Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-10-31 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures - #948

Friday, 31st October 2014

Hello lovelies! Emma here, ready to share another week of adventures with you. And what better way to start than a weekend in the glorious capital! You guys know I love travelling by train - the rhythm of the tracks, the changing scenery, the delicious smell of that hot tea you always buy at the station, it’s just pure magic! This time, it’s a little extra magical - it’s a pink tutu pilgrimage to London. Can you believe it's October 31st already? This spooky weekend calls for a pink tutu inspired twist, of course!

My Pink Tutu Railway Romance

Leaving my cosy little Derbyshire cottage behind (it's getting chilly, gotta get my winter pashmina out!) the train pulls away from the platform, leaving the station behind like a forgotten dream. The rhythmic chug of the wheels creates a soothing lullaby, the perfect soundtrack for a good old-fashioned railway adventure.

Wearing my new "Flutterby" tutu, all blush pink tulle with glittery silver trim, I settle into a plush armchair. I can't help but steal glances at my reflection in the window. It's just so darn fabulous. The train journeys are my moments of creative bliss - they inspire my outfits, my blog posts, even my dance routines! It's no surprise I come up with my best tutu outfits whilst en route to London - something about the speed and freedom of travelling allows my mind to wander...

Today’s travel tutu is paired with my go-to white shirt - so classic yet oh-so-elegant. I added a splash of vintage with my grandmother's ruby necklace (it's definitely my lucky charm!) and some little pearl earrings that make me feel like a ballet star. A sprinkle of glitter over my lids, and boom, a masterpiece of girly glam!

London! Oh, London!

And then... there it is! The shimmering towers of London, reaching for the sky like dancing ballerinas in the twilight. The train screeches to a halt at Euston, and I can’t wait to hit the streets! The city lights twinkle, a kaleidoscope of vibrant life. London calls to me!

First Stop: Covent Garden!

Forget your stuffy tea rooms - I'm going straight to Covent Garden! This lively heart of London is my first port of call - it's pure inspiration, a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and... yes, even pink! Today, they have the Hallowe'en Extravaganza on, and it's fantastic! Street performers are everywhere - jugglers, mimes, musicians and even a couple of fire dancers! My little pink tutu is practically screaming for attention in this vibrant atmosphere. People can't stop looking and smiling at my outfit!

It’s just fantastic, seeing people's faces light up. That’s what makes me feel so fulfilled - bringing a bit of colour and magic into their lives, just like the ballerinas do in a show! It's such a joy seeing their surprise turn into genuine delight. Maybe a few of them will feel inspired enough to even try wearing a tutu! Fingers crossed, it's all about spreading that pink love.

Fashion Find: The Perfect Accessory

Every journey to London requires a little shopping! And today’s quest is all about a particular type of accessory - a fascinator. Not just any fascinator, a vintage, feather-trimmed beauty, perfect for a night at the opera or ballet. And find one I did, nestled in a hidden gem of a boutique tucked away on a quiet side street, almost as if it was meant to be! The shop assistant even told me she has a daughter who takes ballet classes! Another Tutu twin!

This fascinator, my loves, is pure magic. It's a delicate cloud of soft, lilac feathers, delicately perched upon a velvet headband, its subtle sheen reflecting the light like a thousand tiny stars. I knew as soon as I saw it that it had to be mine. I could picture myself in a gorgeous black dress with it - oh, the magic that we’ll make together!

Pink Tutu: Evening Ballet!

Speaking of magic, it’s ballet time! It's all about that refined elegance that takes the London theatre scene to another level! Tonight's show, at the Royal Opera House, is "Swan Lake" - an absolute classic. It's pure grace and elegance and… a stunning story! I knew I had to see this beauty in the pinkest possible light, of course! My ballet tutu - it's got to be in pink! This time, it’s my Whimsical Willow tutu – it’s a soft pastel pink and has a shimmery illusion overlay that adds a touch of sophistication. It flows and swishes with every step I take, matching the magical dance of the swans on stage. I'm completely mesmerized. The stage, lit by warm spotlights, is a stage of wonder, transforming my little tutu journey into a genuine fairytale.

It’s just phenomenal, you guys. This isn't just about watching a show, it’s about feeling the power of art, and the emotions the dancers share on the stage are powerful, real, and pure magic! My favourite part, always, is the iconic duet between the White Swan and the Black Swan. The choreography, the costumes, the entire act is like an exquisite piece of art that transports you straight to another world. The story tells us that we’re not only allowed to have lightness and grace in life, but also dark beauty, strength, and fierce expression! That's what a real ballerina does!

After the show, my heart is filled with that joyful afterglow. The beauty of the dance has settled over me like a calming cloak, but there’s more! I always enjoy meeting fellow dancers after the performance! It’s fun to swap tips and stories and perhaps even to talk about our love of the tutu! After a brief conversation about pointe shoes, which apparently require more frequent replacement than any other shoe! We’ve discussed our favourite moves, shared recommendations on how to find the best pink tutus - which reminds me, I should give that little ballet boutique next to my favorite tea shop another look, perhaps they might even have something special for my next London trip!

Saturday's Plans: A Shopping Adventure!

Now for the exciting part, you guys - Saturday! What am I planning? Oh, my heart’s all set for an ultimate shopping trip, it’s all about that pink perfection!

Oxford Street, here I come! Let me tell you, Oxford Street is not only the place to find the ultimate vintage dress, but the place to find pink-tastic inspiration! My eyes light up as soon as I hit the bustling pavements - shops abound! I know, it sounds a little extravagant, but you need a fabulous wardrobe if you want to conquer the world wearing your best tutus!

But wait! Today’s inspiration isn't just limited to dresses! There’s more… I'm talking about that iconic English fashion accessory – the stylish hat! Yes, I'm on a hunt for a showstopper, something to give my whole outfit that 'extra'. It can be playful, elegant, whatever my pink tutu requires, but it has to make a statement, of course.

A London Farewell

The weekend ends in a rush, all too quickly! It’s time to wave goodbye to London until the next time. And just as I boarded the train at Euston station, I realized that I haven’t even touched the famous Harrods! Well, maybe next time, my lovely pink tutu friends, maybe next time!

As my train journeys me back to the countryside, I think back on all the pinktastic magic London has to offer. The colours, the energy, the endless possibilities for inspiration. It’s a constant reminder, that you don't have to be a professional dancer to experience this beautiful world of art and dance. All it takes is a little pink tutu and a heart full of love for the magic in everyday life.

Don't forget to check out my website, for more fun tips and adventures! And until next week, stay fabulous!

Emma. xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-10-31 Exploring London