Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-07-13 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #567 - London Calling!

Friday 13th July 2007

Hello darlings!

Well, here I am, back in London town once again. After a long train journey from my little Derbyshire abode (the scenery was absolutely breathtaking!), I arrived in the bustling capital ready to conquer another weekend. I tell you, there’s nothing quite like the buzz of a London Friday. The air practically crackles with excitement, doesn’t it?

This weekend’s adventure was fuelled by a particularly satisfying performance at the Sheffield City Hall, and, as always, my trusty pink tutu and I were ready for an adventure.

This week, my tutu is a real showstopper, I tell you. A delicate fabric, with layers upon layers of tulle, the colour of bubblegum. I’ve paired it with a simple white top and a vintage pink cardigan I picked up in a charming little antique shop in Notting Hill last week. Just the kind of chic London style that I love. (And it doesn't hurt that I get a lot of smiles and thumbs up from strangers too!).

Now, before I divulge all the juicy details of my day, a quick word on the journey. I’m a complete train enthusiast, I’ll be honest. There’s something so wonderfully romantic and old-fashioned about them, wouldn’t you say? The clinking of wheels on the track, the rhythmic sway of the carriage, and the chance to enjoy the scenery while sipping on a cuppa… It’s almost like stepping back in time, don’t you think?

Speaking of stepping back in time, I was delighted to discover that the first stop on my London escapade was none other than The Victoria & Albert Museum. This incredible building is absolutely crammed full of the most fascinating exhibits imaginable - from ancient Egyptian mummies to stunning examples of porcelain and fashion from throughout the centuries. It was an absolute feast for the eyes!

It seems I wasn't the only one thinking of time travel that day. A rather peculiar sight in the museum, but one that certainly piqued my interest was a display showcasing 1920s fashion - a true testament to the enduring allure of the flapper era. Imagine - sequins, feathers, daring silhouettes, and those oh-so-intriguing headbands. Such wonderful inspiration for a future pink tutu ensemble! (I’ll keep you updated on how I recreate that look!)

But London wasn’t only about historical fashion this time. I made sure to indulge my inner shopaholic too.

Oxford Street - a haven for any style enthusiast - proved irresistible, and a trip to my favourite vintage clothing shop was a must. I unearthed a beautiful pink broach and a stunning pair of coral-toned earrings that added the perfect finishing touches to my London look. And naturally, no trip to Oxford Street is complete without a visit to Liberty. It's like stepping into a wonderland of delicate fabrics, stunning prints, and whimsical designs. Just what the doctor ordered, don't you think?

After my fashion-filled spree, I decided to give my little legs a rest and soak up some London vibes in Hyde Park. Oh, the simple pleasures! The sun was shining, birds were singing, and there were people picnicking on the lush green lawns, playing frisbee, and generally having a lovely time. It’s hard to resist the cheerful energy of the park, isn't it?

And just to cap off the perfect Friday, I indulged in a spot of dinner at a darling little Italian restaurant just around the corner from Hyde Park. I treated myself to the most exquisite penne pasta - the sauce was to die for - and of course, finished it all off with a scoop of creamy gelato. Now, who wouldn’t call that a perfect day?

So, darlings, there you have it – a whirlwind of a day in London!

I've barely touched upon all the incredible things I experienced today – there’s just so much to see and do!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got an exciting evening lined up: a show at the Theatre Royal Haymarket! I can’t wait to catch the stunning performance by the Ballet Theatre. Oh, to dance alongside such talented artists - a ballerina’s dream!

Be sure to check back in with me next Friday for more London adventures, and don't forget to stay tuned for more tutu-tastic news and my little fashion finds from my shopping spree!

Remember, darlings, life is too short to not wear a pink tutu!

Until next Friday,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-07-13 Exploring London