Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-02-26 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #704 - Friday 2010-02-26 - Exploring London! 🩰

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, reporting live from the dazzling, dynamic, and absolutely divine capital of the world - London!

As you all know, I'm a girl who loves to travel. And what better way to get your daily dose of sparkle and excitement than with a train journey? This week, I packed my pink tutu, my favourite Mary Jane shoes (with a little pink trim, of course!), and a suitcase brimming with dreams, and embarked on a trip to London. It's such a magical city!

Now, let's rewind. It all started bright and early this morning. A cup of steaming English Breakfast tea, a kiss goodbye from my Mum (she's got a sneaking fondness for my pink tutus, you know), and I was off to the station in Derbyshire. It's always such a lovely experience to journey to London by train. I had my head stuck in a book about famous ballet dancers – Margot Fonteyn, the legendary prima ballerina, is my ultimate muse. What a phenomenal talent!

Arriving in London, I was overwhelmed by the energy, the history, the beauty, and the constant swirl of activity. I’d say the pink tutus had a moment as I navigated the crowds at Euston, getting plenty of smiles from passing strangers. They say "Londoners don't smile", but my pink tutu magic was working!

The first stop on my itinerary, darlings, was Covent Garden. The smells of street food wafted through the air, a cacophony of chatter filled the cobbled streets, and a feeling of joyful chaos prevailed! Covent Garden never disappoints. I snagged a fantastic little scarf with an exquisite ballerina print in a charming little vintage shop, and I think you can already guess where my pink tutu made an appearance – it waltzed right on through a little photo-op next to the famous Covent Garden market fountain! It was, as always, so charming, full of street artists and entertainers, musicians playing everything from the most sublime classical music to upbeat pop tunes. What an atmosphere!

Speaking of music, it was such a lovely day, so I strolled over to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. There's simply nothing better than enjoying some grand, operatic entertainment, and, of course, some fantastic fashion. Oh my goodness, darlings, I saw so many fabulous outfits! It’s always a real inspiration. You just never know who you might spot, it really feels like London's who’s who comes out for opera!

The highlight of my day? The London Ballet Theatre (the company is performing in Covent Garden at the moment), was showcasing the mesmerising beauty of "Swan Lake." Oh my, it was stunning. I gasped at the costumes, I was swept away by the graceful, captivating choreography and mesmerising score, and I was mesmerized by the ballerinas' skill and artistry. This incredible performance was a true testament to the captivating beauty and power of the ballet art form.

*Don’t forget, my lovely darlings, my next ballet performance is on [Insert date here] at the [Insert Theatre name] where I'll be dancing my heart out. I hope you’ll be able to come along – you’ll never have such a great time as at a ballet! *

The evening in London was absolutely divine! As the sun began its slow descent, I popped over to Selfridges in Oxford Street for a spot of retail therapy! Oh my goodness, I could have spent hours in the designer fashion department, it's like a feast for the eyes. I treated myself to a darling new dress for my upcoming ballet recital – and of course it's a touch of pink! What else would I wear?

One of the main highlights of any trip to London is the West End theatre, of course. The dazzling glamour, the iconic performances, and, the wonderful array of fashion, which never fails to inspire.

Tonight, it was "Mamma Mia!" on the list! Let's face it, this musical is a true classic, full of sunshine, joy, fantastically infectious music and, what's more, it always throws up some fabulous wardrobe choices. Oh, and it's the perfect blend of nostalgia and heart-warming escapism! Of course, my pink tutu had to take its turn in the West End’s photo-booths. The glitter of the costumes and the joy in the faces of the audience truly brightened up my evening,

After such a whirlwind day of dazzling delights, I must admit I am a tad exhausted, but there’s so much more to explore in this vibrant city!

And before I bid you adieu for now, a little thought on my passion for pink tutus. Do you love the colour pink too? It's a reminder that life can be joyful, cheerful, and utterly delightful. It's time we all embraced that wonderful inner sparkle and let the colour pink lead the way! How can you inject a little pink magic into your lives? Maybe start by rocking a pink scarf, a pink dress or – dare I say it - your own beautiful, flowing, and utterly glorious pink tutu!

Until next week, when I'll be sharing all my pink-tutu-filled London adventures once again. Sending all my love and hope you'll join me in embracing a bit of pink magic!

Much love and happy dancing, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-02-26 Exploring London