Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-06-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #721: Friday, 2010-06-25 - A Tutu-tastic London Day!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm back from my whirlwind London adventure! This week, my train journey to London was even more exciting than usual, as I was finally making my way to a long-awaited theatre performance!

For this trip, I opted for a vintage pink tutu - a real treasure from a charity shop! Its soft, faded blush matched the gorgeous floral print of my cream cotton blouse perfectly, giving me a look that was both whimsical and elegant. Of course, my trusty pink patent leather shoes completed the ensemble - wouldn't be caught dead in a ballet shoe while exploring the city, darling!

A Train-tastic Ride to London

From my home in Derbyshire, the train ride into London is always a dream. The scenery glides by, showcasing rolling countryside, charming villages, and eventually, the bustling cityscape. The rhythmic clatter of the train is like a soothing metronome, allowing me to drift off into daydreams of tutus and theatre stages. It’s the perfect time for writing my blog posts, too, inspired by all the beauty surrounding me.

This week, my journey was even more magical. As I settled in with my trusty travel companion, a cuppa from the refreshment trolley, I overheard a fascinating conversation at the next table. Apparently, a famous ballerina was travelling on the same train! How utterly delightful! Even though I couldn't see her myself, the air around me shimmered with the magic of her presence. Maybe she was on her way to a show too?!

A Delightful Morning in Bloomsbury

When I arrived in London, the sun was shining, turning the city streets into a vibrant canvas of colours. It was time to delve into one of my favourite neighbourhoods - Bloomsbury. A vibrant blend of bustling market streets, charming bookstores, and stately university buildings, it's the perfect place for an inspired stroll.

I couldn't resist stopping at a charming bookshop filled with vintage first editions and whimsical stories. A copy of “The Wind in the Willows” with a delightful watercolour illustration on the cover begged to be taken home with me. It felt like a magical portal to childhood memories of picnics by the river, dancing bunnies, and the enchantment of nature.

A Theatre Experience to Remember

After a delicious lunch in a quaint cafe, complete with a perfectly pink Victoria sponge, it was time for the main event - my long-awaited ballet performance at the Royal Opera House.

Tonight, the stage was alive with the elegant grace and breathtaking skill of the renowned English National Ballet. I settled into my plush seat, feeling the excited energy radiating from the crowd, all united in our shared love for dance. The lights dimmed, the music started, and I was swept away into a world of ethereal movements, captivating storylines, and exquisite choreography.

The piece I was seeing was "The Sleeping Beauty," a classic fairytale ballet full of romantic elegance. It transported me into the magic of the woods, where princesses slumber, evil sorceresses rule, and brave princes fight to break the spell. Every movement felt like a carefully choreographed dream, with intricate leaps, graceful pirouettes, and powerful jumps filling the stage.

After the final bow, as the applause reverberated through the theatre, I was filled with a deep sense of contentment. This, this was what it was all about! This is what fuelled my love for London and all its vibrant culture!

A Stylish End to a Wonderful Day

As dusk settled, the London streets glittered with twinkling lights, the perfect backdrop for an evening of fashion and fun. It was time to explore the boutiques along Covent Garden.

A pink and silver sequinned purse winked at me from behind a window display, tempting me to step inside. I couldn't resist the allure of its shimmer! After a bit of deliberation (and a good dose of self-pep-talk), it found its way into my handbag. My shopping spree continued, leaving me feeling energised and stylish, a new purse to match my new vintage tutu!

A perfect day, wasn't it? Filled with enchantment, elegant moves, and a touch of sartorial magic, all rolled into one. This is London for you, darling, a city of magic, style, and infinite possibility!

Looking forward, I’m back on the train for Derbyshire in the morning, but I’m already dreaming about my next London adventure. I'll be sharing my travel plans with you all next Friday, so do tune in for more tutu-tastic London delights. Until then, remember - wear your pink tutus loud and proud, and let your inner ballerina shine!

Have a delightful week, my dears!

XOXO, Emma

Don't forget to visit our website,, for all your pink tutu needs and for more London adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-06-25 Exploring London