
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-02-07 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Post #336: A Whirlwind Friday in London!

Hello darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, and itā€™s Friday, which means itā€™s time for a brand new #PinkTutuBlogLondon post!

This week, I decided to hop on a train and head to the Big Smoke for a day of London adventures! I'm so excited to share all the fabulous finds and experiences I had with you all.

Now, I know what youā€™re thinking: a tutu-wearing ballerina taking the train to London? Itā€™s absolutely magical! But then, my dear readers, you all know I'm all about making every day feel like a magical fairytale, and thatā€™s exactly what I was aiming for.

My trusty pink tulle tutu swished around me as I boarded the train, creating a cloud of pink enchantment and drawing admiring glances from fellow passengers. The carriage was abuzz with the excitement of a Friday commute. Children giggling, people catching up on phone calls, and the rhythm of the train itself - it felt like a journey through a storybook.

But before we jump into the whirlwind that was my London day, I just wanted to give you a little peek into how I'm able to fund these fabulous travels and ballet adventures. As you all know, my heart beats for the stage, and my dance performances are the source of my travel funds. I dedicate many hours to rehearsals, training, and sharing my passion through performances. Thereā€™s nothing more magical than feeling the connection with an audience as we share a love for the art of ballet.

And now, back to my Friday escapades!

The train arrived at Kingā€™s Cross station, which was a hive of activity. People rushing in every direction, taxi horns beeping, and the scent of street food filling the air. As a true ballerina at heart, I was drawn towards the impressive red and white facade of the famous St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel, its grandeur rivaling that of a stage set!

With the iconic clock tower of Big Ben gleaming in the distance, I decided to explore the nearby Covent Garden. It felt like stepping into a vibrant world of bustling shops, street performers, and tantalising smells emanating from the many food stalls. My stomach grumbled ā€“ I knew I had to have a proper London breakfast before embarking on my explorations.

Of course, a traditional fry up was definitely calling my name, but I'm a big believer in finding the healthiest option whenever possible, especially when I'm travelling. So, after a quick check on my trusty smartphone (the 21st-century version of a ballerina's enchanted wand), I found the perfect little cafe just tucked away from the hustle.

Now, this cafe is definitely a secret gem that deserves a shout-out! I know how much you all love a good discovery, and trust me, this one won't disappoint! They had a fabulous vegan breakfast with the best halloumi hash I've ever had! You'd think you were eating the real deal! I also indulged in a pink latte - what's a London adventure without a bit of pink?!

Refuelled and ready to take on the city, I walked around, taking in the bustling energy. I had to stop and appreciate the beauty of the Royal Opera House - a breathtaking landmark showcasing its own brand of magic, one I absolutely adore. I always feel a pang of nostalgia when I see it, because my first proper ballet experience was right here in this very city, seeing a magical performance of The Nutcracker.

And speaking of the Nutcracker, today was Friday 7th of February 2003! That meant it was a special day - a chance to indulge my love for all things theatre and the arts! Why? Because itā€™s the opening night of the famous annual ā€œThe Big Drawā€ exhibition! A massive display of all things art, a place to celebrate the creativity in all its forms! I've got to confess, it was an absolute dream to wander around, taking in all the art installations and pieces on show. It really is a testament to the artistic spirit of London, a true celebration of our vibrant artistic community.

You see, London is more than just a big city. It's a vibrant cultural melting pot of creativity and inspiration. My ballet performances are inspired by the art I encounter, the people I meet, the stories I see unfolding around me. That's why I always incorporate my personal experiences into my choreography - to blend the elegance of classical ballet with the vibrant street life that London offers.

And speaking of the vibrant streets of London, my next destination was a must for every shopaholic - Oxford Street! Now, I love all things glamorous, and Oxford Street is a true haven for fashionistas like me. As I wandered amongst the crowds of shoppers, my heart fluttered at the sight of the numerous designer boutiques and department stores lining the streets. I confess, my mind was swirling with outfit combinations and dreams of stylish ballet costumes!

There were simply too many exciting things to choose from, it felt like the most incredible stage setting for fashion! I was like a butterfly flitting from shop to shop, enchanted by the gorgeous colours and textures of fabrics. Thereā€™s a certain magic in discovering the perfect outfit - one that speaks to you and expresses your personal style, donā€™t you think? You canā€™t put a price on a truly iconic, statement piece, my dears. I certainly wasnā€™t planning on resisting!

Oh, and by the way, have you seen the latest trends for ballerina outfits? I spotted the most gorgeous blush-coloured satin pumps and a sleek black and white ballet skirt. So excited to bring a bit of that elegance to the stage in my next performance.

Speaking of elegance, after an afternoon of indulging my inner shopaholic, I decided to treat myself to some afternoon tea at one of those lovely Victorian tearooms that London is famous for. And when I say Victorian, I really mean the full experience ā€“ beautiful floral decor, fine china, and a pot of tea that would rival any stage set for its elegance. I had a slice of Victoria sponge that could have been a prop in a fairytale movie. The whole experience was a true taste of a bygone era.

You see, I really do believe in appreciating the elegance and the finer things in life! The classic details, the old-world charm, and the beauty of traditions ā€“ these are the things that truly inspire me. They give me the energy to keep pushing boundaries, to constantly be seeking new creative heights with my performances.

And as evening fell, I made my way to the National Theatre. Tonight was the grand opening night of the latest Shakespeare play ā€“ a true masterpiece! You all know my love for theatre goes hand in hand with ballet, each inspiring the other. Shakespeareā€™s stories are a masterpiece of storytelling, and seeing them brought to life on the stage is nothing short of magic.

I had the honour of joining the audience tonight, seeing those beautiful words and characters transformed on stage. Thereā€™s no better place than London to experience live theatre! The energy in the theatre, the laughter, the anticipation - the entire experience is captivating.

My dear readers, if you ever find yourself in London, take the time to explore its incredible theatrical offerings. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories, the magic of performance. The theatre is where dreams are brought to life, and London is a haven for theatrical wonders!

Feeling inspired and rejuvenated, I hopped back on the train home to Derbyshire, where I plan to weave these London adventures into my choreography for my next performance. My pink tutu swirling around me as I boarded the train, I felt like a ballet dancer in my own little fairytale, the London lights shimmering like stage sparkles in the fading evening sky.

So there you have it - my whirlwind Friday in London! A day filled with pink tutu adventures, artistic inspiration, delicious food, and magical moments.

As always, dear readers, thank you for joining me on this adventure. And remember, no matter what life throws your way, always embrace the beauty of every moment and remember, the only rule for living life in a pink tutu is to live life to the fullest and wear it with pride.

Until next time, my darlings!

*#PinkTutuBlogLondon #LondonLife #BalletLife #Travel #PinkTutuAdventures #Fashion #Theatre #BigDraw #LoveLondon #LondonIsMyStage #KeepDancing #NeverStopDreaming *

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-02-07 Exploring London