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August: A Whirlwind of International Ballet

Darling readers, as the summer heat intensifies, so does the world of ballet! From the sun-kissed shores of the Mediterranean to the vibrant energy of the Far East, August has been an absolute whirlwind of performances, offering a captivating kaleidoscope of talent and artistic vision. So let's grab a chilled glass of something sparkling and dive right in!

Parisian Elegance Meets Modern Edge

Paris, as always, exuded an effortless charm with the return of the Opéra de Paris’ annual Étoiles gala. This year's performance was a delectable cocktail of classic and contemporary. The ever-stylish Marie-Agnès Gillot glided through a Balanchine piece, her precision and poise leaving the audience spellbound. But what truly stole the show was the premiere of a new work by the darling of the moment, Guillaume Côté. His choreography, a bold exploration of human emotion, was both raw and refined, showcasing the company's exceptional dancers in a new and thrilling light. The entire evening felt both familiar and refreshingly avant-garde, perfectly capturing the essence of modern Parisian elegance.

Russian Tradition Revisited

Meanwhile, across the border in Russia, the legendary Mariinsky Ballet hosted their annual White Nights Festival. What is it about those long summer days that makes the ballet so magical? From the classic elegance of Swan Lake to the dramatic storytelling of Romeo and Juliet, the company's technique was flawless. And of course, the stunning costumes were a visual feast, each detail meticulously crafted to evoke the spirit of tradition and the grandeur of the Russian ballet. However, what really stuck with me was the Festival’s closing night. A performance of The Sleeping Beauty featuring a young rising star, Olga Smirnova, who embodied the role with a depth of feeling that belied her years. The way she brought Aurora to life, her movements a mix of fragile innocence and resolute strength, was simply mesmerising.

The East Meets the West in New York

As we fly across the Atlantic, we arrive in the heart of New York City. This August saw the American Ballet Theatre hosting a unique and fascinating collaboration with the Tokyo Ballet. The result? A powerful exploration of different cultural influences and a testament to the universal language of dance. The program featured both traditional and modern works, highlighting the diverse talents of both companies. I particularly loved a collaboration by a Japanese choreographer inspired by the beauty and serenity of nature, which contrasted beautifully with the dynamic energy of a more traditional ballet piece. The evening left me reflecting on the ways in which dance can bridge cultural divides and create an unforgettable shared experience.

Dancing on the Beach

From the grand stages to the sand, the summer's ballet buzz didn’t stop. This year the Spoleto Festival Italy brought its annual "Ballet on the Beach" event, a charming mixture of ballet and beach vibes. As the sun began its descent, creating a golden glow across the sea, the dancers took centre stage right on the shore. Imagine it, sand between your toes, the fresh salty air whipping through your hair, and the elegance of ballet unfolding before you. I admit, I've never seen the combination of sea, sand and dance executed so well - it was pure magic! This special event highlighted a youthful ballet troupe, offering a glimpse of the future of this beautiful art form.

Beyond the Stage

While performances took centre stage, the buzz around the ballet world extended beyond the stage this August. There was a renewed interest in the world of ballet documentaries and the art of choreography. Two standout productions were a candid documentary on the workings of a ballet company, offering a rare insight into the sacrifices, passion and artistic struggles that underlie a beautiful performance, and a moving film on the life and legacy of a legendary ballerina. Both were heartwarming and thought-provoking reminders of the humanity at the heart of this refined art form.


August has been an extraordinary month for ballet lovers, proving that this art form continues to evolve and inspire audiences worldwide. Whether on a grand stage or a sandy shore, the passion for dance has been undeniably contagious, leaving me with a renewed appreciation for the beauty and emotionality of this enduring art form. Stay tuned for September, my darlings, for I have a feeling that this whirlwind of balletic magic is only just getting started!