Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-08-06 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post 414 - A Friday of Fun in the Big Smoke!

Hello, darling! It's Friday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog post, fresh from the heart of London!

I know you love hearing all about my adventures in this fabulous city, and this week's been no exception. The excitement of taking the train down from Derbyshire to the bustling London station was already setting my heart a-flutter.

I’m here to make all things pink tutu happen and to spread a little bit of sparkle everywhere I go, whether it’s London, the Lake District, or any other town or city you can think of. Every time I wear my favourite pink tutu, I know it’s sending a message to the world – to embrace your inner girly girl, embrace your inner dancer and embrace your love of fun!

Now, let’s dive right into my Friday jaunt!

Morning magic

First things first, a little London sunshine greeted me when I stepped out of Kings Cross Station - oh, the joy of a bright day in the Big Smoke! My first mission, of course, was to locate the nearest Starbucks - you know how much I adore their hot chocolate! It’s simply the perfect way to get that morning caffeine fix in a gorgeous, cozy setting.

And then it was on to Oxford Street for some serious shopping!

Finding the Perfect Pink Tutu in London

Speaking of shopping, my wardrobe is always yearning for new pieces and let's be honest, when in London, you simply have to embrace the best of British fashion. I popped into a few boutiques, and you know what? It wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu Blog post if I didn’t find the perfect little pink tutu. A delicate, layered, pale pink confection - you could say, this tutu had my name on it!

Dancing Through Covent Garden

Next stop, a spot of lunch and some serious people watching. I settled myself at one of the many cute cafés in Covent Garden, watching the world go by, sipping a refreshing glass of chilled elderflower, the aroma of freshly made pizza and other delicacies wafting through the air.

You know me, I love a bit of impromptu dancing, and this place was practically calling me! The cobblestones felt like a stage under my pink tutu. Let's just say the onlookers got a show - I may have even inspired a little toddler to start a impromptu tap routine.

A Royal Evening

Now, for something a bit more sophisticated, I headed to Buckingham Palace, all the way from Covent Garden by bus, and I do love a good bus ride! It was such a nice evening, I was almost tempted to stay outside the palace and enjoy the ambiance. The place was buzzing with people, families enjoying the warm evening air and taking photographs, it was truly delightful. A nice change from the frantic pace of my shopping expedition earlier.

Speaking of that frantic pace, if you want to do serious shopping, Covent Garden is a great place to go - for fashion, crafts, treats and even a little live entertainment! You’re practically guaranteed to be charmed by something on any visit.

The sun started to dip below the horizon as I left Buckingham Palace and that meant only one thing - I had a date with the theatre.

The Ballet in all it's Glory

Now, I have to say, this Friday evening performance at the Royal Opera House was the icing on the cake. The sheer talent and elegance of the ballerinas on stage - wow! As someone who truly appreciates the beauty and artistry of ballet, there’s nothing like a real live performance to really get my heart racing! A ballet performance is truly an event! The dancers are graceful, elegant, they’re so light on their feet, it’s truly magical.

You can tell that these ballerinas, and the dancers, performers, singers, and all the other amazing artists working at the Royal Opera House are really passionate about what they do. Their love of their craft comes through their performances in such an exciting, heartwarming and dramatic way, I honestly feel moved when I’m at the ballet. It just takes you on such a journey.

That’s one of the great things about London, isn’t it? The wealth of cultural experiences you can enjoy. We are incredibly fortunate to have so much great culture and so much variety in what we can experience on any given evening! It was all a little overwhelming for this country girl!

Returning Home

You know, a day spent in the big city is a real thrill - there's something about its buzz, it's constant change, the mix of people. But when it comes down to it, I do enjoy the peace and quiet of my home. Back to Derbyshire and my sweet, little, ballet classes and the countryside setting.

After all, sometimes I feel that a big dose of the simple things in life is the best way to recharge my battery, get creative and prepare myself for my next big adventure, next London jaunt!

I have a few weeks before I’m back in London to enjoy a little ballet at the Royal Opera House once again. You know, the one thing I’m definitely not tired of! London and ballet, a truly magical combination!

I am hoping to write a more in-depth blog post about this magical night at the opera house for next week's post. After all, there’s always something to say about ballet, something new to experience!

See you next week, dear reader, I can't wait to tell you more!

Stay Pink!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-08-06 Exploring London