Brian Thompson is just magical. And a huge well done to their young ballerinas, oh my they are quite remarkable, in a dazzling display of delicate movement and graceful balletic flourishes! It is the perfect show to really appreciate what Australia’s young stars are bringing to ballet in the new season, so this is one you shouldn’t miss. If the weather is a little cold this autumn and winter, then this is one to curl up and be enchanted by.

And finally darling, to round off this glorious ballet tour, we just have to mention the gorgeous dancers we have met on our journey through this month, the grace, the technique, it just fills us with such a thrill of enjoyment and we wish to thank them and to thank those companies that continue to inspire us. Oh, to be so young and lithe, those beautiful forms that give such joy to the world! There’s an element of risk in all performances – those high kicks and spins can go wrong. Thank goodness no one’s gotten a bloody nose or taken a nasty tumble. I would be beside myself if they had, just unthinkable, really, we would all feel so distraught.

One couldn’t fail to notice how very lovely the audiences are. The atmosphere in these theatres really makes for an absolutely sensational night out, from the grand and luxurious theatres, those seats just scream of elegance and fine dining, to the hushed anticipation before the curtain rises, an evening spent enjoying these works of art simply feels decadent, my dear. You might want to check in with my other monthly column, “What’s in my bag”, if you're looking for the perfect outfit for your next visit, of course one has to consider the theatre, the season and even the seating position! If you want a picture to remember, I find one cannot go wrong with a little black number or maybe a fabulous “Oscar de la Renta" design. I’ll see you all at the ballet.

And now, darlings, on with the show!

I'm rather partial to the ballet and love watching all the big names dance in a spectacle of twirls and turns! So here’s a bit of a round-up from my little month on the dance circuit:


  • **“La Bayadere”** Well, let’s be honest, this is an all-time classic and if there was any ballet on our schedule this month, it’s one of the productions we would simply have to see, with some dazzling costume designs and that final grand pas de deux, well, we were left gasping. They do know how to create an epic.
  • **“Swan Lake” ** Every company puts their stamp on “Swan Lake” but for me it’s the Russians who are masters of grandeur, and they bring it out in every performance of this much loved piece.
  • **" Giselle"** Another all-time favourite, this production, we really found the young ballerinas were showing us something different, very striking indeed and we’re on the look-out for a new star to watch this season!

The Royal Opera House

  • “Romeo and Juliet”** I was swept away by their stunning interpretation, a classic given new meaning and new heart! Those costumes, I loved those rich velvets.

Australian Ballet

  • ** “Swan Lake”** A beautifully contemporary production which brought the charm and grace we are accustomed to from the Aussies. This is another ballet to catch this autumn season, so do give them a chance!

The Paris Opera Ballet

  • **“Giselle”**. Another stunning, very heart-rending piece. Their take on this piece was exceptional.

Emerging Talent and Exciting Performances

Now, darlings, the stars are always captivating us with their dance skills, but what we were truly excited to see this month was some absolutely spectacular choreography which is always something new and interesting, so exciting! Here are my favourite new and refreshing takes on ballet for this month, definitely on the look-out list, and to be added to your social schedule, my darling:

  • The Royal Ballet ** –“Le Corsaire"** ( At the Royal Opera House) An exciting new staging – if you’re tired of “Swan Lake” this really brought an exhilarating ballet, featuring strong performances and exciting choreography that had audiences gripped to their seats. It was clear that this piece has a lot of appeal, which was not lost on the enthusiastic crowd, we must all try this at least once for something completely different!
  • Birmingham Royal Ballet ** “A Streetcar Named Desire”** We simply must acknowledge a truly thrilling performance this month that we can't say enough about, simply fantastic! You’ll have to be prepared to experience some true emotion and feel every element of the ballet right through to the deepest core. If that sounds a bit much you can just go and marvel at how the choreography captures the story's raw emotion perfectly and take in those beautiful costumes, darling.
  • San Francisco Ballet - "AfterLife" ** ( At the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House ) This one had to be added! With choreography from the fantastic Helgi Tomasson, you really won’t want to miss a chance to see the SF Ballet dance his new work – simply masterful in every element. So do grab tickets darling, it really was so good.
  • English National Ballet “La Sylphide”** (At the London Coliseum) Another production you must grab tickets to see! Those fabulous set designs. Well, you’ve never seen a piece look like this. The choreography was absolutely thrilling. It just makes us wish we had the skills they have! The first few performances were very busy, which is telling! There’s some real excitement surrounding this production.

The talent at all these companies is astounding and they truly inspire us with their work, and to bring the spotlight to them is always an absolute honour and it just fills us with a joy we can't describe, so we have to thank these talented souls. Do you agree, darling?

We hope we’ve inspired you to visit the ballet in this new season! Do be sure to let us know about what you enjoyed watching.