Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-02-24 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #808: A Friday in the Capital, Where Dreams Come True 🩰

Hello my lovely tutu-twirling readers! It's Emma here, and this Friday, I've taken the train from Derbyshire down to the heart of London. It's a whirlwind of a day, just like I love them - bursting with exciting shows, magical shopping finds, and of course, some fabulous London ballet performances.

Oh, the joy of trains! I do love a good train journey. It gives me the chance to unwind, settle into my favourite pink travel cardigan and start dreaming of all the adventures London has to offer. My pink tulle skirt, as always, rustles with anticipation for all the pretty things we’ll be seeing.

This trip to London is all thanks to my fabulous ballet performances. I’m so lucky to be able to do what I love - to dance and to travel! My gigs pay for all these lovely outings. Each new performance feels like a celebration, leading me to another exciting new adventure.

And London… it’s the capital of my ballet dreams! Today, I’m embracing the vibrant energy of the city, exploring its hidden treasures and letting my pink tutu get lost in the crowd of fabulous, creative souls.

My London Diary - A Day in Pink Tutu

This morning, I started with a spot of classic ballet training at the renowned Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. My feet are a little sore, but oh, what a glorious experience! Being surrounded by such talent and passion really lifts the spirits.

Next, it’s onto a wander through the streets of Covent Garden. London feels like a never-ending treasure chest of delights - every shop window feels like a spectacular display waiting to be explored. I fell in love with the delicate pastel-toned floral designs at Liberty's, and you'll never guess what caught my eye at John Lewis... a sparkly pink tutu - naturally! It's so vibrant, almost like a delicious pink sherbet, and I’m taking it back to Derbyshire with me for my next performance.

London has a way of getting into your heart, you know? Every turn, every cobblestone street feels like a page in a storybook. And the pink tutu? Well, it adds a little sprinkle of magic wherever it goes! Today, I was lucky to find myself caught in a spontaneous street performance, a young, talented ballerina twirling to the music of a street violinist. It reminded me of the sheer joy and passion we find in ballet, wherever it is found. It felt like a real London experience, vibrant, heartwarming, and utterly charming.

The afternoon brought a truly wonderful ballet performance at the London Coliseum. It was a whirlwind of elegance, grace, and beauty. And yes, I wore my pink tutu - a pink splash of delight amongst the beautifully dressed audience. The music, the dancers, the sheer magic of it all - it left me feeling absolutely spellbound! I can’t recommend enough the power of a live performance. There's nothing like seeing such skilled and dedicated individuals express themselves with their bodies and minds in harmony.

My love for fashion and all things beautiful couldn’t be left behind on this day, so I decided to reward my dancing feet with a visit to the V&A Museum. I was absolutely mesmerised by the latest Fashion in Motion exhibition, an inspiring showcase of contemporary designers and their creations. A true visual feast for the eyes and the soul!

Of course, no trip to London is complete without a bit of delicious British food. A classic fish and chips dinner followed my visit to the V&A, perfectly satisfying after all those dancing feet and museum exploring. There’s a lovely energy to a traditional British cafe - a real sense of local charm. I love this kind of place where you get to experience a bit of local life, and indulge in some comfort food!

As my evening came to a close, I caught myself feeling rather charmed by the whole day's events. The streets, the music, the people, and yes, my pink tutu - it’s this blend of passion, grace and magic that makes London so special.

Looking forward to my next trip...

This visit to London felt like a journey back to my dreams - the world of ballet, the glamour of a show, and a dash of pink tutu magic, mixed into the vibrant energy of a city brimming with possibility. This experience has truly ignited the pink spark inside me. I'm already planning my next trip to London, and thinking about how I can sprinkle a little pink tutu joy onto my next adventures.

Don't forget to check out my website for more exciting stories from my pink world! I’ll see you next week!

And as always… remember: a pink tutu a day keeps the worries away.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-02-24 Exploring London