Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-05-15 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #663

Hello my darlings!

It’s Friday again, and you know what that means? Another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog post! I'm bubbling over with excitement today because this week I've been exploring the wonderful world of London!

As you know, I'm a massive train fan. I just love the romantic clatter of the wheels on the track, the fleeting landscapes zipping past the windows, and the cosy, almost magical atmosphere inside. So naturally, I took the train down from my little home in Derbyshire, armed with a pink-and-white striped travel bag overflowing with gorgeousness, and a big, pink, perfectly twirlable tutu in tow, naturally!

I've got so much to tell you about my whirlwind London adventures, so let's jump right in!

Morning: Tea & Shopping Shenanigans at Fortnum & Mason

First stop was a visit to that quintessentially British gem - Fortnum & Mason. Honestly, the smell of that shop alone is a total sensory delight. A glorious mix of freshly brewed tea, chocolate, and that quintessential London air. I felt like I had been transported back in time - just picture me with a pink tutu swirling in that lavish space, amidst the towering shelves laden with treats.

My aim was tea, obviously! I just couldn't resist the allure of a good ol' fashioned English breakfast tea, served with the cutest little sandwiches you've ever seen. I imagined a dainty pink teacup with the perfect swirl of cream, nestled between my tutu-clad fingers, but alas, no teacup fairies in sight - but the tea was truly divine.

Afterwards, I wandered through the dazzling halls, losing myself in the enchanting world of Fortnum & Mason. It's like a shop designed by Alice in Wonderland! My inner fashionista went wild! You wouldn't believe the stunning pink scarf I snagged. Such a beautiful silk, and perfect for twirling!

Afternoon: A Waltz Through The Theatre

After lunch at a quaint café overlooking the Thames (with, of course, another twirl or two), I was off to the theatre! My absolute favourite pastime!

Today was all about "Les Miserables" - a classic story brought to life by a truly talented cast. I love how ballet and theatre weave such magic together! I was in awe of the performers, especially those stunning costumes! The story moved me, made me laugh and cry. And as usual, I ended up sketching a few potential tutu variations inspired by the costumes – there's just so much inspiration in the theatre world!

Evening: Ballet Ballet Ballet

Evening saw me heading back to my own ballet kingdom – a local ballet studio where I joined in a masterclass. You wouldn't believe the amazing moves we tackled! I must say, the twirls were even more satisfying after all that London air.

After class, I treated myself to a little post-ballet indulgence, a perfectly pink cupcake with whipped cream and sprinkles - because who can resist a little indulgence after all that spinning?

The Big Tutu London Plan:

This weekend was only a fleeting peek into the magical world of London, and you better believe it won’t be my last! There's still so much to explore. I'm dreaming of a London filled with tutu-clad dancers, spinning down Piccadilly Circus!

So my fellow ballet fanatics, I encourage you all to wear your favourite tutus out in the open. Show off your fabulous self!

Pink Tutu Fun Fact:

Did you know, my loves, that on the 15th May, 2009, it was also the birthday of that fabulous dancer and actor Gene Kelly? A true icon of movement and magic!

As always, I want to hear all about your own adventures. Have you been to London lately? What’s your favourite tutu to wear for a London day out?

Until next Friday, keep spinning, keep sparkling, and stay fabulous!


Emma xx

Follow Emma's London adventures with a little pink sparkle! You'll find updates on the Pink Tutu Blog every Friday.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-05-15 Exploring London