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The International Ballet Scene: A Toast to the New Year

Oh, darlings! The festive season is officially over, and what a way to kick off the year than with the spectacular array of ballets and performances gracing the stages of the world! From Paris to New York and back to London, this January has truly been a treasure trove of art and athleticism. It’s enough to make one giddy, simply delightful!

First, let's start with the **Paris Opera Ballet**. You all know how much I adore the sheer glamour and sophistication that this company brings to every performance. And **Cinderella**, this month's offering, certainly didn't disappoint. From the moment the curtain rises, you’re swept into a dreamland of intricate sets and dazzling costumes. The choreography, as you would expect from **Rudolf Nureyev**, is a masterclass in classic ballet with exquisite partnering, beautifully-detailed movements, and a touch of theatrical flair that gives the piece a unique edge. Now, darling, I've seen Cinderella countless times in various interpretations, but the **Paris Opera Ballet’s** interpretation just felt fresh and truly enchanting. And let's not forget the costumes, those exquisite Cinderella-esque gowns – they were like pure magic, all layers and sparkle. Oh, I almost fainted!

Moving on to London’s **Royal Opera House** - my very own favourite theatre, you know. The **Royal Ballet**'s revival of **The Sleeping Beauty** is, of course, a must-see. But what’s exciting about this season is the innovative casting they've embraced. We've seen several young dancers take centre stage, and let me tell you, they're simply sensational! **Marcelino Sambé** was nothing short of spectacular as the Prince. His athleticism and charisma, coupled with his exquisite technique, had everyone absolutely swooning. I felt like I was watching a ballet prince reborn on stage. Of course, the costumes – ah! – simply divine, especially the **Aurora's** dress with all that layers of shimmering tulle and sequins – just pure fairy tale perfection.

Across the pond in New York, **American Ballet Theatre** presented a rather intriguing production of **Giselle**, which showcased a very modern approach to this classical masterpiece. What impressed me most was the raw emotion conveyed by **Misty Copeland**, who made Giselle’s journey so intensely personal, it almost felt like a confession. It was a masterclass in subtlety, conveying the nuances of the character through nuanced movements and expressive facial expressions. **Cory Stearns**’s Albrecht, on the other hand, added a certain raw, masculine edge to the performance - something I usually prefer, because it gave an interesting tension to the entire narrative.

The **New York City Ballet**, on the other hand, brought its trademark energy and modernity to **Serenade**, George Balanchine’s timeless work. What’s beautiful about this company is their precision – it's almost uncanny. Each movement is executed with the sharpest lines, perfect balance, and impressive control. The energy in **Serenade** is exhilarating – there is such dynamism in every step. I find myself caught in their flow of movement. A modern ballet piece in the classical context that is a delight to see!

Now, let’s head back to Europe. In **Vienna**, the **Vienna State Opera Ballet** unveiled their interpretation of **The Nutcracker**, and it was as magical as I'd imagined. **Nikolaj Hübbe**, as always, created beautiful and evocative choreography, with his usual flair for grand, sweeping movements and elegant partnering. The whole performance was enchanting - and there was so much visual splendour - beautiful costuming and a fantastic set - everything came together in perfect harmony. The dancing was impeccable. This production really captured the wonder and joy of the season. A real treat for all ages, including this ballet-mad lady!

Beyond The Classics

While I adore the classical works – I truly do – it is always refreshing to see something new, something bold and cutting-edge. This January, there were some captivating contemporary ballets that caught my attention.

The Royal Ballet**, for instance, presented **Wayne McGregor’s** newest piece, **Dark Arteries**. McGregor’s work always pushes boundaries – it is innovative, energetic, and visually striking. **Dark Arteries** was no exception. The choreography is full of bold and provocative movements, drawing the audience into the emotional and physical complexities of the dancers. It was quite something. I’ll admit that it isn’t everyone's cup of tea. If you like your ballet with a bit more abstraction, and you like your choreography to have a narrative with more layers than just an obvious plot, then you’ll be enthralled by McGregor’s piece.

The **Nederlands Dans Theater**, known for its groundbreaking and contemporary work, brought a series of its newest productions to the world, and they’ve been making waves in the dance scene! In a very stylish interpretation of a work by **Twyla Tharp** called **The Golden Section**, NDT gave us a very intriguing dance. It was so different from their more abstract pieces. A classical style with some of Twyla Tharp’s typical sharp angles and movements, mixed in with some of their own very intricate partnering. Definitely something a little more challenging, which is always a nice change of pace.

Ballet And Beyond

Now, you all know I am a firm believer in embracing all forms of artistic expression. Therefore, this month, I found myself intrigued by a new dance piece by the **Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater**. It was a completely new piece based on the idea of finding hope in dark times. And darling, it was powerful. The raw emotion that poured out from each of the dancers, with their raw talent, took my breath away! It's truly an emotional experience - not just a performance - that stayed with me for days after. It reminded me why I love the power of dance so much.

The beginning of a year is a chance to set new goals, to try something different and explore the world of ballet in its many facets. And this January, it’s safe to say, has already inspired me in ways I didn’t expect. As we enter the heart of the year, I’m eager to discover the ballet gems that await. May they fill us all with joy, beauty, and a deep sense of wonder, as only dance can do! Until next month, my darlings!