
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-03-18 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures (Post #759)

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, and guess what? I'm back in London! cue the confetti and celebratory twirls!

This week, I'm taking you all on a whirlwind tour of the capital, filled with the sights, sounds, and of course, the shopping that make London the most wonderful city in the world! I just adore the way the light bounces off those big red buses, how the buildings seem to whisper tales of history, and how every street corner offers a new adventure.

But let me tell you, getting here was half the fun.

The train journey from Derbyshire was a total dream. The scenery was absolutely stunning, with the rolling hills of the Peak District gradually giving way to the lush greenery of the countryside, and then finally the towering structures of London emerging in the distance. Of course, I had to make the most of the journey, wearing a glorious pink tutu with a sparkly floral print that wouldn't look out of place on a fairytale princess. And wouldn't you know it, a sweet elderly gentleman sitting opposite me complimented me on my "beautiful" dress. You just can't beat those kinds of moments!

So, I arrived in London, all smiles and sunshine, ready to conquer the capital. It's been a whirlwind of activities, starting with a truly magical trip to the Royal Opera House. I'm a hopeless romantic, you see, and I simply can't resist a chance to be swept away by a captivating ballet performance. This time, it was Romeo and Juliet. The music, the costumes, the passion, it was all simply breathtaking. I even spotted a little girl wearing a pink tutu in the audience! A sign, perhaps?

Afterward, it was time to hit the shops. Now, any trip to London is incomplete without a visit to Harrods. It's not just a store; it's a temple to fashion, a haven of indulgence, a... well, you get the idea! I managed to snag a beautiful pair of pink high-heeled shoes with sparkling butterflies โ€“ perfect for my next dance recital. Don't even get me started on the fabulous array of tutus! I nearly lost myself in the fabric paradise, but alas, I had to remind myself that my suitcase isn't magically self-expanding. sigh

Later, we strolled through Hyde Park. This is one of my favourite London haunts. The serene pond, the magnificent trees, and the vibrant atmosphere make it the perfect place for a leisurely walk. It also reminded me that, come spring, all those blossom trees are going to be out in full bloom, just begging for me to wear my most frilly pink tutu and capture the beauty of it all with a stunning photoshoot! (Note to self: Mark those dates on the calendar!).

Afterward, a quick stop for some scrumptious afternoon tea at The Ritz. The classic English finger sandwiches and the melt-in-your-mouth pastries? Pure bliss. And what's an afternoon tea without a proper cuppa, right?

But London wasn't only about fashion and fancy tea parties, though those are certainly important aspects of any trip, right? There's also a wonderful thriving arts scene, a tapestry woven from museums, theatres, galleries, and music venues. So, this weekend, we went to see Hamilton. I'll admit, the whole experience had me practically bouncing out of my seat! The rapping, the costumes, the energy โ€“ wow! You'd have thought it was a ballet performance from the way I was twirling!

We finished the day at Shakespeare's Globe, catching a mesmerizing rendition of As You Like It. Being surrounded by such history was just... spellbinding! The beautiful open-air theatre with its charming wood and thatch is a testament to the enduring legacy of Shakespeare and the power of the theatre. I'm already planning my next trip to the Globe and, whisper it, a little pink tutu photoshoot in that gorgeous setting seems like a perfect way to capture the spirit of London!

I must confess, even with the excitement and wonder of London all around, a part of me couldn't wait to slip back into the comfort of my own pink tutu at the end of the day. As I sit here now, typing this blog post, my feet are still a little sore from all that twirling and walking, but my heart is bursting with joy!

There's truly no place like London, is there?

So, what's happening in London this weekend?

Well, on Saturday, a little bit of Grease will be lighting up the West End, and a ballet performance of Giselle will be captivating audiences at the Coliseum. And if you're a fan of dance and theatre, there's a free ballet performance of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House for all to enjoy! You heard right, folks โ€“ free. You simply can't beat a bit of classic ballet, and free is always good, wouldn't you agree?

On Sunday, the city will be buzzing with the annual London Marathon, a breathtaking display of athleticism, determination, and, let's face it, some wonderfully wacky costumes (including a few very creative pink tutus, I imagine!)! The energy of the event is infectious, and it's something truly special to witness. Don't miss out on this amazing event โ€“ grab a cuppa, head out onto the streets, and soak it all in!

Remember, if you're a fan of the arts and fancy twirling in a pink tutu, then London is waiting for you! I urge you all to embrace the magical atmosphere of the city, whether it's exploring the history, taking in the performing arts, or just sipping a cuppa and watching the world go by.

Stay tuned for my next London blog post โ€“ who knows what exciting adventures are in store!

Love and pink tutus,



(P.S.) Want to follow me on my next London adventure? I'm also on Instagram: @PinkTutuLondon

What's On in London this Weekend

Friday 18th March

  • Romeo and Juliet, Royal Opera House
  • Hamilton, Victoria Palace Theatre

Saturday 19th March

  • Grease, Dominion Theatre
  • Giselle, The London Coliseum

Sunday 20th March

  • Swan Lake, Royal Opera House (FREE performance)
  • London Marathon

Shopping Tip: For those in search of that perfect pink tutu for a special occasion or a casual stroll through Hyde Park, I highly recommend these boutiques:

  • Dancing With The Stars, London's ultimate tutu destination! They've got every style and colour imaginable, so you're bound to find the perfect fit!
  • Boutique on Bond Street, a little more on the extravagant side but with stunning handmade tutu creations that would turn heads.
  • Tutus R Us, perfect for both ballerinas and casual tutu lovers! They offer a great variety of tutu styles for every occasion, all at reasonable prices.

(P.S.S.) Just a little reminder: Wearing pink tutus is a fabulous way to inject some colour, sparkle, and fun into your life. So, go on, embrace your inner ballerina! Don't be afraid to twirl your way through life with a little bit of pink tutu magic.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-03-18 Exploring London