Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-01-21 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #438 - Friday 2005-01-21: A Whirlwind of Pink Through the Capital!

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed travel blogger, back from another fabulously twirling adventure in the Big Smoke. And oh, what a day it's been!

This week, I packed my favourite pink tutu - a little fluffy number that catches the light like a thousand tiny rainbows - and set off from my quaint Derbyshire home. It's always such a treat to board the train; I love watching the world rush past the windows, each clickety-clack of the wheels composing a lilting tune. The smell of crisp air and hot tea reminds me of classic ballets – perhaps "Giselle" or "The Nutcracker" – those moments when the heroine is rushing off, full of hope and yearning.

Today's train journey felt extra magical. Maybe it was the warm sunlight, highlighting the delicate pastel colours of the winter sky. Or maybe it was the fellow traveller, a kindly gentleman with a bushy moustache and a pocket full of sweets for his grandchildren.

And let me tell you, this week in London felt extra magical too! As soon as I stepped onto the platform at King's Cross station, I could feel the electricity crackle in the air. The crowds were teeming with energy, like the “arabesque” dancers before a big performance. I found myself skipping across the street, humming a melody from a recent show, before hopping on a classic double-decker bus.

Oh, those classic double-decker buses! A true symbol of London and the perfect place for my day out.

I spent the first few hours getting my fix of culture, first visiting The National Gallery to immerse myself in art history. "The Rokeby Venus" – an iconic masterpiece! The swirling lines and expressive brushstrokes just begged to be interpreted through movement, to be danced to, or so I imagined.

From there, I found myself strolling through Covent Garden – what a delightful hub of entertainment! It's practically overflowing with buskers, street performers, and captivating theatre productions. My feet began to tap involuntarily to the infectious music floating from the market. The scent of freshly baked bread and roasted nuts was the icing on the cake.

I had to stop by The Royal Opera House, my heart overflowing with anticipation! The very thought of the world-class ballet performances taking place within its hallowed halls made my tutu swirl with excitement! Perhaps, someday, I might even grace this grand stage… A girl can dream, can't she?

This is where it gets exciting…because this weekend, on the 21st of January 2005, The Royal Opera House is presenting the first performance of “The Sleeping Beauty" this season, a classic! Oh, the magic and elegance! Imagine the intricate choreography, the shimmering costumes, the storybook romance. This is what my heart was longing for!

Before I could let myself get lost in my dreams of prima ballerinas and fairy tale castles, I was suddenly swept away by a wave of shoppers. The London shopping scene is intoxicating. It's like stepping into a glamorous fairy tale. I could spend weeks in this magnificent playground, flitting from one store to another, and never tire of discovering new treasures.

On this day, it was a divine vintage boutique in Notting Hill that caught my eye, boasting an amazing array of floral frocks, shimmery sequined jackets and...wait for it...a veritable pink tutu explosion! I must confess, I left with a new sparkly hairband (which matched my tutu perfectly) and a vintage silk scarf in a soft coral colour – my inner "Sleeping Beauty" wouldn't have it any other way!

But let's not forget about food. Every journey deserves a delicious finale. My final destination? The gorgeous Covent Garden Market. My tastebuds danced a joyful ballet as I indulged in a mouth-watering "steak and kidney pudding" with a side of mash potatoes - a quintessential British treat, truly the perfect way to finish a fabulous day.

What was on this day? You might be wondering! Well, let me tell you - apart from my tutu-licious adventures in London, there were some remarkable events unfolding across the globe. On this very date, the British Prime Minister announced a massive investment in the National Health Service! This fantastic news brought a smile to my face, warming me almost as much as my delicious pie!

Also, on the other side of the world, a major environmental summit began in Brazil, bringing together leaders and scientists to discuss solutions to global warming. Now, that's a cause worth supporting!

But honestly, no matter what the world throws my way, London will always hold a special place in my heart. This city thrives on energy and colour, embracing everyone from the grand dame in her silk dress to the street performer strumming his guitar with an unyielding passion. This vibrant energy has inspired me for so many years and will continue to inspire my pink-tutu-infused journey for years to come.

Oh, before I forget! Have you heard? I have a wonderful announcement to make. On February 5th, I'm planning a "Pink Tutu Flashmob" at The Tate Modern in London. Yes, you read that right! A flashmob of pink tutu-wearing dreamers - myself included! This will be an exciting opportunity to connect with like-minded souls and let loose.

Imagine the visual: A wave of pink twirling across the Tate Modern's vast atrium. The colours, the energy, the pure joy! If you're interested, find me on my website ( - you'll find all the details!

As always, be bold, be beautiful, be yourself. And never, ever underestimate the power of a pink tutu!

See you next Friday,

Your Pink Tutu Blogger,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-01-21 Exploring London