Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-11-23 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #847)

Friday, 23rd November 2012

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm positively bursting with excitement to share my latest adventures with you all. You know how I love a good train journey – there's just something so charming about gazing out the window at the countryside whizzing by, with the rhythm of the tracks beneath you and a good book to keep you company. And that's exactly what I did this week, travelling from my cosy little Derbyshire home down to London town, a trip which always gets my creative juices flowing and my tutu-wearing heart pounding!

London Calling!

It was a delightful journey, made even better by my trusty travel companion – my pinkest and fluffiest tutu, of course! What else would a ballerina do on her way to the big city? Arriving at London's majestic King's Cross Station, I felt a thrill that sent shivers down my spine. You can almost feel the energy buzzing around this place, the magic of a thousand stories waiting to be told.

My plan for today, darling? To simply soak up all that London has to offer, from the charming nooks and crannies of Covent Garden to the vibrant theatre district. I wouldn't dream of visiting this incredible city without taking in a show, so I'm going to treat myself to something truly spectacular – the ballet, naturally! Tonight, I'll be experiencing "The Nutcracker" at the Royal Opera House, a quintessential festive treat for every ballerina. The music, the costumes, the magic… I can hardly contain myself!

Tutuing Through Covent Garden

After grabbing a cuppa and a scrumptious scone (a necessary fuel for any tutu-wearing adventure), I started exploring Covent Garden. It’s like a little village nestled in the heart of London – cobblestone streets, charming boutiques, street performers, the sound of laughter and the aroma of delicious street food – everything a girl could want! I couldn't resist a detour through one of the delightful shops overflowing with colourful vintage clothing – I snagged the most darling pair of ruby red gloves that'll go perfectly with my blush-pink tutu, wouldn’t you say?

As I wandered through the bustling market, my eyes caught a glimpse of a small, beautifully painted stall selling flowers. I couldn’t resist picking up a delicate spray of blush pink roses - they just screamed pink tutu elegance! They'll add the perfect touch of romantic charm to my look tonight, wouldn't you agree?

Royal Opera House – The Dream!

And now, dear readers, I'm getting ready for the evening’s grand finale - the ballet! Oh, how I adore those soaring movements, the music, the grace! The Royal Opera House is simply stunning. The ornate details, the opulent chandeliers – a perfect setting for a ballet spectacle!

The stage lights dimmed, the orchestra began to play, and the first dancers took the stage. A wave of emotion washed over me – this was it, the magic of theatre! I'll let the magic of the dance and the music carry me away this evening, but trust me – I'll be back here tomorrow morning bright and early to fill you in on every last detail.

Fashion Frenzy!

Oh, and before I sign off, let me tell you about the incredible vintage dress I found in Covent Garden – it's a blush pink masterpiece with delicate lace and swirling patterns that made me feel like a fairytale princess! It's just perfect for twirling under the sparkling lights, don’t you think? I simply had to bring it home, and I’ll definitely be sharing pictures with you all next week.

As I prepare for my evening at the ballet, I just want to say a big thank you for all of your lovely messages this week – they make every pink tutu-clad adventure so much more enjoyable. Until next week, keep on twirling and keep dreaming big!

Much love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-11-23 Exploring London