Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-04-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #347 - A Friday Fling in London Town! 🩰💕

Oh, my darling Tutu Tribe, how are you all doing? It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another London escapade, and I can hardly contain my excitement! The air is thick with the scent of spring, the city is bustling with life, and I’m ready to embrace all things fabulously feminine!

This week I boarded the train from Derbyshire, a trusty friend by my side, a fluffy pink tutu of course! (Because you know me, it wouldn’t be a journey without it!) It's been such a fun week leading up to this adventure – I performed a magical Giselle in Nottingham on Tuesday night, which absolutely flew by. The applause, the stage lights, the thrill of taking on such a classic role… it just fuels my passion!

This trip is entirely fuelled by my Giselle performances, you know – the tutus really are the cash cows! I have my own special fundraising routine, darling: the tutu-a-day. For each day that I’m on the road, I add a new pink tulle number to my collection. It’s my special way to spread a little joy and remind people that a little bit of sparkle goes a long way! ✨

The Capital Calling...

Stepping onto the bustling platform of London's King's Cross station, I felt that familiar, invigorating tingle of excitement. I know I’ve been to London countless times, but every visit feels like a new adventure! With a twirl and a smile, I embarked on my exploration of this charming metropolis, and, my dear readers, let me tell you, today's Friday adventure is definitely one to write home about!

A Day of Culture and Delights

First on my list, was the magical world of the Royal Opera House! There’s something simply electrifying about walking into Covent Garden, a swirling mix of artists, shoppers, tourists, and yes, tutu-clad ballet enthusiasts like myself.

I was so thrilled to see the brilliant English National Ballet perform The Sleeping Beauty. The choreography, the costumes, the talent... all of it absolutely blew me away! Every pirouette, every arabesque was a thing of pure beauty, making me want to leap onto the stage myself! Afterwards, I managed to get a sneak peek at the ballerinas' dressing room – a beautiful whirlwind of hairspray, bobby pins, and, of course, shimmering tutus. I nearly squealed! It was pure inspiration for my next ballet blog post, trust me!

After the ballet, a touch of London fashion was in order, and what better place to start than Liberty's on Regent Street? A symphony of colourful silks and bold patterns, a haven for the fashionistas among us! My eyes, darling, they were popping! Every corner seemed to scream “PINK” with its fabulous display of exquisite fabrics and textures. My credit card was groaning (and so was I! ) but I left with a glorious blush pink silk scarf, a reminder of this day of pure delight!

Speaking of delightful, afternoon tea is an absolute MUST on any London trip. Today’s destination was The Ritz – classic, sophisticated, and yes, a tutu-friendly atmosphere (no need for an elaborate excuse here). I mean, how could they refuse such a vision in pink! The ambiance, the exquisite finger sandwiches, the perfectly brewed tea… and those beautiful petit fours! You can see I'm smitten with it all!

But London isn't all fancy high-tea affairs. It’s the magic of the National Gallery , a place where art speaks volumes, each brushstroke a whisper of stories and emotions. I spent ages lost in the swirling colours and delicate detail of John Constable’s landscapes. They were purely enchanting! I actually almost started drawing on my sketch pad! Luckily, it remains pristine and ready for my next art inspiration, possibly even one inspired by my very own ballet classes, or perhaps by the latest street dance performances that have been so thrilling! The city is abuzz with creativity!

A Bite of London

I love finding little tucked-away gems for a quick bite, and this Friday it was The Regency Cafe near Oxford Street. I don't know why but London just seems to produce these incredibly cute little cafés, the epitome of quirky charm! This one, darling, served the most divine coronation chicken sandwich, accompanied by the crispest side salad! Pure London bliss!

Of course, every Friday requires a dash of evening magic. Tonight, I ventured into the West End, the beating heart of London theatre! This is always a special highlight!

The dazzling stage of The Theatre Royal Haymarket held the highly anticipated Guys and Dolls. A fantastic performance with some truly exceptional song and dance routines. The musical numbers transported me to a different era!

Back to Derbyshire, But With a London Heart

And with that, I said goodbye to London for another week, boarding the train, filled with new inspiration, new stories to tell, and of course, my ever-growing collection of pink tutus. My London escapades, fuelled by the joy of dancing, the glamour of theatre, and the allure of London fashion, never fail to leave me feeling enchanted!

What can I say? This is the pink life!

Until next week, keep it fab, darling, and remember: there's always a reason to twirl! Love always,

Emma, Your Pink Tutu Blogger xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-04-25 Exploring London