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Kizzy Matiakis: A Life in Pointe Shoes

Born in the heart of the United Kingdom in 1981, I, Kizzy Matiakis, knew from the tender age of four that ballet was my destiny. My parents, while initially surprised by my fervent desire to pirouette before I could even read, were remarkably supportive, enrolling me in the local dance school. That’s where my passion truly ignited, fueled by the magic of movement, the allure of music, and the intoxicating world of pirouettes, leaps, and graceful extensions.

From the very beginning, I was an eager student, absorbing the artistry of ballet like a sponge. I thrived in the strict yet nurturing environment, my limbs elongating, my posture refining, my steps growing more confident. The hours spent practicing, pushing my limits, refining my technique – all of it felt like a natural extension of who I was. By the time I reached the age of 10, my talent was undeniable, drawing the attention of prestigious dance academies.

And so, I packed my bags and left the comfort of my familiar world to join the Royal Ballet School. London’s iconic ballet haven became my new universe. I reveled in the rigorous training, the inspiring performances by world-renowned dancers, the thrill of standing on the same stage as legendary ballerinas before me. This period was both demanding and rewarding. The long hours, the aching muscles, the fierce competition, they were all part of the journey.

My days were structured: morning classes focused on developing strength, flexibility, and technique, while afternoons were dedicated to repertoire work, where we learned iconic ballets like Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and Giselle. The energy within those rehearsal rooms was electrifying, an intoxicating mix of adrenaline and artistic passion. It was within these hallowed halls that my talent bloomed.

The First Steps to the Stage

My debut as a professional ballerina was a dream come true. It happened at 17, when I was offered a contract with the English National Ballet. That evening, I stood backstage, a mixture of trepidation and excitement bubbling within me. The theatre, lit up by the spotlight, seemed vast, yet my steps felt certain as I took the stage.

The thunderous applause as I bowed, the overwhelming sensation of having connected with the audience, it all felt like an incredible confirmation of my path. Over the next few years, I was part of the company’s exciting repertory, dancing a range of roles, from graceful leading ladies to fiery character pieces. Each role, no matter how small, honed my craft.

But I longed for something more, a yearning for greater challenges. This led me to apply to the prestigious Royal Ballet, the crème de la crème of ballet companies in the UK. And then came the moment, a mixture of disbelief and elation – I was chosen. Joining the Royal Ballet felt like a culmination of years of dedication and passion. This stage felt like home. The company, brimming with seasoned veterans and aspiring stars, became my second family. This was where I felt I could finally truly express myself, explore my talent and push my artistry further.

Stepping Into the Spotlight

With the Royal Ballet, I blossomed. My talents as a ballerina became fully recognized. I found myself performing alongside renowned dancers, mastering intricate choreography, and enchanting audiences night after night. As my confidence grew, I was entrusted with principal roles, a testament to my skill and artistry.

Each performance, whether in London’s grand Coliseum or during international tours, felt like an explosion of emotion. The ballet became a conduit for expression, allowing me to share stories of love, loss, and triumph with every gesture, every movement, every twirl. Some of the highlights include:

  • My first leading role in Swan Lake: The transformative journey from the innocent, naive Odette to the tormented Odile became a defining moment for my craft.
  • Performing in The Nutcracker: Bringing Clara’s youthful innocence and awe to life, it resonated deeply with me and captured the magic of this timeless classic.
  • Dancing Giselle: The challenge of portraying a fragile and ultimately tragic heroine was one I embraced, the weight of emotion driving my performance.
  • Creating a new ballet, ‘Whispers of the Wind,’ alongside the talented choreographer, Thomas Eliot: It was an experience unlike any other, the journey from concept to performance being truly fulfilling.

These, along with numerous other performances, formed the heart of my journey with the Royal Ballet. I reveled in the opportunity to not only perform but also contribute to the world of dance through workshops, masterclasses, and mentorship programs. I discovered an unbridled passion for sharing the love and beauty of ballet, not just through performing but through educating, inspiring, and motivating aspiring young dancers.

The Inevitability of Farewell

However, as much as I cherished the life I’d built as a dancer, a subtle change within me began to stir. I knew I couldn’t dance forever. Every pirouette, every leap, took its toll. I wanted to explore new creative avenues and find other ways to express myself. With a mix of melancholy and anticipation, I announced my retirement at 37, concluding a remarkable journey. But retirement didn’t mean ending my connection with ballet. Instead, it opened a new chapter filled with new challenges and rewards.

Beyond the Pointe Shoes

The first few years of retirement were spent adjusting, enjoying the freedom from a demanding schedule. I traveled, indulged in passions I had neglected during my busy ballet career, and even took up a long-forgotten childhood hobby – writing. This was a side I’d not known I possessed but the stories started flowing like a never-ending well. It was then, sitting with pen in hand, that I realized the power of storytelling, the connection I felt with words mirrored the connection I had experienced as a ballerina, an artistry expressed through different mediums.

My first novel, “Dance with the Wind,” was a reflection of my time as a ballerina. Weaving my personal experiences into the narrative, the book chronicled the life of a young aspiring dancer, exploring the sacrifices, challenges, and rewards of the ballet world. This, in a way, was a farewell to the life I’d known, a celebration of its joys and a quiet acknowledgement of its departure. But it was also a new beginning.

The book found resonance with audiences, both ballet enthusiasts and those curious about the world behind the curtain. This was unexpected but exhilarating. Writing, like dancing, became a powerful tool of expression, allowing me to explore my own feelings and share them with the world. And so, with the same dedication I brought to my ballet career, I dove headfirst into the world of literature, determined to craft stories that moved hearts, sparked imagination, and resonated with the spirit of human connection.

Since my debut novel, I have written several more, delving into diverse genres. From romantic novels exploring the complexities of relationships, to historical fiction chronicling events from the past, to mysteries that left readers questioning everything, each story felt like an extension of the storytelling skills I’d developed within myself. My creative journey mirrored the challenges and joys I experienced as a ballerina. I found new challenges, unearthed hidden skills, and embraced the thrill of crafting narratives that captured readers’ imaginations.

Leaving My Mark

Though my time as a ballerina is behind me, my love for ballet endures. It has shaped who I am, ignited my artistic spirit, and given me the confidence to chase new dreams. As an author, I carry the artistry of ballet within me, using it as inspiration, as a source of creative fuel. My journey, both as a ballerina and an author, has been a tapestry of highs and lows, victories and losses. Every challenge I've faced, every dream I've pursued, has contributed to the person I am today, a testament to the power of dedication, perseverance, and passion.

My ambition is to continue weaving narratives, to find stories that resonate with readers across the world, stories that spark conversation, leave a lasting impression, and connect us through the universal language of human experience. But for now, my gaze rests on the world ahead, brimming with new opportunities, unexplored landscapes, and a yearning to discover new chapters of my story.

From the grand stages to the solitary world of a writer, from the world of pointe shoes to the realm of words, my life remains intertwined with artistry. It is the core of my existence, a reflection of my spirit, a pursuit that fuels my creative fire. In the end, whether it is on a stage under the spotlight, or in the quiet solitude of my writing desk, I strive to leave a mark, to share my stories, my emotions, my passions with the world.