Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-04-11 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #345 - A Whirlwind Friday in London Town!

Hello darlings! It's Friday again, and as you all know, Friday means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! I'm bubbling over with excitement, as I just got back from a fantastic whirlwind day trip to London, and let me tell you, it was all kinds of pink-tastic!

But first, let me introduce myself for any newcomers who haven't stumbled upon my little corner of the internet yet! I'm Emma, a proud Derbyshire lass who lives, breathes and twirls for ballet. I just can't get enough of those pirouettes, those leaps and those breathtaking performances! And of course, my unwavering passion is a little something called pink. You know me, always in my favourite pink tutus, twirling through life, sharing the joy of ballet with anyone and everyone who'll listen!

My mission, should I choose to accept it? To get everyone wearing a pink tutu! Seems silly, I know, but the sheer delight that spreading pink tutus brings is infectious. Who knows, maybe the world could be a slightly brighter, happier place, all thanks to the power of the pink tutu. It's worth a shot, right? 😉

Anyway, enough about my slightly absurd life mission, let's get back to my day trip to London. It's been a while since my last visit to the big smoke, so I was feeling all kinds of giddy. I love that train journey from Derbyshire – the views are just gorgeous, especially when the sun is out, which, luckily for me, it was this Friday!

It's not a particularly long journey to London, maybe 2 hours max, and I just love watching the countryside whiz past, turning into the busy hustle and bustle of London. It's amazing how the landscape can transform so quickly! I know some folks like the car, but I've always preferred train travel. Something about that steady rhythm, those views… it just inspires my imagination and sets the stage for an exciting day out! And besides, you can wear your pink tutu comfortably on a train – there’s no parking worries, you can read a good book, and nobody’s honking their horn!

By the way, if you haven’t noticed, this Friday was the 11th of April. That date might not mean anything to you, but let me tell you – I had this date circled in my calendar for ages! Why? Well, darlings, because I got myself tickets to see Swan Lake at the London Coliseum! A performance of Swan Lake is a must, wouldn't you say? It's just pure magic! Seeing those dancers glide across the stage in their tutus… It's pure artistry!

Tutus and Shopping - What a Dream Combo!

Anyway, let's rewind a bit before I start going full on gushing over the Swan Lake performance! As always, I needed a little pre-ballet ritual. And that always involves shopping for a few little fashion treats! It's been a bit since my last visit, so it was like the world was calling my name from every window and storefront, beckoning me to go shopping!

First stop, Oxford Street, of course! And I didn’t forget my pink tutu, darlings. Even when shopping, it's always essential to maintain a little flair, you know? After all, the way I see it, every day is an opportunity to be extra fabulous! I had a proper tutu twirl down the street as I stepped out of the station!

Well, let me tell you, Oxford Street is never a dull affair, that's for sure! There's a buzz in the air that’s just electric. People rushing about, shop assistants calling out from every doorway… but even in all the hustle and bustle, there’s something wonderfully energetic about the whole thing. I think the combination of all those vibrant colours and the exciting, optimistic atmosphere – It's definitely my kind of energy.

My heart was thumping like a ballerina's beat as I walked into my favourite vintage clothing store! I found a vintage dress for just a few pounds and a pair of gloves, perfect for adding a little glamour to my ballet outfit. Later that evening, when I donned those gloves, it really gave my ballet ensemble that je ne sais quoi, if you catch my drift! That extra touch is so important! It just elevates the whole look to another level. You know how it is, ladies!

Now, for those of you who haven't experienced it, vintage clothing is an absolute delight. Think of it as a treasure hunt! It's all about unearthing little gems that others have missed. Sometimes you stumble upon some real hidden treasures – I once found an absolutely beautiful vintage ballet tutu. You know what I mean – the kind that would be right at home in a vintage Parisian dance studio!

More than just Swan Lake, A Ballet Odyssey!

Okay, time to move on from shopping and delve into my glorious evening at the London Coliseum! Seeing Swan Lake is never just seeing a performance. It’s an entire evening of delight, a total immersive experience! I arrived a bit early because I wanted to get into the atmosphere. I felt my excitement building with each step into the Coliseum. The foyer buzzed with anticipation and energy, everyone clearly looking forward to what promised to be a captivating performance.

Once inside, I loved just absorbing everything - the opulent architecture of the building itself, the sense of tradition. And of course, there was the buzz of pre-performance chatter, the rustling of programs, the quiet humming of an expectant audience. There's truly something magical about being a part of this atmosphere, and the energy in the theatre made my own twirls a little more excited!

As the lights dimmed and the curtain rose, a collective gasp rippled through the auditorium. And as the opening notes of the music echoed through the theatre, my heart truly soared! This wasn't just a ballet; this was a celebration of dance. It was a visual story told in elegant movement.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking “Emma, why is ballet so important to you?”. And my answer is this: Ballet is a language you can understand in any culture! You don't need words. The dancers tell a story through every graceful movement, every expressive look, every poignant emotion that plays out on stage!

Pink Tutu After-Show: London Night Lights

After the last notes of Swan Lake faded, the entire audience rose as one. We erupted in applause for the dancers, for the orchestra, and for every member of this magnificent, passionate performance team. My head was still swimming with the elegant movements, the beautiful costumes, the intricate choreography, and the power of every single graceful performance! I was just lost in this world of ballet magic!

And as always, I decided to make a night of it! You see, there’s something magical about the atmosphere in London at night. You feel this sense of energy and possibility! I made my way to the heart of London's famous Chinatown for a celebratory meal with friends! A steaming plate of Chinese duck! What could be more perfect after an incredible evening of ballet! It was an experience that left my soul full of joy, and I knew that my tutu journey in London wouldn’t end here!

So there you have it, another pink-tastic Friday in London town! Now, I know many of you might be thinking: "Emma, we’ve all heard of London! What else have you got up your tutu sleeves for next week’s blog post?" And to that I say: I have plans that’ll involve another one of my all-time favourite things – vintage clothing! There are some exciting events happening next week, and let's just say I might just be planning a tutu shopping trip! So stay tuned, darlings, and be sure to check in next Friday! You won't want to miss it!

Don't Forget!

As always, be sure to visit to follow my journey of tutus, travels and all things pink! Let me know what you thought of my Friday in London!

P.S. My website has been getting lots of traffic! And you guys really seem to enjoy these London blog posts. So please keep following, and feel free to send me your questions, thoughts or just chat about all things pink! Love reading from all you beautiful people! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-04-11 Exploring London