Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-02-20 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post 390: Friday Frolics in the Capital!

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your resident tutu-wearing, pink-loving blogger, bringing you the latest from London! This week I took the train down from my Derbyshire home, leaving behind the quaint country lanes for the bustling heart of London. Oh, how I adore that train journey! Watching the countryside morph into cityscapes, the air filling with the rumble of engines and the hum of activity, just fills me with a kind of magic only London can evoke.

Today was a whirlwind of frills and frills, and let me tell you, it was pure joy! I arrived bright and early, armed with my pink tutu bag overflowing with delights for my day - my favourite ballerina flats, a bright pink scarf, and a smattering of lip glosses, of course!

The morning saw me flitting around Covent Garden, lost in the vibrant energy of the market stalls. The aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the scent of blooming flowers, and the air buzzed with the chatter of locals and tourists alike.

First Stop: A Touch of Theatre

I knew exactly where to start - the magnificent Royal Opera House! There's nothing quite like the feeling of the red velvet seats welcoming you, knowing you're about to experience something truly special. Today was a performance of “The Nutcracker". As always, the dancers were exquisite! The elegance, the precision, the sheer talent of these performers was breathtaking! I confess I got swept away with the story, completely transported to a land of snow flakes and sugar plums. The beautiful music, the elaborate costumes, and the magic of the theatre – pure perfection! I know I'll be humming "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" for days to come.

Time for a Fashion Fix

Feeling inspired by the beautiful costumes and elegant movements, my next stop was a must - Harrods! Who can resist a little retail therapy? My inner fashionista came alive amidst the gleaming aisles. I just couldn't resist a couple of pink scarves to match my London mood. Let's just say, I may have accidentally found a new shade of pink called “Harrods Pink”...

I am absolutely in love with this new shade - it's vibrant yet sophisticated, and it will most certainly be making its debut on my Instagram feed very soon! My friends might be wondering how my tutu budget allows for these purchases. They’d be surprised how many tutus a girl can make from a ballet performance.

Street Performance Delights

In the afternoon, I meandered towards the heart of the city - Piccadilly Circus. Now, let's face it, the Piccadilly Circus scene is a little chaotic, but the buzz and the energy just make it irresistible. But amidst all the flashing neon signs and tourists, I found myself mesmerized by the sheer talent of the street performers!

A captivating fire juggler captivated me with her twirling torches, while a couple of dancers, dressed in sleek black tutus (imagine my joy!), danced with an effortless grace, their movements echoing the energy of the street itself. I just couldn't resist throwing in a few coins for their talent! I'm convinced those dancers could be performing on the West End stage, but instead they are sharing their gifts with anyone who wants to stop and enjoy! It was another testament to the extraordinary talents London seems to draw out of its citizens.

Ballet in the Big Smoke

Of course, no trip to London would be complete without a ballet class! Tonight I went to a dance class at the beautiful Pineapple Studios. I feel like the air in London just buzzes with creative energy, and as soon as I stepped into the dance studio, that buzz became contagious!

Joining other enthusiastic dancers, the world vanished as we stretched, warmed up, and learned new steps. You can't beat the feeling of pure movement, the freedom of letting your body flow with the music. Plus, being surrounded by others who share that passion, that love for the elegance of dance – well, it's just a beautiful thing!

And as I wrote these words, back in my quaint little Derbyshire cottage, I'm already longing to return to London. The energy, the culture, the vibrant spirit - it's just utterly addictive! And who knows? Maybe I'll even try to find a local dance studio here, a place where I can share my love for dance and encourage others to wear a tutu, to celebrate life with every pirouette!

See you next week, lovelies! Emma XOXO

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media, where I share my adventures, ballet class tips, and my passion for everything pink! You can find me on

Instagram @PinkTutu

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-02-20 Exploring London