Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2001-09-28 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #265)

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, back from my whirlwind trip to London! It's always so much fun exploring this fabulous city, and this trip was extra special because... drum roll ...I had my first performance in London! Yes, you heard that right! This little pink tutu-wearing ballerina took to the stage in the capital, and it was utterly magical!

Before I get into all the excitement of the performance, let's rewind a bit to the beginning of my adventure. It's always such a thrill getting on the train from Derbyshire. You see, the train station is practically my second home, with its constant flow of people going about their day, all sorts of interesting faces and outfits, and a comforting scent of old books and steamy hot chocolate.

This time, I felt particularly inspired! I'd gone for a bright pink top, my signature tulle skirt, and a pink and white polka-dot coat - the perfect London look if I do say so myself! I settled into my comfy carriage seat and spent the journey admiring the changing landscapes, watching the world go by.

London was calling, and my excitement was mounting! It was such a fantastic feeling arriving at King's Cross Station. It's just a buzz, you know? Everywhere you look, people are rushing around, and the energy of the city is palpable.

Fashion, Food and Friday Fun

First on the agenda, naturally, was a visit to the Covent Garden market. It's my absolute favourite place to get a taste of the London buzz, and I can't resist all those cute boutiques and charming stalls overflowing with colourful fabrics, delicious treats, and handmade jewellery. I snagged the prettiest, hand-painted pink flower for my hair - a perfect addition to my ballet-inspired look!

Next, I wandered over to Liberty London. The stunning art nouveau architecture always draws me in, like a giant, magical wonderland. It was my first time visiting their café, and it was even more whimsical than I imagined! It was absolutely dripping in charm, from the pastel colour palette to the elaborate teacups and delicately-prepared pastries.

After all that exploring and tea-time indulgence, I was ready for some delicious lunch. And there's no place better in London for a truly British treat than The Roast House at the Barbican Centre! The roast beef is absolutely divine, the crackling so crispy and the gravy so rich, it's pure comfort food at its finest!

And you just can't leave Covent Garden without popping into the Neal's Yard. This hidden gem is truly magical! It’s an idyllic haven bursting with colour and fragrance. Just walking through those cobbled alleyways, lined with adorable boutiques and cute cafés, was pure bliss!

The day wasn't over yet, because London was in for a treat: a special "Tutu Takeover" street performance at the heart of the city. With a small but dedicated team of fellow ballerinas, we'd planned a surprise flash performance in front of the iconic St. Paul's Cathedral. We started off by warming up and giggling with the group. You can imagine the nervous excitement buzzing in the air as we waited for the cue!

London, Take a Bow!

We emerged into the bustling heart of London with the most incredible view of the cathedral, a magnificent landmark etched into the city’s skyline. And then, music filled the air, our tulle twirled with a breathtaking ballet flourish, and a hush fell over the crowd. There were gasps, whispers, smiles, and then spontaneous applause. I have never been more proud of us as we finished our routine.

The sheer joy of dancing under the open sky, feeling the sun on my face, with the awe-inspiring cathedral looming behind us was beyond compare. And as we gathered to bow, the cheers and whistles from the onlookers really filled us with warmth and pride! People were snapping pictures, clapping, and beaming with delight. We managed to pull it off flawlessly, bringing a little bit of magical sparkle to London’s busy day!

As the crowds dispersed, and the echoes of our ballet fades, it was time to head to the theatre! After all, that was the whole reason for my trip. I'd snagged tickets to see "The Phantom of the Opera" and I was SO excited. It was truly captivating. The performance was absolutely magical! From the exquisite music to the dazzling costumes, everything was simply stunning!

It was such a pleasure to spend the afternoon immersing myself in the beauty of a truly iconic performance. After the show, I made my way to my hotel. Feeling so energised, I just had to make the most of London by night!

My Pink Tutu Night Out

Now, if you know me, you know I'm not one to miss a good night out in a stylish dress, a bright pink tutu, and a sprinkling of glitter, and London didn’t disappoint.

With my ballet costume still tucked under my arm (because every ballerina is always prepared!), I walked over to Oxford Street. There, I discovered a darling little shop called "The Dress Edit." It’s just chock-full of unique, statement-making pieces! After spending some quality time trying on a million amazing outfits, I walked out with a beautiful burgundy velvet dress that felt both stylish and playful.

But my outfit needed a final touch of 'Emma' sparkle! Off to another hidden gem: a dazzling costume shop called "The Vintage Wardrobe." They had the most amazing selection of feathers, sequins, and headbands, all in every shade of the rainbow, naturally! My eyes fell upon a magnificent golden feather headpiece, perfect for a London night out, and I snapped it up without a second thought.

For my final dinner, I couldn’t resist taking my taste buds on a delightful adventure at a cosy and friendly restaurant called "La Piazza" tucked away in Soho. I just love how vibrant this part of the city is! The food was so incredibly delicious, especially the authentic Italian pizza, bursting with fresh flavours!

With a happy heart and a slightly sore throat from cheering and singing along to "The Phantom of the Opera," I finished the day with a stroll through the colourful, neon-lit streets of Soho, admiring the quirky art displays and taking it all in.

From the City to the Stage

And finally, the big day arrived! I couldn't believe that the performance had actually arrived. I had worked so hard for this opportunity! My excitement mixed with the butterflies in my stomach had me feeling like a little kid again.

Stepping on that stage was surreal. I could see the London skyline gleaming beyond the theatre curtain. There was a magical hush before the music began, and for a moment, I was swept away in a whirlwind of dazzling lights, shimmering costumes, and a vibrant orchestra.

We poured our heart and soul into every twirl, leap, and step. It was such an unforgettable feeling to be performing with such talented dancers, to be sharing my love of ballet with the audience. There was a tangible electricity in the air as our pirouettes swirled across the stage. The audience was enthralled, captivated by the beauty of the music and our storytelling through movement.

After the final curtain call, I walked off the stage buzzing with happiness and a deep sense of satisfaction. My legs were tired, my feet were aching, but my heart was bursting with pride.

It was truly the highlight of my week! This was my big moment, dancing in London, making dreams come true, and proving that a little pink tutu and big dreams can conquer anything!

And now, with London calling once again in the distance, I head back to Derbyshire, overflowing with inspiration for new routines, fashion ideas, and dreams of spreading my love for ballet, one pink tutu at a time.

So, lovelies, keep on twirling!

Until next Friday!


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2001-09-28 Exploring London