Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2001-10-19 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #268 - Friday 19th October 2001: A Whirlwind of Pink Through London!

Hello, my darlings! It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! And what a day it’s been! I just adore these London jaunts. They always leave me feeling like a new bloom – full of energy and inspiration!

Today’s adventure began with the crack of dawn (okay, maybe more like 7am!), but hey, gotta make the most of every minute! A delicious breakfast of toast and jam was followed by my usual morning routine of pliés and arabesques in my boudoir (because, you know, I always like to start my day with a little bit of grace!)

The train journey from Derbyshire was a delightful one. You see, the train is my favourite mode of transport, especially for London adventures. Something about the clickety-clack rhythm and the constant change of scenery – so captivating! And today, the sun was shining, illuminating the rolling countryside in shades of gold. I just wanted to put on my tutu and leap right into the scenery – almost did, but thought the passengers might raise their eyebrows (and maybe even call the police, I wouldn't put it past them, those stuffy folk!)

As soon as the train pulled into King’s Cross, I was swept up in the London hustle. This city just pulsates with a vibrant energy that makes my heart sing. After a quick stop for a fabulously floral cappuccino (pink, of course, because why not!), I was off on my pink-tutu-fuelled London explorations.

First stop was Covent Garden! The atmosphere here is so bustling and exciting, even for a Friday afternoon. Every street corner seems to burst with music and colour – my kind of place! I especially enjoyed seeing all the incredible street performers – an aerialist spinning gracefully in the air, a group of musicians creating captivating melodies with their instruments, and a young girl dancing a delightful ballet routine right there in the middle of the street. I think the world could use a lot more of those spontaneous bursts of talent!

Speaking of talent, have I mentioned that I was blessed with a fantastic performance at the Royal Opera House on Wednesday night? It was Giselle, and my tutus just twirled around me as I took to the stage. There’s just something about the sheer drama and romance of the ballet that leaves you feeling inspired!

Covent Garden led me into the West End, where the atmosphere felt decidedly more theatrical! So many glittering theaters, it was a dream! Of course, I had to take a stroll through the enchanting street where all the theatre queens gather, Soho, before moving on to the ultimate shopping experience - Oxford Street.

Let’s talk fashion for a second. If there’s one thing that can compete with the thrill of dancing, it’s finding the perfect new outfit! I mean, I could just browse the shops for hours on end! The windows were absolutely bursting with autumnal colour - think warm browns, rusts, and, of course, plenty of gorgeous pinks! There are so many stylish choices out there for any fashion-conscious ballerina (pink tutus are pretty popular right now, let me tell you!), I nearly had to use my little ballet bag for an emergency purchase or two! It’s definitely a good thing I had some serious willpower on hand!

Lunch at a charming café was an absolute treat. The café itself was a picture of classic Parisian style, and the food? A culinary masterpiece! And what else is a London day trip without a little afternoon tea? It just wouldn’t be the same! A lovely lady in a traditional tea shop treated me to some delicious Earl Grey and finger sandwiches – it really is a must-do for any afternoon tea enthusiast, I tell you!

As the day turned into twilight, I felt an urge to explore a different side of London. So, I headed towards the Thames and the Tower Bridge. There was just something about the grand old buildings and the historical aura of this area that stole my breath away. I couldn’t resist the chance to walk along the river, taking in the sights of the City with the setting sun painting a gorgeous golden sky behind it. It was breathtaking. I have to say, I find London incredibly captivating - the old mingling with the new, the vibrant colours of life mixed with centuries of history. It really is a wonder to behold!

My adventure ended with a final glimpse of the Big Ben clock tower standing majestically against the twilight sky. It seemed to remind me that, like London, my day had also passed far too quickly, but it left me brimming with memories that will surely stay with me.

Back on the train heading back to Derbyshire, I realised what I loved most about my London jaunts – the excitement, the beautiful shops, the incredible theatres, the beautiful ballet shows. And of course, it was also about finding all sorts of inspiration that I can bring back to Derbyshire, sharing it with all you lovely pink tutu people back home! And you know what? I’m already planning my next London adventure! Because who can resist a trip to this enchanting city, eh?

And now, I must get going – I have a big day ahead of me! I have to pick up some new ballet shoes, go to ballet class, and prepare for my next show! Oh, and let’s not forget, I also have to get back to the real task at hand: inspiring the world to wear pink tutus. A truly vital role, don’t you agree?!

Don’t forget to check out for more adventures in pink!

Until next time, darlings!

With twirling kisses,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2001-10-19 Exploring London