Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-09-02 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #783 - Friday, September 2nd, 2011: A Pink Tutu in the Big Smoke!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to London. I'm buzzing from my adventures and absolutely overflowing with inspiration, ready to spill the tea on my latest London escapades. I think it's safe to say I’m more than just a little bit obsessed with the capital city, but it's not just the architecture and vibrant energy that pulls me in. It's the chance to embrace my love of everything sparkly and stylish!

As you all know, I love my trusty pink tutu, and there's just something about being in London that makes it feel so appropriate – maybe it's the theatre district, maybe it's the vintage fashion scene, maybe it's the simply sheer energy and freedom that lets my inner ballerina soar!

So, let's rewind. This week's London escapade started in good ol' Derbyshire. I'd been busy performing a couple of fundraising shows for a local charity - did I tell you how much I adore ballet? There’s nothing quite like putting your heart and soul into a performance to help a good cause. I'd also managed to pick up a fabulously-fitting new pink tutu – a beautiful lavender shade, it perfectly complements my skin tone. I swear, there’s something so magical about pink tutus – it’s like putting on a little piece of pure joy.

Speaking of joy, that's exactly how I felt hopping aboard the train. I’m a true train aficionado, you know – it’s so romantic and utterly convenient for this pink tutu wearing ballet enthusiast! The journey to London felt like stepping onto the set of a vintage movie - especially with my fabulous pink tutu!

We reached King’s Cross, and of course, I couldn’t resist having a quick look at platform nine and three quarters, hoping to catch a glimpse of a runaway Hogwarts express. Sadly, no wizards materialized but it’s so fun to think about! The pink tutu felt quite at home amidst the vibrant, whimsical world of Harry Potter.

After a delightful trip on the Tube (remember to bring a spare tutu bag, ladies – the carriages get a bit packed, especially at rush hour!), I emerged into the bustling heart of London. I had a packed itinerary, you see, as a ballerina with a penchant for fashion knows how to make the most of a visit to the big smoke. First stop - the iconic Covent Garden! I absolutely adore its colourful atmosphere – all the buskers, street performers, and of course, the shops bursting with the latest designs and delicious treats.

This time, however, I wasn't just drawn to the shops - I had a date with fate at the Royal Opera House. Imagine - me, wearing my trusty pink tutu and witnessing a stunning performance of Giselle, one of my all-time favourite ballets! There was magic in the air, tears in my eyes and sheer wonder all around me - that’s how powerful the artistry of ballet can be! I think a little tear actually landed on my tulle, but luckily, my tutu was up to the task of handling a little emotion!

Later on, my wanderings took me to the heart of the fashion district – a haven for vintage finds and designer pieces. It’s truly inspiring to browse through boutiques, imagine future outfits, and indulge in the magic of clothes! I can't help it, but the combination of vintage style and pink tutus just gives me a unique sense of delight - a sort of ballerina-esque fashion statement with a touch of time travel thrown in.

On a side note, ladies, did you know that many of the original ballerinas used fabrics like silk and tulle, just like we do with vintage styles? It really ties in my passion for history with my love of fashion. There’s a vintage tea dress just waiting to meet my latest pink tutu – I can almost picture it! And when that time comes, I promise to show you the entire look on my website!

By this point, my energy was waning a bit - you know me, after a full day of ballet and shopping I do need to refuel. And I discovered this little gem of a cafe in the midst of the fashionable madness - they even served tea, scones, and a surprisingly decadent pink tutu cake! This time, it wasn’t a fashion faux pas, I have to tell you it was one of the most divine treats I’ve ever tasted.

And with that delightful indulgence, I was ready for some serious entertainment! After all, the theatre is where the magic happens, right? So I headed towards the West End, the heart of London's theatre scene! And guess what? They actually had a show featuring a talented young ballerina, starring none other than…. me! (well, not me exactly, but the leading lady was channeling her inner pink tutu girl!) The storyline wasn’t all roses, of course. It was about this incredible ballet dancer who dreams of performing at the world famous Covent Garden, she overcomes obstacles and makes it happen – with grace, resilience and oh so much heart! I love the power of art, and this particular story truly resonated with my spirit – and that’s the magic of theatre for you!

But you know, even after the final curtain, the magic wasn’t over. The journey home was a truly enjoyable one - I’m so glad I can indulge in that train journey back home. It’s the perfect chance to sit back, let the pink tutu shimmer in the twilight, reflect on a glorious day in London and start planning my next exciting London adventure!

Well, darlings, there you have it - my London adventures through a pink tutu lens! As I sit here typing in my favourite pink dressing gown, sipping on a warm cuppa, my London trip still feels like a magical dream!

See you next week with more fun from, I’ve got so much more to share. I've been browsing through vintage stores for new fashion finds and even experimenting with a new shade of pink for my tutu – what’s life without a touch of pink, right?

Until then, wear your pink tutus loud and proud and never forget - life’s a stage, and you're the leading lady!

Stay bubbly and never forget, a little pink goes a long way!

Love, Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-09-02 Exploring London