Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-10-20 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - #529: Friday, 20th October 2006: A Tutu-tiful London Adventure!

Hello, darlings! Emma here, back with another fabulous Friday blog post, straight from the bustling streets of London. I’ve just arrived from my quaint little home in Derbyshire, whizzing through the countryside on a delightful train journey. The train always seems to take me on a magical journey, and what better way to arrive in the capital than feeling like a little princess in my tutu, sipping on a cuppa and looking out the window at the changing scenery?

This week, London beckons with a bevy of delights! It's the perfect day for a proper London escapade, starting with… (drumroll)… a trip to the West End! Oh, I do adore the theater! This week, the enchanting ‘Phantom of the Opera’ is playing. Now, who doesn’t love a good spooky love story with spectacular sets and even better singing? It's a classic for a reason. I'll be in my finest pink tutu, of course. There’s just something magical about the theatre and a tutu, don't you agree? It's all about feeling fabulous!

Later on, it’s a trip to Covent Garden, one of my favourite haunts! Covent Garden, my loves, is a haven for all things gorgeous, particularly for a little pink tutu wearing ballerina like myself. You can imagine my delight when I discovered this week that they're holding their annual fashion show there. Imagine the costumes, the outfits! It’s like the Olympics of Fashion. You just know they’ll have plenty of sparkly pink pieces to satisfy my insatiable desire for the colour! My plan is to snag myself a new outfit to make heads turn, perfectly tailored for twirling on the dancefloor. Who knows, perhaps a new pink tutu might even be waiting for me… it's a dangerous thing, entering Covent Garden!

And speaking of dancing, I have a real treat planned for myself tomorrow! It's an afternoon ballet class with the Royal Ballet school. Just the thought sends shivers down my spine… well, shivers of excitement, of course! As a ballerina, nothing brings me more joy than an afternoon spent learning new routines, improving my skills, and soaking up the sheer grace and discipline of the dance world. I know you all love hearing about my classes, so I’ll make sure to post some exciting photos next week, showcasing the glorious costumes and our fabulous dance routines!

Don’t you worry my lovely readers, I won’t let a day in London pass without some truly scrumptious treats! Afternoon tea is an absolute must in a city so full of lovely cakes and scones. I’ll be searching for the perfect little spot, preferably with charming little pink teacups – you know my love for all things pink!

Of course, it's a pink tutu wearing ballerina's duty to look her best for such an important day. And so, to finish off my day, I’ll head to Harrods. That famous London department store, my darlings! With a little luck, I’ll find a few new pieces to make my wardrobe just a little more, well, fabulous. I’ve already had my eye on a stunning pink top for a few weeks now. It’s almost time to take it home… maybe this is the time I’ll see the dress of my dreams? It will be so much fun browsing through all the shops!

After a busy and wonderful day, I’ll finish off my trip with a delicious supper in my favourite little Italian trattoria in Soho. Nothing like a steaming bowl of pasta to send you off to sleep with a contented tummy and a happy heart! You know, as the week goes on, I will be visiting the Royal Opera House, too, just for a peek at the grandeur! Perhaps, a little souvenir to adorn my own tiny stage, you know? A bit of glamour, just to enhance the magic, just a little. I must tell you, I love this city! It is truly magnificent, and nothing compares to a stroll through London with my pink tutu on, dancing amongst all the beautiful shops, theaters and bustling streets!

Of course, I’ll keep you all updated next week about my exciting London adventures. Until then, do let me know what you’ve been up to this week! Have you been exploring new places or been to a wonderful event?

Sending all my love, Emma xxx

A Day of Fashion and Fantasy

Friday morning started with an early train journey from my cozy home in Derbyshire, a small county just north of London. It’s about a 2-hour train ride and the journey always feels magical, I think it has something to do with the changing landscape and how serene it can feel in a speeding train carriage! As usual, I settled into my seat, comfy in my tutu and prepared to admire the British countryside. It's just what I need to kick-start my weekend, the sound of the train engine and the swaying landscape outside, I can almost always be heard humming along to the sound of the rhythmic chug-chug-chug!

I spent my journey reading a classic romance novel, while the views rushed by outside, a perfect mix of calm and exciting energy that always keeps me energized and optimistic. You know how I feel, darling, books are the best way to spend time in the early hours of a new day, getting lost in different worlds and letting the magic seep into my soul! I especially love historical novels; imagine the time period, the stories, the outfits, simply stunning!

I arrived at Euston station a little before 10 a.m., my heart already overflowing with the excitement of London. This amazing city feels alive, full of energy, just waiting for a new adventure to unfold, with every corner ready to unleash a beautiful, enchanting story! London is simply an extraordinary place to be; I love it so!

With the air buzzing around me, I stepped onto the busy platform and my heart jumped with delight. The energy here was electric. Every inch was bustling with people in a hurry, or calmly exploring the city's rich beauty. The whole place felt pulsating with possibility and every single soul had their own beautiful tale to tell. It's truly the place where everyone finds their own bit of magic, the kind that lights them up and allows their own light to shine brightly, a wonderful mix of energy that just makes everything special.

From Euston, it was a short tube ride to Piccadilly Circus, one of the most recognisable locations in London! It is truly where the streets seem to melt away and disappear, as you get lost in the whirlwind of music, neon lights and a cacophony of life, all pulsating under the immense energy of London. You simply can't help but get caught in its web of charm and be drawn in!

The crowds here were thick with excitement, and I practically felt myself being pulled towards the hustle and bustle, soaking it all in like a big, juicy sponge. The streets felt like a stage of their own. It was fascinating to watch the people, how each and every one moved to the beat of their own drum, their little lives intersecting at this buzzing location! It was just a tiny slice of the lives and stories that this city was hiding.

Oh, the stories this place could tell, each brick painted with whispers of dreams, ambitions, triumphs, tragedies, joys and sorrows! The walls breathed, as if they held each whisper of laughter and sorrow etched upon their very surfaces! The magic was everywhere! I could almost hear them whispering stories from another era, long ago. Each storefront seemed to pulse with life. A window display seemed to sing a siren song, promising dreams of adventure and beauty! The beauty of it all was that every dream seemed within reach here! I could practically smell the energy pulsing through each cobble, I couldn’t wait to experience all that it held!

I had the most scrumptious croissant and coffee, so delicately sweet and with the most delicious, light, buttery pastry. I think it must be London’s air, every bite is so full of joy!

And as always, after a cuppa and a little pastry, my tutu needed a little tweak and I made my way to the bathroom, a quick tidy up and I felt like a new ballerina, fresh, ready to take on the world with a bounce and twirl in my step. London never failed to fill me up with the energy I need!

From the buzzing Piccadilly Circus, it was just a quick ride on the tube to the grandeur of Covent Garden. I always feel so enchanted here! There was a certain something in the air!

Every street corner had a different story waiting for you to discover. From quirky gift shops selling vintage curiosities to elaborate floral arrangements that created masterpieces of nature! You felt the spirit of this little village bursting forth from every little corner. Oh, it felt wonderful, the excitement was palpable, like you had entered a secret garden in the middle of the bustling city!

After strolling past the iconic Apple Market, I found myself amidst a truly charming street filled with fashion designers. It’s a mecca for aspiring young fashionistas and aspiring designers with all sorts of trendy boutiques and designer stalls. You could almost hear the excitement fizzing through the air! Oh, how I just loved the creative energy of it all, and as always, pink seemed to be the dominant colour! Pink dresses with tulle accents, a pair of pink boots peeking out from beneath a vintage jacket, pink sequins glimmering in a display window! It really made my heart sing!

Pink Tutus & Royal Ballet Glory

One of the main things I was hoping to catch was the famous Covent Garden fashion show. It's a whirlwind of fashion, style, and a vibrant display of imagination, showcasing some of the freshest and most innovative looks from both seasoned designers and aspiring ones.

After navigating the market and picking up some unique handcrafted gifts, I had managed to find the perfect little spot where I could soak in all the fashion spectacle! I’m just so delighted by anything that has a sprinkle of fairy tale magic! The creativity on display, the textures, and all the beautiful and interesting models were incredible! It's amazing how an outfit can transform the personality on stage and each piece seems to have its own secret language and story to tell!

I felt like I had stepped into the world of ‘Moulin Rouge’. The entire display was full of passion, and drama, it felt a lot like the ballet we are lucky to be graced with in the Royal Opera House, every now and then, every piece telling its own story in its own way. The stage was buzzing with creativity and beauty; it felt more than just a show, more than a spectacle of clothes, it felt like an evolution of ideas, stories whispered through the fabric of a beautiful dress. The creativity was astounding, with designers creating unique pieces with intricate details, bold statement pieces, each one radiating a strong and confident personality!

I found myself gazing at this beautiful show, soaking up all the inspiration. Each look felt more magical than the last and for me, of course, pink reigned supreme! I spotted several designs incorporating pink hues with sparkling accents and tulle fabric, as though each garment was designed to enchant and captivate! I know, it’s a silly thing for a pink tutu loving ballerina, to feel so happy when surrounded by all things pink. It just makes my heart sing!

Every now and then, a stunning piece caught my attention and I would scribble down the designer’s name, hoping to find more information online, and I made sure to add these to my shopping list to browse next time. I spent an hour or so mesmerized by this display of talent, then decided I had just enough time to browse through a couple of stores to search for a couple of key pieces that were in my list and then rush to my ballet class.

Before my dancing adventure began, it was afternoon tea time, you know I do enjoy my afternoon tea, the charm and comfort of that tradition are like something out of a novel! I had made my way through the hustle and bustle of the London crowd to one of my favourite little teashops, one where you are just about able to hear the delicate, clinking of porcelain cups as the steam from the teapots curl gracefully upward, forming perfect swirls that disappear into the London air.

You just have to admit, there’s something special about those delicate moments, it feels so wonderfully quaint and comforting, so peaceful, as if you’ve stepped out of the whirlwind of the city and entered a world full of warmth and magic!

After my afternoon tea, I made my way to my little dance dream - The Royal Ballet School, I always have butterflies before the class begins! To think of it - I am so lucky, to be able to train with this fantastic organization and I’m always excited about learning a little more each and every time. There's always a new skill to master and I just feel so fortunate to be learning alongside these truly talented ballerinas! Each dancer is unique and inspiring in their own way, I can only learn so much from these ladies!

I can still remember the very first class I attended. There was such a calmness to the dance room, every little nuance felt like something that needed to be honored, respected and held in a hushed voice! Every single moment was an ode to discipline, beauty and sheer brilliance, the skill of a ballerina was more than just dance steps. It was the discipline of their minds, and bodies and their complete devotion to this craft. It was, and is, inspiring.

On that particular afternoon, I had spent some time honing my leaps, turns and other intricate dance steps, as well as stretching, all so important for staying graceful and nimble, a ballerina's daily work is one that calls for endurance, patience, and the need to be a perfectionist, and I was absolutely smitten with my beautiful costume; my very special pink tutu! The bright pink is almost dazzling as I catch a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror, oh, what a beautiful shade, just made for spinning, twirling and leaping.

It’s truly an honor to work with such dedicated and professional dancers; I learn so much about discipline, self-expression, dedication, the elegance of movement, but most of all, to embrace the spirit of a ballerina, all of which adds up to being a very lucky girl! It truly is such a joy and I will never, ever tire of that magical world!

On to Covent Garden

From the Royal Ballet School, it was just a short walk back to Covent Garden! I was practically bouncing with glee, as the sun set on another truly amazing day, every inch of it, perfectly enchanting, like stepping into a fairytale, one filled with fashion, dreams, and the magic of ballet! As usual, I had picked out a little, magical item for myself!

For the next few weeks, it will be sitting on my dressing table in the little studio flat I’m staying at! It’s an elegant pink music box and every time I see it, it makes me think about that lovely ballet class at the Royal Ballet School!

I was almost bursting with joy, as the streets seemed to whisper of magic. I love the night-time charm of Covent Garden. All the street performers seemed to be more flamboyant, and their performance just seemed to feel so much more magical, with the light of the stars dancing on their costumes, with the moon lighting up their every graceful move, as if the entire world had come to a halt just to witness the power and magic of a performer’s dream.

The shops on the street seemed to shimmer, pulsate with a hidden life, as I ambled past them, trying to make it to my favourite little Italian trattoria for the perfect end to a truly dazzling London adventure. There’s nothing quite as beautiful as London in the evening, its golden lights shining like a beautiful fairy tale in the crisp autumn air, you just can’t help but feel a little magical as you gaze upon the twinkling lights. The lights reflected beautifully in my bright, shiny pink tutu, the fabric practically felt like silk! I practically floated down the cobblestone streets.

Pink Tutus Everywhere?

As I was walking back to my little apartment, tucked away in a peaceful and quiet side-street, with a charming antique shop and a couple of independent coffee shops tucked on either side, it dawned upon me that in London, there is room for every kind of magic to flourish. If I was happy to twirl in my tutu all day, every day, this city gave me that space, allowed my spirit to flourish. I didn’t even feel shy twirling down the street, with each store reflecting the light of my tutu in their windows!

I knew my little pink tutu wasn't a magical tool, it was about confidence, about expressing your personality.

Maybe a pink tutu really could spread the magic. Perhaps that was my little calling, my very own dream… spreading a little bit of ballet magic to every soul I met…

Perhaps I could just imagine, what the world would look like, if just for a moment, we could embrace every shade of pink in our hearts and dress with just as much personality!

Imagine… a pink tutu everywhere… and maybe, just maybe… that’s what I’ll dedicate this London blog to!

The world would be such a bright, beautiful place, a place full of hope, dreams, and sparkle!

And with that thought, I slipped off my shoes and jumped onto the bed in my little London apartment, in my beautiful, shiny, bright pink tutu!

Until next time, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-10-20 Exploring London