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Ballet Buzz: February's Finest

My dears, what a month for dance! February, always the most deliciously dramatic and passionate of the months, certainly lived up to its billing. From the breathtaking grandeur of Paris to the intimate charm of Edinburgh, we saw dancers transcend their earthly bounds and take flight in ballets both new and old. I am practically buzzing with delight at the sheer spectacle and artistry that gracefully adorned the stages around the world. Here, I’m going to take you, my darling readers, on a little whirlwind tour of February's finest. Put on your finest frock, darling, because this is going to be an exquisitely fabulous journey!

Let's begin our little escapade with the shimmering jewel that is the **Paris Opera Ballet**, where the divine **Manuel Legris** is making quite the stir as Artistic Director. With his unparalleled knowledge and experience, he's bringing the Paris Opera to new heights of perfection. It's practically the epitome of balletic elegance! My favourite production in February had to be ** La Bayadère**. It was a true feast for the eyes. I loved the vibrant costumes and sumptuous sets, a perfect visual accompaniment to the emotional depth and intensity of the performance. There are, of course, wonderful dancers on every stage, but the company's prima ballerina, **Agnès Letestu,** truly stole my heart. The grace, strength, and emotional range that she brought to her performance was quite mesmerising. The pas de deux between Letestu and the charming **Karl Paquette** had a sense of effortless alchemy. It's the kind of ballet that stays with you for days afterwards, churning in your heart.

From the iconic beauty of Paris, let's fly on to the artistic mecca of **London**. This city's dance scene is incredibly vibrant, with so many talented dancers and innovative choreographers creating a constant whirlwind of exciting performances. The **Royal Ballet** never ceases to amaze with its exquisite technique and stellar productions, and in February we were treated to their rendition of Swan Lake. What a classical masterpiece it remains! And **Marianela Nunez** in the role of Odette/Odile was nothing short of sensational. Her performance was an explosion of artistry; her technical prowess was awe-inspiring, and she brought a captivating sense of drama and vulnerability to both roles. Her entrance as the Black Swan was nothing less than spectacular, and the power she exuded while performing the iconic 32 fouettés simply took my breath away. The supporting cast was wonderful, too, with the prince charming **Matthew Ball** bringing a perfect balance of grace and strength.

At the **Royal Opera House**, there was another performance that truly impressed me – **Akram Khan**'s **DESH**. It's not every day that a dance piece combines traditional Indian dance forms with contemporary movements, but Khan achieved this blending with incredible elegance. The choreography was a perfect example of innovation at its finest, exploring themes of migration, belonging and displacement with powerful movements and evocative symbolism. DESH , my dear readers, is not your typical ballet; it's something completely new and daring and definitely deserves its rave reviews.

Across the pond in the great city of **New York**, there were a number of exciting productions in February, the most captivating of which was the **American Ballet Theatre's** performance of ** Romeo & Juliet**. We have seen this ballet many times, but its timeless beauty never loses its power. The ballet was brought to life with a touch of extraordinary genius by the exquisite **Natalia Osipova** as Juliet, she truly embodied the essence of this tragic love story. She radiated an emotional depth and tenderness that I found absolutely spellbinding. Of course, her dance partner, the talented **David Hallberg** as Romeo, played his part with grace and sincerity, their pas de deux were the highlights of the show. It really felt like we were watching love unfold in its purest form.

I mustn't forget the intimate and truly amazing **Scottish Ballet's** production of The Sleeping Beauty, a wonderful production. The dancers at the Scottish Ballet are such treasures! Their technical skill, grace and warmth were on full display in their performance. The magical atmosphere of the production transported us all into the realm of fairy tales, and I loved the delightful touches of modernity woven into this classic piece. This was a balletic journey that left us all dreaming of enchanted castles and happily ever afters.

It would be criminal to conclude this review without a mention of The Nutcracker, which, in February, made a triumphant return to the stage in a production by the **American Ballet Theatre**, the story continues to enchant and enthral generations of dance lovers. I must say, the **American Ballet Theatre** continues to dazzle with their impressive technical excellence and expressive choreography. But, I confess to being somewhat biased because the delightful Sara Mearns** was a simply exquisite Sugar Plum Fairy. The beauty of her movement, and the sheer strength and precision with which she danced is, for me, what ballet is all about.

February, you are indeed a month that brings joy and inspiration to dance enthusiasts around the world. The passion, talent, and sheer brilliance that grace the ballet stages this month leave a lasting mark. From the grandeur of the Paris Opera Ballet, to the charming productions of the Scottish Ballet, this month offers a truly delectable feast for the eyes and soul.

Let’s look forward with anticipation to the coming months, dear readers, because we know the ballet world will never stop thrilling and delighting us with the sheer magic of movement and artistry!

Dance Reviews

Here are just a few of my favourite performances and productions from around the globe!

  • **La Bayadère** by the **Paris Opera Ballet**, featuring the brilliant Agnes Letestu. This spectacular production was simply breathtaking.
  • ** Swan Lake ** by the **Royal Ballet**, London. This timeless masterpiece never ceases to amaze! **Marianela Nunez** gave a spectacular performance.
  • DESH by **Akram Khan**, Royal Opera House, London. An extraordinary blend of Indian traditional and contemporary movements.
  • Romeo & Juliet by the **American Ballet Theatre**, New York, featring the extraordinary Natalia Osipova** as Juliet, who, it is said, “stole the show.”
  • The Sleeping Beauty by the **Scottish Ballet**, a truly beautiful production. This was a delightful journey into a magical realm.
  • The Nutcracker by the **American Ballet Theatre** New York, featuring **Sara Mearns** as the exquisite Sugar Plum Fairy.
Ballet Fashion

The ballet world, darling, is always setting trends, even on the fashion front! Here is my round-up of some of the most elegant and daring ballet fashion statements from the month:

  • Parisian Glamour : The **Paris Opera Ballet**, known for its classic elegance and chic approach to costume design, really dazzled in ** La Bayadère**, The stunning jewel tones, the rich silks, the opulent embroidery, everything was simply breathtaking. And let's not forget those magnificent headpieces, darling, real showstoppers!
  • London Chic : The **Royal Ballet** always knows how to blend the traditional with the modern in their costume design. ** Swan Lake ** showed us this perfectly, the elegant tutus of the Swan corps, with their ethereal lightness and grace, perfectly captured the fragility of these creatures, while the bold, crimson tutu for Odile added a touch of dramatic power to the performance.
  • New York Edgy : In **Romeo & Juliet**, the **American Ballet Theatre** took a daring and modern approach. The costume designs for this ballet were all about a sleek and edgy minimalist aesthetic. They avoided the usual fussy designs for the Renaissance period, embracing a more contemporary style. This brought a touch of raw and emotional intensity to the ballet. The minimalist approach really let the dancers and their powerful movements speak for themselves.

That's all for this month, dears! Let's make the most of these fabulous and exciting ballet performances in the months to come! Until next time, my darlings, keep your spirits high, and keep on dancing!