Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-08-18 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #520 - Friday 2006-08-18: Exploring Londontown in a Whirlwind of Pink!

Hello darlings! Welcome back to another fabulous Friday of Pink Tutu Blog London. This week, I'm fresh from the beautiful rolling hills of Derbyshire, where I danced my heart out at the annual "Ballet by the River" fundraiser. You should have seen the turnout! Everyone, even the vicar, had donned their fanciest frocks and tuxedos, with the gentlemen sporting (some would say sporting 😏) their very own ballet shoes for the occasion. I absolutely loved it. A whole day filled with the magical swirl of tutu's and the joy of sharing the love of dance.

However, my adventures weren’t over there, no siree! The sheer brilliance of a little performance in the sunshine was all the incentive I needed to get my head into planning the next stage of the Pink Tutu London Tour. Now, we’ve all got dreams – to go places, see things, make our own magical stories. For me, it’s a pretty clear dream: spreading the gospel of the pink tutu across this magnificent city and making it as fabulous as a triple pirouette in the centre stage spotlight! And let’s be honest, nothing shouts “Fabulous!” like a well-chosen pink tutu, especially in the heart of London!

So, imagine me, all packed up with my favorite tutu, (a beautiful blush pink with layers and layers of soft netting), my London Guide Book (complete with notes scribbled on the margins and sticky notes with my carefully-selected London adventures!), and a pink sparkly handbag (gotta be practical!) ready to face the vibrant chaos of this incredible city. There was a definite sense of “I can do anything” floating in the air (oh, maybe it was the magic of the Derbyshire hills). But whatever it was, the train station was beckoning and I was eager to get the adventure rolling!

And that, my lovely Pink Tutu lovers, is how I found myself gazing out of the train window at a lush, verdant landscape as the train picked up speed on its way to London King’s Cross Station!

Travel by Train: Now I have to tell you, train journeys are simply one of my favourite parts of any trip. Something about the rhythmic chugging of the wheels, the friendly faces in the carriages and the smell of coffee and warm biscuits in the air, conjures a sense of adventure.

And let’s face it, wearing a pink tutu on a train is guaranteed to put a smile on someone's face! Even in this super-serious city, you just can’t help but grin and be happy when you see someone sporting a fluffy cloud of pink loveliness – and, bonus, you never know who might want a selfie.

It was around lunchtime when I hopped off the train in Kings Cross and made my way into the bustling crowds of London. The atmosphere is simply infectious - you can practically smell the electricity in the air - the exciting energy of a million dreams taking shape.

*Where Do I Even Begin? *

London! You've been waiting a while! For this London blog, I needed to pack it all in – from dazzling theater performances to exquisite museums, street entertainment, and of course, an absolute mountain of glorious shopping. There’s never a dull moment! But where to begin?

As if by magical fairy dust, the first sight that grabbed me was the incredible “Love Actually” Red London Bus. You know, the iconic double-decker bus where, gasps! Hugh Grant famously walks on to deliver a beautiful speech about his love for London. I just had to pose with it, obviously. I mean, who could resist? You could almost hear that heartwarming music in the air! The whole scene was simply cinematic! And who could resist having their own “Love Actually” photo op moment? It's all so wonderfully cliché, I love it!

Let’s Hit Covent Garden

With a twirl and a sigh, I knew I had to be off to Covent Garden! There was a certain kind of magic in the air there! Covent Garden was exactly as I pictured - cobblestones, charming street performers (some better than others, gotta be honest!), street performers, street vendors selling everything imaginable (who needs to buy a whole cake when a perfect slice does the job?) and oh, of course, that stunning, impossibly large Royal Opera House.

I actually loved strolling around and just being part of the vibrant, buzzing energy. It was hard to resist popping into some of the shops (who wouldn't buy a cute pair of ballet-themed socks with their tutu, I ask you? Must have for a ballet fan). I could spend hours wandering through this colourful labyrinth!

The Phantom Of The Opera!

Now, every true ballet fan has a weakness: a good old Broadway show – and one of my all-time favourites? You guessed it, the classic Phantom Of The Opera. Now I know, it’s not ballet per se, but there's just something truly magical about that show. I went with a good friend and we both absolutely adored the show – especially the music. It just gave me goosebumps from beginning to end. If you get a chance to go and see this show in London – you definitely must! The sets were incredibly impressive, and there was something so grand about the music – it really did evoke those grand historical London moments.

*Fashion Fix & Ballet Bliss *

After Phantom of the Opera, you guessed it, my legs led me straight to London’s fashion district! How could I resist, darling? I am after all, a girl who just loves everything about clothes and fashion! From the exclusive boutiques in Bond Street to the bustling energy of Oxford Street (you could get lost in that massive department store - a fashion labyrinth!) the excitement just kept me moving. And, as it turns out, the “shopping fever” was pretty contagious - everyone around seemed to have a twinkle in their eye - and perhaps the need to purchase one more designer handbag? Well, maybe it was just me … ;)

And because my true love is dance and ballet ( and of course, tutus!) I had to head straight to London’s Royal Opera House – the mecca for all dance lovers! That architectural marvel just takes my breath away - so stunning, like something straight out of a fairy tale! The beauty of this building made it clear – ballet is truly an art form and has earned it place on the international stage.

Dinner Delights:

After a day of shopping, theater, and all things ballet, I treated myself to an exquisite Italian feast - just a light and yummy meal before going out to enjoy the street theater of Covent Garden. You guessed it, my outfit for this special dinner date was … you are right … pink tutu! Because when you look good, you feel good!

Covent Garden: An Entertainment Overload

As night settled in, it felt like London had come alive. The energy of Covent Garden – simply magic! From the most dazzling street performers to street food vendors with delectable treats, the air throbbed with creativity. I even had my picture taken with a man wearing a bright red full-body, giant giraffe costume. It’s definitely worth having your picture taken with these amazing, creative people – even when you are pretty sure they want you to tip them afterwards, it’s totally worth the fun of that fleeting memory. They make every evening truly unique and create memories that will last for a lifetime!

Friday Night Fever

After all of that adventure, the end of this beautiful Friday came around too soon! It had been such an incredible experience and you bet I have already been planning my next visit to London. After a night of dancing and laughing with friends in the center of town, I snuggled into my little Airbnb on the outskirts of London to plan another fabulous weekend of exploration in this crazy city. My tutu wasn’t looking so pink by this point in time, I was definitely a little worse for wear from my adventure!

Pink Tutu Mission - Spreading the Love of the Pink Tutu Across the World!

You know that feeling – when a whole experience, an adventure just feels right? Well, that’s how I feel about Pink Tutu Blog London – a kind of magic of the extraordinary mixed with just a dash of that "I can do anything, anytime!" London spirit.

This London life is truly living on a dream! The pink tutu, oh darling, is my weapon of choice. A powerful symbol that’s about breaking down barriers and having fun in a world of dreams. So remember - the only way to wear a tutu is to wear a tutu and just let your inner ballerina shine through!

Until next time! Don't forget to visit my site to see my amazing travel pictures from my adventure in London. And do check in next Friday for another fabulous blog! I will be back with more stories, fashion, fun, and inspiration! Happy dancing, dear Pink Tutu lovers.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-08-18 Exploring London