Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-06-08 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #562 – Friday 8th June 2007: London Calling!

Hello my darling dears,

It's Emma here, your very own pink tutu-clad London explorer, and this week's adventures are even more exciting than a triple pirouette on pointes! I've hopped on a train, the sleekest, most glamorous mode of transport in the world, and arrived in London, ready to unleash a flurry of frills and feathers upon this most iconic city. Remember my mission, my dears? To convince every soul on Earth to wear a pink tutu. And you know me, I always say, "Why wait for the world to change when you can just put on a tutu and change it yourself?"

So, my loves, let's journey back to the day with a little musical accompaniment: the click-clack of the train as it speeds through the green fields of Derbyshire. The air outside my window, fresh with the scent of summer, becomes charged with excitement as the grand structures of London emerge – a grand waltz of history and vibrancy in the shape of red buses, towering skyscrapers, and the timeless majesty of Buckingham Palace.

And there I was, my dearest readers, the picture of ballet elegance: a pale pink, floaty tulle tutu that swished and twirled in harmony with my thoughts. The train itself was a haven of sophistication and glamour. Just imagine: plush velvet seats that sink beneath you like a dream, and the low murmur of conversations echoing the rhythm of the journey. A world of stylish souls on their way to create stories – perhaps as breathtaking as mine, maybe even more! I do love to travel by train. It gives you a chance to think and dream as the landscapes change around you. I even saw a flock of seagulls by the Thames, their black and white markings adding a touch of seaside whimsy to my journey.

The Show Must Go On: Friday at the West End!

Arriving at King's Cross, my senses went into overdrive. The scent of freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery mingled with the sharp, heady scent of car exhaust and freedom. My eyes, meanwhile, were feasting on the vibrant cityscape: cobblestone streets, historic brick buildings, a chaotic yet exhilarating sea of taxi horns and human activity. I was on a mission to make the most of London, and of course, that includes an evening of thrilling theatre!

My pick for tonight was "Wicked," that spellbindingly stylish show that captures the essence of imagination and transforms the traditional tale of The Wizard of Oz into a glorious kaleidoscope of music, movement, and theatrical magic. And you bet your top hat I dressed for the occasion. A swirling cherry blossom-printed frock, a glittery pink cardigan, and a pair of sparkling stiletto heels – all perfectly topped off with my ever-present tulle pink tutu! I just know I blended in effortlessly, leaving a cloud of pink glitter as I strolled down Shaftesbury Avenue towards the theatre.

I was a little nervous about wearing the tutu to the show. I knew it was bold and it wouldn't necessarily be what everyone would expect at the theatre. But there I was, embracing the opportunity to inject a sprinkle of joy and theatrical magic into the world, and I couldn't have felt more free! After all, every performance should be a celebration of artistry!

I swear, it was as if the tutu magically amplified the excitement, drawing the gaze of everyone around. The show itself was a breathtaking spectacle: soaring voices, incredible choreography, and costumes that burst with color and life! The audience gasped, they laughed, they cried! I almost wished I had my own magic wand to wave, conjuring up a storm of cheers. I just loved everything about "Wicked" - the stories, the music, the emotions!

I even felt inspired to dance, right in the theatre before it all started. A little tap-dance, a couple of spins, and a pirouette for good measure! There were a few surprised glances from some of the fellow audience members but the other dancers in the room smiled at me as if we were sharing a little secret.

After the performance, the laughter and cheers filled the streets. Everyone was buzzing about the show - the stories, the music, the energy! It was such a thrilling end to an inspiring day. The city of London is full of magical opportunities - if you are a lover of theatre, like myself, there is no better place in the world to get lost in the art of storytelling. I love this city. It’s like a swirling dress made of dreams.

Shopping, Shopping, Shopping: A Friday Afternoon Adventure!

With my ballet-loving soul still buzzing, I began the second half of my London day. I had to find a few treasures for my wardrobe because it is almost sacrilegious to go shopping in London and not spend at least an hour in a fashion store or two, don't you think?

Of course, I was after the pinkest of the pink, the most sparkling of sequins, and the most beautiful, flowing fabrics imaginable.

My first stop was on the famous Oxford Street, where I felt the heart of London’s retail world beat a steady rhythmic pulse. Every shop, from the big department stores to the quirky little boutiques burst with colour and creativity. I wandered, mesmerised, through displays of shoes, jewellery, cosmetics, and designer wear!

It was truly a feast for my fashion eyes!

It wasn’t long until my tutu, with its bright, flamboyant pink, began drawing attention. It seemed as if the entire city wanted to see a show that involved my pink tulle!

A friendly shop assistant saw me and smiled, "Lovely tutu. I haven’t seen that shade of pink before! If you love ballet, I recommend checking out the Covent Garden Boutique. It's a gem tucked away from all the hustle and bustle. It has everything! If you’re looking for something sparkling to add to your tutu wardrobe!"

I followed her recommendation and felt myself whisked away into a world of ballerina-inspired delights. The store had all kinds of pretty pastel hues with ribbons, satin, velvet and of course, endless shades of pink! I bought myself the most beautiful, silken ballet wrap with tiny sequins on it in the softest shade of blush pink that I've ever seen! The cashier looked at my tutu as I walked away and gave me a little wink. "I knew it!” She smiled "Just as elegant and delicate as a real ballerina!"

My purse felt lighter, but my heart felt so much fuller! The beauty of a well-filled wardrobe is the same as the joy of a full heart – both are a true blessing, my loves.

Taking Time For Myself: A Perfect Afternoon Tea at the Ritz!

No trip to London is complete without a delightful afternoon tea at the Ritz. The grand interior is just as I imagine an opulent ballet stage should be - sparkling crystal chandeliers, velvet seating, and white tablecloths like clouds dancing around me! A sense of calm and refinement washes over you like a soothing melody.

It was the perfect place for a bit of ballet dreaming! After a week of intense rehearsals and performances, I felt a deep desire to simply be, to sip on aromatic tea, to savor each delicately crafted scone, to lose myself in the whimsical world of a well-placed pink tutu. I'd brought my small pink tutu to give it a little "photo-shoot". I think I even struck a few poses while sipping my tea. I was quite sure that a few of the other patrons thought I was mad.

**I must admit that the afternoon tea was even more wonderful than I expected. The delicate, thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches were simply divine. I particularly loved the warm and meltingly soft scones, served with the classic cream and jam. I almost thought I was living in a ballet story, a fairy tale, where everything is delicate, gentle, and simply perfect!

But don't think that I just sat there like a princess in a fairy tale – I also enjoyed the exquisite company of other guests at the Ritz. London attracts a special kind of soul, don't you think? I was struck by the warmth and kindness of every single person I met. Everyone seemed eager to share a conversation or a smile. Perhaps the tutu was a magical magnet! Perhaps it attracted kindness. It did feel as though everyone was looking at me with genuine admiration, not disbelief, not judgment but pure delight! They may not all have wanted to don a pink tutu themselves but the joy that surrounded me seemed to make the world brighter for a few short hours. That’s what ballet has always meant to me – a world where imagination is powerful, where the ordinary becomes magical, where a pink tutu can make you believe in anything is possible!

* A Friday Evening Romance: A Walk by the River Thames and the Eye*

After my whimsical afternoon tea adventure and a little bit of extravagant London shopping, I headed out to the Thames, the arterial pulse of the city! The evening light was creating a golden path across the waters, casting a dazzling reflection of the famous London Eye. It’s always breathtaking to see the giant wheel standing tall, lighting up the night sky in all its magnificence!

As I walked along the banks of the Thames, the calm of the water seemed to absorb all of the excitement of the day. There was a soft breeze which sent ripples across the river and swept my pink tutu gently behind me. This was truly a place for dreaming, where time seemed to slow down. I caught myself humming a ballet melody, lost in my thoughts, lost in London, and lost in the magic of ballet.

And that’s what London does to you, don't you think? It awakens a thousand dreams and makes every thought possible! It was while I was enjoying the beauty of the cityscape and listening to the sounds of the Thames lapping gently on the shore, that I spotted him – the man in the pink shirt. It’s almost like every single pink thing was magnetically drawn to me in London!

He was standing near the Eye, gazing up at the city’s iconic wheel, a smug, handsome chap with a shy smile dancing on his lips! I approached him, my tutu swishing like a fairy tale greeting.

"Hello, " I smiled as I reached for my sketchpad. "May I draw you?” I’ve always loved sketching and people. I wanted to capture that sweet, shy moment of London romance as a reminder of how much London is the city of dreams.

It was a lovely few moments. The light on the Thames created a soft, golden glow, turning everything around us into a magical dream. The tutu, a spark of colour and imagination among the gray streets of London sparkled in the twilight like a shining star, drawing him in. I believe that love is a bit like a pink tutu: a joyous, daring, bold choice to express your soul, your thoughts and your feelings, and that’s how the evening ended on a magical, pink-tutu note!

The London Blog is a must read if you are planning a trip to the English capital, my loves! Remember that you can always follow the adventures of your tutu-wearing traveler on the website: Until next week and until next time you can don that pink tutu with pride and embrace the world with confidence and joy!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-06-08 Exploring London