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The air crackles with anticipation as the lights dim and the stage becomes a blank canvas, waiting for the brushstrokes of movement to bring it to life. Tonight, it's Constant Lambert's Horoscope that graces the Royal Opera House stage, a work I've longed to experience. This ballet, born in 1938, is an exploration of the astrological signs, each one imbued with a distinct character, a distinct narrative woven into the tapestry of human existence.

The opening tableau, dedicated to Aries, erupts with fiery energy. The dancers, dressed in bold red costumes that seem to pulsate with passion, move with a visceral, almost primal intensity. It's like witnessing the raw, untamed spirit of the zodiac's first sign bursting forth. Each step is sharp, decisive, driven by an unyielding ambition that captivates the audience.

But the energy shifts as we move onto Taurus. The dancers, adorned in rich earth tones, exude a sense of grounded stability, their movements graceful, yet unwavering. Their steps are strong and purposeful, imbued with a sensual grounding that evokes the sensual pleasures of this sign.

As Gemini takes its turn, the stage comes alive with playful energy. The dancers, dressed in light and airy garments, flit and dance with a nimble grace that embodies the dualistic nature of this air sign. Their steps are quick, fluid, mirroring the Gemini's ability to embrace opposing forces, always seeking a balance, a connection between ideas.

The world of Horoscope continues to evolve as we encounter Cancer, their movements characterized by a delicate fragility. Clad in soft, shimmering white costumes, they evoke the nurturing nature of this water sign, their steps gentle and flowing, evoking a tender sense of vulnerability, yet resolute in their emotional strength.

Leo arrives, and the stage is illuminated with a vibrant gold, the costumes shimmering like the sun. The dancers move with a regal presence, their movements exuding confidence and a fiery passion, captivating the audience with their undeniable charisma. This is the lion, strong, radiant, captivating, embracing the spotlight with pride.

Then, Virgo, the practical, methodical sign, emerges. Dressed in understated browns, they perform with precision and control, their steps defined by structure and a desire for perfection. Virgo brings order and balance to the stage, a stark contrast to the raw, fiery energy that preceded it.

As Libra takes its bow, the dancers move with a harmonious elegance, seeking balance and compromise. Clad in cool blues and grays, their movements flow with an ethereal grace, highlighting the diplomatic nature of this air sign. Each step is graceful, calculated, seeking a perfect equilibrium, a gentle dance between opposing forces.

Scorpio's intensity explodes onto the stage. The dancers, clad in a deep, sensual red, embody the depth of passion, the alluring mysteries associated with this water sign. Their movements are captivating, magnetic, full of unspoken secrets, holding the audience spellbound with their captivating allure.

Sagittarius, in bold hues of turquoise and azure, comes alive with a vibrant energy. The dancers move with an irrepressible sense of freedom, their steps filled with joie de vivre. Their enthusiasm is infectious, drawing the audience into their world of optimism, adventure, and unbridled enthusiasm.

Capricorn, dressed in a muted gray that speaks of ambition and purpose, emerges with a slow, calculated intensity. Their movements are grounded and precise, mirroring the determined, ambitious spirit of this earth sign. The dancers embody the resolute pursuit of goals, a steady climb towards success, never wavering in their pursuit of power and recognition.

Aquarius, the unconventional sign, bursts forth in a splash of electric blue. The dancers, with their vibrant individuality, move with an innovative spirit, their steps defying conventions, embracing the unique and unconventional. Their energy is rebellious, unconventional, their steps infused with a spark of genius, a quest for a better, more egalitarian future.

Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, emerges in ethereal white. They are dreamers, the dancers embody the boundless imagination, the depth of feeling associated with this water sign. Their steps are gentle, almost otherworldly, their movements infused with a mystical aura, transporting the audience into the realm of dreams, the world of infinite possibilities.

Throughout the ballet, Constant Lambert's music serves as a masterful canvas upon which the choreography is painted. It's a vibrant tapestry of sounds, echoing the energy of each astrological sign. The music for Aries is a fiery crescendo of brass, punctuated by sharp percussive rhythms, reflecting the raw, untamed energy of this sign. Taurus' music, on the other hand, is grounded and sensual, with warm woodwinds and rich string arrangements that evoke the earthy pleasures of this sign. Each astrological sign has a musical identity that underscores the dancers' movements, creating a synergy between the music and the visual spectacle.

Lambert's composition transcends a mere musical score; it is an integral part of the narrative. The music guides the story, amplifying the emotional weight of each scene, each interaction between the dancers. When the stage is filled with the raw energy of Aries, the music echoes with bold brass, the percussion a rhythmic pulse that matches the intensity of the dancers' movements.

When the dance transitions to the grounded sensuality of Taurus, the music becomes softer, imbued with the rich, warm tones of the woodwind and strings, the music reflecting the earthy nature of this sign. The score doesn't just complement the dance, it propels it forward, building a sense of emotional resonance that carries the audience through each scene, each sign of the zodiac.

And the dancers themselves bring to life these astrological sign, each one a breathtaking portrayal of the complex personalities that exist within each sign. There's a fire in the Aries dancer's eyes, a fierce determination that pulls the audience in, captivating us with their unwavering pursuit of their goals.

The Taurus dancer moves with a sensuality that draws us in, grounding us with their powerful, yet graceful steps. They embody the earthy pleasures of this sign, their movement an invitation to savour the simple joys of life. The Gemini dancer is a whirlwind of energy, flitting across the stage with a quicksilver agility, embracing the duality of this air sign. Their movements are a joy to watch, showcasing their nimble agility and the constant shift in their character, a dance between opposing forces. The Cancer dancer, clad in shimmering white, conveys the gentle fragility of their sign with delicate, fluid movements, expressing both their vulnerability and their strength with an elegant grace. The Leo dancer is an explosion of confidence, their every movement infused with a vibrant energy that shines bright on the stage. Their movements are commanding, passionate, they embody the strength and radiance of the sun sign.

Virgo, dressed in muted browns, embodies order and perfection. Their steps are precise, elegant, showcasing their meticulous approach to life. Each movement, like the sign itself, seeks a level of control and perfection, bringing a calming sense of order to the stage. Libra's dance is characterized by a gentle grace and a harmony between contrasting movements. Their steps are fluid and elegant, reflecting the sign's innate diplomacy and search for balance. Scorpio, shrouded in a deep, alluring red, embodies passion and mystery. Their dance is a mesmerizing blend of power and intrigue, drawing the audience into the seductive world of this water sign. Sagittarius, adorned in bright blues, embodies boundless energy and a love of adventure. Their movements are infectious, filled with joie de vivre, mirroring their sign's thirst for knowledge and new experiences. Capricorn, in muted gray, showcases the unwavering ambition and resolve of this earth sign. Their dance is a testament to their focused drive, every step guided by the pursuit of success. Aquarius, clad in vibrant blue, bursts forth with innovation and rebellious spirit. Their movements are bold and daring, breaking free from conventions, challenging societal norms with every step. Pisces, the last sign, dances with a mystical aura, clad in ethereal white. Their movements are dreamlike and fluid, evoking the boundless imagination and the sensitive nature of this water sign. Each dancer, in their own way, becomes the embodiment of their sign, giving life to the diverse and complex world of the zodiac.

As the final notes of Lambert's score echo in the auditorium, the curtain falls, leaving the audience bathed in the afterglow of the experience. Horoscope is more than just a ballet, it's a journey of self-discovery. It invites us to examine the tapestry of our own personalities, to delve into the depths of our astrological identities and to find the dance within our own unique stories.

My Take:

  • Horoscope is a visual and aural treat, a powerful exploration of the astrological signs and their unique personalities. The interplay between choreography, music and set design is captivating.
  • The dancers are brilliant, embodying each astrological sign with nuance and depth. Their movement speaks volumes, capturing the essence of each sign and giving a compelling, visual representation to their complex personalities.
  • Lambert's music is the beating heart of the production, a masterful tapestry of sounds that resonates with each sign, amplifying the emotions of the choreography. It's not just background music, it's a character in its own right.
  • This is a ballet that challenges you, it provokes thought and contemplation. It encourages us to examine the complex dynamics of our own zodiac signs, our inherent strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations, and see them reflected in the movement and music.

If you're looking for a ballet that transcends traditional expectations, that challenges and captivates in equal measure, Horoscope is a must-see. It is a ballet that will linger in your memory long after the curtain falls, a testament to the enduring power of music, dance and the timeless magic of the Zodiac.