Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-10-19 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon: A Friday in the City of Lights! (Post #842)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, here, and guess what? I'm in London!

This week's journey is a little extra special. After a thrilling week performing with the Derby Ballet, I hopped onto the train (first class, naturally) with my trusty pink suitcase in tow. I'm back in London for a day of fabulous frolics! This is my happy place – where every cobbled street whispers of hidden treasures, and the city air crackles with energy.

My week in Derbyshire was magical. It was lovely to perform at the Derby Theatre for local audiences – you really couldn't have asked for a better crowd. Seeing their smiles and hearing their applause is what makes this journey worth every pirouette! This is what makes funding my travels worthwhile. This week we did a production of "Swan Lake". The costumes were so beautiful - all flowing white, feathery skirts. A classic choice, and perfect for a chilly Autumn night.

But London calls. I've always loved the feeling of being a little lost in a city as vast and full of surprises as London.

A Pink Tutu and the Capital's Charm

So, where did I head to first? Of course, my trusty pink tutu came along for the adventure. We popped into Harrods (where else?), to pick out some pink, feather-boa earrings. The store was alive with the sparkle of the Christmas decorations they're starting to put up. And while I’m sure some will disagree, I always think that the start of the Christmas decorations is just the best! What do you think? I think Christmas decorations are just so fabulous and cheerful. If you were in London on Friday the 19th, you’d probably think the same too!

A quick glance in the mirror in the Harrods changing rooms showed me how fabulous my outfit looked: a perfect shade of dusty pink tulle (a new tutu addition!) and my new earrings, and of course my sparkly pink shoes.

From Covent Garden to the West End

From Harrods, we strolled towards the glorious Covent Garden, and oh my goodness, what a day! There were so many fantastic stalls, overflowing with interesting, sparkly treasures. I got lost for ages, chatting with friendly street performers and admiring their fabulous, sequin-encrusted outfits! There was even a ballet performance happening right on the piazza – just another example of how London weaves its magic, blending the expected and the unexpected in the most delightful way.

And it wasn't all sparkly sequins and feather boas! I treated myself to the most decadent, freshly made strawberry cheesecake from a charming little bakery. Honestly, the flaky crust and the creamy strawberry filling – pure perfection.

Feeling truly rejuvenated, I decided to explore the West End – you just can’t leave London without a dose of Broadway magic! I had tickets to "Matilda The Musical," which is absolutely phenomenal. It was such a treat, watching young talented kids perform and telling their story.

Inspiration in Every Corner

Honestly, a walk through London is just an endless source of inspiration, a vibrant colour palette of creativity, and endless beauty, especially in the West End. It’s a real mix of modern architecture, ancient history and bustling city life. I can’t resist snapping a picture every time I spot a fabulous window display, or an especially elegant doorway. I just love to be surrounded by fashion and creativity. And in London, it’s always possible.

Later, I ended the day with a glass of prosecco, perched on the balcony of a hidden cafe with stunning views of the London Eye, its lights twinkling in the dusk. The city felt as if it was sparkling under a layer of pixie dust.

Pink Tutu Tales

A few other things I noticed in London that made my heart flutter were:

  • The adorable pink shoes a young girl was wearing, with tiny little pink tutus attached to them!

  • The gentleman in a pink top hat standing on the tube platform with his beautiful wife. So elegant.

  • That hilarious pair of women in pink tutus and sparkly leggings at Hyde Park, having a right old laugh as they walked their labrador. I mean, don't tell me you haven't thought about rocking a pink tutu while you're taking your dog for a walk?! Maybe we'll start a new trend - the pink tutu walk in the park?

This city just always fills me with a kind of happiness and joy that I can’t explain. It's just wonderful to be in London – I feel completely myself when I'm here. I love that people just embrace who you are, and the more outlandish the better. I’ve even met a couple of people who wore pink tutus to meet me!

It’s also always the right season for a new tutu, which of course was a priority during my trip! I can't help myself, I simply adore those light, frothy skirts, perfect for swirling around. It doesn't matter whether I’m walking around London or perfecting a pirouette on the stage - a tutu always puts a smile on my face.

It's Catchy!

I'm also seeing the effects of my pink tutu movement – people are taking notice! I keep getting whispers and nods from complete strangers – some even yell, "Go for it, Pink Tutu Queen!".

And honestly? That’s just the best compliment.

I’ve learned that embracing the bright and bubbly isn’t just about a garment – it's about finding your own rhythm, owning your unique self, and spreading that joy like confetti in the wind. And that’s exactly what I aim to do, one tutu, one pink sequin, and one dazzling pirouette at a time.

See you next week with another pink tutu adventure!

P.S. What's your favorite pink tutu story? Share it with me in the comments!


Emma x

Pink Tutu Travel Tips for London:

This London visit was so much fun! I want you to experience all the amazingness for yourself. Here are some #PinkTutu tips for travelling to London that will make you feel right at home, wherever you are:

Fashion: * Tutus are your best friend! I like to dress with personality in a place like London, and honestly, you can't beat a brightly-colored tutu. There is just a sense of magic that surrounds tutus in this city - trust me! * Sequins and sparkles! There is no such thing as too much sparkle in London. Dress up and enjoy it. * Think vintage. London is the capital of all things vintage, and you can't go wrong with a touch of retro style. You can find incredible pieces to jazz up any outfit - I swear I find a new vintage store every time I visit! * A little extra, and a lot of colour! I love a hat! Or a feathered boa! Add some unique items for an unforgettable look. And definitely embrace colour. London is a vibrant city! * Comfort, too! If you’re on your feet all day (as you probably will be, especially when discovering hidden cafes or taking pictures of amazing street art) remember comfort shoes. You can always carry extra fabulous shoes! * And definitely accessorise! Every London day deserves the perfect jewellery to complete your look! * Don’t be afraid to make a statement. Just have fun, experiment with style and show the city your flair!

Travel Tips * Take the train! Trains are super convenient, especially if you want to take in some lovely English countryside views. You can buy train tickets online for ease and they usually come with cheaper fares. If you're lucky, you may even find yourself on a train with some delightful strangers who are keen to have a good old chinwag. * Bring a big suitcase: I can’t overestimate the power of having lots of options when it comes to wardrobe selection! A great outfit change is just a suitcase change away. * Plan for a surprise. Don’t always book every minute. Leave some room in your itinerary to get swept away with some of London’s wonderful surprises!
* Be sure to catch a show in the West End. If you love dancing, you won’t be disappointed with London’s world-class ballet and theatre! * And a reminder: The pink tutu is just an invitation to spread a little joy! This is a journey for the soul. I'd rather wander into the heart of something exciting than try to always stick to a set itinerary! Have the courage to just wander off on your own!

Don’t Forget

Make sure to have a few essential bits and bobs:

  • A trusty phone camera. This is London - there is so much to photograph!
  • A cute, pink travel mug. It’s amazing what a good cup of tea does for a weary traveller!
  • Pink sparkly eye mask - this one is a must, because the early morning arrival in London, or a late-night journey home, needs a little bit of comfort.

Have the most magical adventure and let me know your stories! And remember, you can always be your most radiant, most stylish self – just as you are. Because you’re a unique spark of joy and creativity that can make London your stage.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-10-19 Exploring London