Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-09-11 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #680 - Friday 11th September 2009: A Whirlwind of Pink in the Big Smoke!

Hello, my darling tutu enthusiasts! It's Friday, and you know what that means - time for a fresh dose of pink-tastic adventures from the heart of London! I'm Emma, your resident tutu-clad whirlwind, and this week, I'm sharing my experiences from a trip to the big smoke, all courtesy of a successful performance at the Derby Theatre last weekend. Nothing quite fuels my passion for ballet (and shopping!) like the thrill of a successful performance!

I bid farewell to the picturesque Peak District and my little cottage nestled amidst rolling green hills, and boarded a train for the glorious city. It was the perfect start to my trip – all sleek, modern carriages and a delicious panini with my favourite pink grapefruit juice. For me, a train journey isn't just about getting from A to B; it's about immersing myself in a world of whimsical possibilities!

I was lucky enough to grab a window seat, which is ideal for people-watching. And my, did I see a spectacle! The passing landscapes morphed into a kaleidoscope of grey buildings, scarlet double-decker buses, and a tapestry of people rushing about with determined, yet somehow elegant, purpose. I swear I spotted a few tutu-inspired outfits! Perhaps I'm getting a little overzealous, but hey, that's the beauty of a tutu – it can inspire!

First Stop: The Imperial War Museum!

Once in London, I set my sights on the Imperial War Museum. I know, I know, some might think that this is a rather unconventional place to find a tutu enthusiast! However, this extraordinary museum offers a glimpse into the past, which is essential for creating a vibrant future, even if that future is full of pink!

My day at the museum was a whirlwind of stories, artifacts, and profound reflections on the sacrifices and triumphs of those who shaped our world. There's a poignant elegance in the way history is presented there, the solemnity tempered by flashes of resilience. It made me think deeply about the impact of every individual action and the importance of standing up for what's right, something we tutu-wearers, in our own small way, strive to do!

Afternoon Delights: Fashion, Fashion, and More Fashion!

My trip wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Oxford Street! My personal quest this time was to discover some exciting new boutiques that I had spotted online. Of course, the famous department stores were a must! Who can resist a little stroll through Liberty with its stunning Art Nouveau façade? The atmosphere of a vintage department store never fails to capture my heart! I'm especially smitten with their eclectic mix of fabrics and fashion - a real treasure trove of unique finds for my budding "Pink Tutu" fashion line.

Next up, I hopped over to Covent Garden. The hustle and bustle of London's vibrant markets always feel electric. But what truly captivated me was the sheer creativity on display in every stall and shop! I stumbled upon a captivating vintage hat boutique, a quirky ceramic shop filled with delicate hand-painted porcelain ballerina figurines (a must-have for my personal collection!) and a treasure trove of second-hand ballet shoes that I might just need to snap up.

An Evening of Entertainment: Ballet Bliss!

The night culminated in a sublime ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. This wasn't just any show; this was "Giselle"! I felt like I had entered a magical fairytale, my eyes glued to the breathtaking grace and precision of the dancers. The ballet tells the classic tale of Giselle, a young villager who is tricked into believing a nobleman is a commoner, leading to heartache and the ballet's signature wilis – ghosts who dance men to their deaths. There’s just something about ballet that transcends words; the combination of physical power and emotional depth makes you feel every nuance, every flicker of emotion, through the movement of each graceful form.

My senses were truly overwhelmed! From the elegant, intricate costumes to the stunning sets and, of course, the absolutely mesmerizing choreography, everything combined to create a perfect storm of beauty and captivating narrative.

Sharing the Love:

It was on this night that I felt truly connected to London, to the art form I adore, and to the world at large. Every step of my adventure here in London served to ignite my passion for pink and my mission to make the world a tutu-filled place. Whether it's a vibrant pink dress, a tutu for a ballet performance, or simply a bright pink accessory, I truly believe a touch of pink can brighten anyone's day and, most importantly, remind us all to twirl through life with joy and a sprinkle of sparkle!

Stay tuned next week for my review of the newly opened ballet boutique on Regent Street – trust me, it's going to be "tutu" much! And in the meantime, my dearest pink tutu lovers, remember to stay bright, be kind, and don’t forget to twirl!



Some Fun Things To Do in London On September 11th 2009: * The Royal Opera House is showing Giselle, one of my absolute favorite ballets. * "London Fashion Week" is officially in full swing, showcasing some of the best and brightest designers and tutu inspiration (just imagine!).
* And if you're interested in more "pinktastic" fun, visit the "V&A Museum," home to one of the largest collections of fashion, furniture and textiles, all beautifully curated. They are showcasing "The Power of Dress: Fashion and Identity" exhibition this September. * If you happen to be in the Oxford Circus area, check out The London Eye, offering amazing views of London (and maybe some possible tutu spots?).

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-09-11 Exploring London