Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-12-24 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #434: A Whirlwind Christmas Eve in London!

Friday 24th December 2004

Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers! 🩰

I'm back from a whirlwind Christmas Eve in London, and let me tell you, it was utterly magical! This city is a true wonder during the festive season, twinkling lights, cheerful carols, and the scent of mulled wine everywhere you go! Oh, and I couldn't resist adding a little sparkle myself! 💫

It's time to break out my special Christmas Tutu! It's a breathtaking masterpiece, a sea of shimmery pink with snowflakes of shimmering gold that perfectly reflect the Christmas lights. If there was ever a time to embrace the joy of a twirling pink tutu, this is it! And believe me, it's caused quite the stir in the capital!

Let's rewind, shall we?

My journey to London was, as always, a magical affair! I boarded the train at Matlock Bath Station, the crisp air swirling around me as I gazed out of the window, watching the countryside flash by. This was no ordinary journey, oh no! The train was decorated for Christmas! Gleaming silver tinsel festooned every seat, carols gently played, and the conductor even had a cheery Santa hat! Every inch of that carriage felt like a magical festive ride to the heart of London.

Landing in London with a Festive Flair!

Stepping onto the platform at King's Cross Station felt like being transported into a festive dream. The air was alive with Christmas magic, filled with the sound of joyous carols, laughter, and excited chatter. And oh, those lights! London truly outdoes itself at Christmas! From the elegant Victorian lamps adorning the streets to the twinkling decorations that drape every building, it's simply breathtaking.

And of course, what is a London visit without a dose of fashion inspiration? I knew precisely where I needed to head first - the wonderful window displays of Harrods. Rows and rows of dazzling, sparkling baubles and decadent chocolate boxes. 🍫✨ The most extraordinary display was a magical snow scene where glittering reindeer pulling a glittering carriage moved around in the window. Oh, it was truly the most spectacular sight! It truly is a window display like no other, and I could not leave without a couple of extra sparkly baubles to adorn my tutu, or rather, my bag!

Next on the list, a trip to Covent Garden, a favourite haunt of mine in London! This time, it felt even more enchanting than ever before, adorned with festive garlands and towering Christmas trees. The festive scent of roasted chestnuts filled the air, and the beautiful voices of street performers added to the magical atmosphere. It was truly captivating! I had to snap some pictures for Instagram, naturally, showcasing my beautiful pink tutu in all its glory.

Christmas Eve Feast and Dancing on the Town!

Then came the delightful dilemma of where to feast for my Christmas Eve celebration! My London escapade wouldn't be complete without indulging in some delightful London fare, so a lovely little French bistro near my hotel beckoned! And the food! Divine, my darling twirlers! I had a delightful pate followed by a gorgeous slow roast chicken. It was everything a Christmas Eve feast should be, warm, cozy, and incredibly tasty!

And to top it off, a wonderful French Christmas treat, a piece of exquisite gateau made from raspberries, creamy chocolate, and a dollop of decadent vanilla cream! It was perfect. Every bit of this evening was pure Christmas bliss.

Later in the evening, I discovered a delightful ballet street performance! A group of talented dancers showcased their artistry and grace against a backdrop of twinkling Christmas lights! Their energy, the music, the captivating movements, everything combined for a beautiful evening ballet! They were wearing stunning pink tutus of their own, a real treat to witness the different shades of pink! You never know what hidden delights await you in London.

A Touch of Christmas Magic Before My Journey Home

With the lights twinkling above, I felt the city alive with anticipation. I was even lucky enough to see Big Ben chime the hours. That clock is quite iconic! I saw it in my last blog, a different date, and will see it again for many years to come! This incredible city, its beauty, its heart, its Christmas magic... it left me wanting to stay and soak up more of this amazing city, but sadly, Derbyshire awaits me and a quiet Christmas day at home.

There's nothing quite like a good book, a warming cup of cocoa, and a pink tutu after a Christmas Eve adventure. But before I sign off, I want to share a special piece of wisdom with you. Don't ever let fear or self-doubt hold you back from experiencing the wonders of this world. Life is meant to be lived, explored, and celebrated. Take a leap, embrace your dreams, and wear a pink tutu, for goodness sake! You won't regret it!

I shall see you all on Friday next! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas my darling Tutu Twirlers! 💋

Until next time,



My Christmas Eve in London reminds me to keep an eye on this blog, I will soon be visiting Bath! If you love the pink tutu and your city's history, a pink tutu visit to the city of Bath is perfect for you!

Don't forget to check out my blog at! And, remember, if you love pink, fashion, ballet, and everything fabulous, subscribe to my blog! Don't be shy, share your thoughts on your favorite pink tutu, and let's embrace the joy of being sparkly together!

I leave you all with some tips for visiting London!

Emma's London Tips

  • Wear a pink tutu, it’s absolutely fabulous in any season and makes everyone smile.
  • If you have never travelled by train in London, or even in Derbyshire, have a go! It’s so relaxing, a time to just sit, have a good chat and read.
  • Check out some local markets. I would love to share with you how to create your own little Christmas Markets at home with your families. Stay tuned to next Friday’s blog!

Let me know if you have any questions or you have visited a place I should go to for my next Pink Tutu Blog!

See you soon my Twirling lovelies,

Emma 💖

Bonus tip Don’t forget to buy a festive gift, the shops will be open all day long and a Christmas card will make someone’s day!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-12-24 Exploring London