Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-01-07 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post 749: London Calling! A Day in the Big Smoke

Hello darlings! It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Pink Tutu Blog London adventure! This week, I took a little trip to the big smoke (that's London slang for London, my dears!) to see what all the fuss is about. I hopped on the train bright and early, feeling a little like a character out of Mary Poppins, with my little pink travel bag in hand. I don't know what it is about train travel, but I find it utterly charming. Watching the English countryside roll by is just so peaceful, a real change of pace from my usually hectic ballet schedule.

And let me tell you, the only way to travel is in style. I wore my new blush pink satin dress from the vintage store on the high street (seriously, I just can't get enough of these fabulous places), teamed with a super fluffy white feather boa and, of course, my favourite pink tutu. Nothing says "I'm a ballerina on the move" like a little bit of pink tutu fabulousness!

Once I arrived in London, I did what any self-respecting pink tutu enthusiast does... I hit the streets, darling! Now, I must admit I am slightly biased toward everything pink in London. But I mean, come on, how can you not adore it when you walk past a pastel-coloured shop with its pretty floral window display? London really does have a bit of everything.

Pink is the New Black

My first stop? The iconic Harrods department store! Let’s be honest, I don’t think you can go to London without at least browsing Harrods. I just had to see if their fashion department lived up to the hype. (It did, darlings, it really did!). It’s like a little kingdom of fashion! The clothing displays are spectacular, and the staff, so elegant. I might have accidentally strolled off with a few pink accessories myself. Don’t tell the bank manager, but the delicate lace headband and a rather exquisite pink silk scarf are just divine! I'm so going to pair it with my white, tulle, one-layer tutu!

I must admit, seeing Harrods' huge pink logo flashing above the entrance made me want to squeal! It’s pretty much a pink paradise inside too, and I practically lived there for at least two hours!

Theatre Magic in London

Being a true ballerina at heart, I had to check out a West End show, didn’t I? Well, of course, I did! It’s an experience I always look forward to every time I’m in London. There's nothing like the excitement of the buzzing theatres, the thrill of the red velvet seats, the lights dimming, and the curtain going up! I chose to see a delightful revival of A Little Night Music at the Globe Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue, because who can resist a good old musical about romance and life? I was completely mesmerised by the performance, and those costumes! The choreography was beautiful too, of course, because dancing makes me very happy.

After the show, a few charming gentlemen asked me out for drinks, but as it was already quite late and I knew that if I indulged I wouldn’t get up to see the early ballet class tomorrow, I politely declined and wished them a good evening, a little bit sad I couldn't, in fact, accept, but you can’t have it all, darling! The dance calls for sacrifice!

A Day In London, 7th January 2011

Today is January 7th, and in my personal fashion diary, it is noted as the day I saw the amazing Christmas lights at Piccadilly Circus and decided to try a new, pink, London themed, cake-shop on Wardour Street (in the heart of Soho). My tummy had a most delightful pink-tastic day, but my pink tutus will never be seen on the same day, they will have to be stored separately until they can have their own 'Pink Tutu Fashion Shoot', because it would just be wrong to allow the cake icing and frosting to get anywhere near the lace and the sequins.

If you're ever in London, do go for a walk around this part of the city; I just loved strolling past all the independent boutiques, trendy shops and funky coffee shops. You can't help but feel a buzz around here. And there is a great vibe about it too; the energy is contagious, especially as I danced in my tutu as I wandered by the Soho Theatre, (I did get a few surprised stares - but a little pink tutu in a London crowd is always sure to bring a smile). And, naturally, a trip to London wouldn’t be complete without seeing the famous clock tower of the Palace of Westminster - Big Ben!

It was a busy day, and I know it's always best to go for a walk around any city with a comfortable pair of shoes (in my case, a pair of pink ballerina pumps - and yes, I wore those pink, sparkly socks that match my tutus under them). This way you’ll definitely feel confident to do all the shopping and see all the sights you need to! After a quick stop for fish and chips, of course, it was back on the train.

You know what they say? A trip to London isn’t just for the Londoners, but for anyone with a desire for exploring new and vibrant sights. What was great is that there are so many diverse people around. In just one day I met folks from across the globe – just imagine all those cultures blending together.

Oh, darling! I had such a fantastic time. But now I'm going to bed! It’s all getting a little bit much, and besides, I have an early start to a super fun ballet class!

Stay Tuned

And don't forget to check back in next week, my dear readers, for another London adventure in a Pink Tutu. I'm looking forward to discovering more about the city. After all, it's the home of amazing shows, fantastic shops and plenty of pretty things to photograph. Until then, let me know in the comments below what you would do in London. What’s on your wish list, darling?

Big hugs,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-01-07 Exploring London