Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-11-13 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #689 - A Friday in Londontown (13th November, 2009)

Helloooo my darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, back again with another London escapade! It's Friday, which means I'm hopping on the train down from Derbyshire, bright eyed and ready for another adventure in this amazing city. The scent of the air in London is always different – a heady mix of diesel, coffee and that distinctly English 'wet pavement' aroma. Ahh...London, you get me.

Pink Tutus and Trains:

This week's journey was particularly charming. My trusty pink tutu and I took the train from Matlock Bath, feeling absolutely fabulous in the carriage (a tiny bit of "Swan Lake" practiced for good measure, of course, whilst the commuters nervously giggled!). The train itself was a real beauty - one of those old, vintage ones with plush seating and lots of little nooks and crannies to peek into. As usual, the fellow passengers couldn't help but be charmed by my pink tutu (although some did look slightly perplexed - I guess some people just don't understand the joys of tutus, eh? Whatever!)

First Stop - Covent Garden:

First port of call had to be Covent Garden, that haven of delightful street performers, artsy shops, and my favourite...delicious crêpes. Now, this particular crepe wasn't a sweet one (though, how could I resist a cheeky sprinkle of icing sugar?) - this time, I went for the savory cheese and ham number. Perfection! As I sat enjoying the sunshine, I noticed a rather captivating street dancer - a young man in a pair of stylish jeans and a dazzling gold-embellished waistcoat, gracefully moving to some contemporary electronic music. I even gave him a generous tip after a particularly impressive flourish - never underestimate the power of a tutu-wearer's generosity!

Oh, Those Dresses...:

Next on the itinerary, a little retail therapy at one of London's legendary department stores. This week, I just HAD to see the new collection, and of course, there was only one option – Liberty's! That building, with its half-timbered exterior and those beautiful, quirky windows, never fails to enchant me. The fabrics there are truly magnificent - silky, floaty, and dripping with the sheer magic of fashion. I could have easily spent all day browsing the different collections, but my ballet schedule awaited... and who could resist the lure of a beautiful tutu waiting to be worn?

Backstage Ballet Bliss:

Speaking of tutus, this evening, I had the pleasure of taking to the stage again. It was such an honour to perform as part of a charming ballet troupe called “Dance Your Dream,” featuring the most gorgeous costumes (yes, more pink!) and fantastic, dynamic choreography. I really felt like I was dancing on air! After a thrilling performance (complete with a bow so low my tutu nearly touched the floor!), the feeling of accomplishment was simply wonderful.

Dinner and a Show:

To round off a truly fabulous London Friday, I dined on some classic fish and chips (my personal fave!), which always reminds me of those vintage films about London. For a special treat, I went to see the "Phantom of the Opera" - the grand theatricality of the whole affair left me utterly spellbound. The music was so beautifully haunting, and the costume design was stunning - all lace, velvet and dazzling jewellery. Oh, and a final, wonderful detail… I just had to make sure I sat right behind a group of four young children, just to watch their eyes widen and gasp in wonder throughout the whole production!

Fashion is Everything:

Back home now, with my aching muscles, a warm cup of chamomile tea and the satisfied sigh of a dancer at the end of a day filled with beauty, laughter, and (of course!) plenty of pink. London never fails to delight and inspire me, and I’m so thankful that I get to share these magical moments with you!

Now, go on then - don’t just wear pink. Live pink, love pink, and wear a tutu - it’ll make the world a much more magical place! See you next week for another dose of London adventure!

Emma x x x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-11-13 Exploring London