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April Showers Bring Ballet Flowers: A Global Roundup of Springtime Dance

As the spring equinox arrives and a kaleidoscope of blossoms explodes across the world, the ballet scene blossoms in parallel. The first crocuses are poking up, and so are the ballerinas, pirouetting across stages from London to Tokyo. Let's peek into the dance world, shall we, and see what blossoms are bursting with colour and artistic promise.

London Calling: A Double Dose of Magic

The Royal Ballet's spring season opened with a bang, quite literally. A triumphant revival of Kenneth MacMillan's Manon, all drama, desperation, and the undeniable allure of the tragic heroine, set the tone. It was, if I dare say it, the ultimate example of the “dramatic” genre – thrilling, devastating, and beautifully danced by a stellar cast. The always brilliant Marianela Nuñez as Manon and the captivating, charismatic Vadim Muntagirov as des Grieux created a whirlwind of emotion on stage. There was real fire in their love story, but it’s the heart-breaking denouement that makes this work such a must-see. The audience was left speechless; their applause was not so much clapping as gasps and sighs.

Of course, the season isn't over yet! Just as exciting is the upcoming world premiere of Wayne McGregor’s new creation, set to an eclectic score featuring electronic and live music. Titled "Emergence", it promises a dazzling exploration of individuality and the collective in the ever-shifting landscape of modern life. McGregor, a master of blurring the lines between classical and contemporary, is renowned for his visceral, kinetic choreography. He’s pulled together a group of “remarkable dancers”, the programme says. We will see… This is one to mark on your calendar darling.

Paris: Elegance and Escapism

Parisian balletomanes are basking in the delicate, shimmering light of the Opéra de Paris' "Cinderella." This iconic Prokofiev score always elevates a production above the ordinary. Choreographed by the eternally stylish Rudolf Nureyev, it is a quintessential ballet, and the Parisians are in a swoon, savouring the traditional ballet vocabulary – exquisite pointework, lithe leaps and beautiful port de bras. This production is about more than a prince and his dreams, it’s a study in beauty itself, one that’s been enchanting audiences for over a half-century. And let’s face it, isn’t that just what the doctor ordered for an April in the City of Lights?

Tokyo: Pushing the Boundaries

And from the sublime to the surreal – the avant-garde always thrives in Tokyo, where, at the Bunkamura Orchard Hall, a company is premiering the newest creation by rising-star choreographer Akiko Kitamura. It’s not about princesses, though. The theme? The ever-perplexing question of self. Her choreography is all angular, sharp-edged and full of daring movements, exploring those existential moments that we all grapple with. What sets this production apart is its embrace of multi-disciplinary performance – it involves sound installation, multimedia and, wait for it, a guest appearance by a renowned performance artist from the world of Butoh. The Japanese always push the boundaries. This production is certain to send the audiences home thinking long and hard – and maybe doing a little philosophising while stretching.

Across the Atlantic: American Gems

Over in America, New York City Ballet is showcasing the brilliance of Jerome Robbins with a series of memorable one-act works. There is a sense of poetry in his creations, a delicate balance of humour, passion, and tenderness. Each one is a masterpiece – you simply must see these ballets to fully appreciate their unique power. The ballet company’s website, oh my! It even lists which ballet-shoe manufacturer each of the dancers prefers - is that not the kind of detail we live for?

Dance and Delicacies: Beyond the Stage

Every great dance night must be followed by the post-ballet feast, an essential part of the art experience for any dance enthusiast. After experiencing such diverse artistic expressions, I propose a taste of the season’s bounty. Perhaps some delicately layered asparagus with shaved parmesan, or a springtime risotto dotted with bright, flavourful peas. Or perhaps, to indulge in a more decadent treat, we will savor the taste of the most beautiful dessert - delicate meringue, layered with spring’s first strawberries.

Beyond the Curtains

As spring bursts into summer, the ballet season will continue with the allure of the "en plein air," when we can enjoy ballets and performances under the warm summer sun and twinkling lights. So make sure you catch a ballet, or several, during this enchanting season. For ballet is not merely a spectacle; it is an expression of the very soul of human movement. It speaks volumes without ever saying a word.

Now, I must go, there's a performance starting in just minutes, at London's Sadler’s Wells Theatre. It is, of course, the annual performance of the young and undoubtedly inspired dancers of the Royal Ballet School. I'll catch you all next month for a new round-up.