
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-12-05 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #953 - A Friday in Londontown (and a whole lot of pink, naturally!)

Hey gorgeous readers! It's Emma, back from another whirlwind trip to London. This time, I boarded the train from Derbyshire on Thursday morning, arriving in the Big Smoke just in time for a spot of lunch in Covent Garden (you'll never guess what I had... strawberry and cream ice cream, naturally! Just like Cinderella!).

My mission this week: soak up London's Christmas spirit, see some fabulous shows, and, of course, add a touch of pink to the streets.

So grab your teacup and a slice of Victoria sponge cake, and join me on this magical London adventure, right here in Pink Tutu Blogland!

London by Train - The Joy of a Journey

First things first, I can't sing enough praises about train travel. Seriously, it's such a relaxing way to get around. I find myself drawn to the windows, admiring the countryside zoom past as I listen to my favourite tunes on my little pink iPod. The plush seats, the gentle rocking motion - pure bliss! I even spotted a cheeky squirrel scampering through the trees ā€“ London really is the best, even in its surrounding countryside.

Arriving in Londontown: Covent Garden is Calling!

Stepping off the train at Euston Station, I was hit by the bustling, exciting energy that only London can offer. Taxis zoomed past, the sound of street performers floated on the air, and the smell of roasting chestnuts filled my nose ā€“ so festive! A quick Tube journey to Covent Garden later, and I was standing in a little pink-hued paradise.

First stop? Shopping, of course! You wouldn't believe the fabulous sparkly tiaras I found ā€“ absolutely perfect for adding a touch of princess magic to any evening look! I nabbed a couple of stunning pastel pink cashmere scarves and some delicate rose-gold jewellery to add some elegance to my weekend wardrobe. My bank balance might be a little thinner, but my heart is full of sparkly joy!

Speaking of sparkle, how could I forget about the magical atmosphere of the Covent Garden Christmas Market! Rows and rows of stalls overflowing with delightful gifts, warm cinnamon smells swirling in the air, and the most enchanting Christmas decorations imaginable - it truly felt like stepping into a festive fairy tale.

I was in heaven, even the slightly over-priced hot chocolate with marshmallows tasted like liquid gold, the kind you only find in dreamland! I managed to snag a hand-painted ornament in the shape of a ballerina (obviously!) for my Christmas tree back in Derbyshire ā€“ it's going to be the absolute star of the show.

The Show Must Go On - London's Theatre Scene is a Ballet-lover's Dream

Of course, no trip to London would be complete without a visit to the theatre. This time, I snagged tickets to see "The Nutcracker" at the Royal Opera House. I practically jumped out of my skin with excitement!

Walking into the grand halls of the Opera House, surrounded by the swirling atmosphere of elegance and anticipation, I felt my own heart beating in time with the magical tunes of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece. The entire production was simply breathtaking, from the costumes to the intricate sets. Seeing the grace and precision of the dancers really set my soul on fire! My spirit felt like a soaring arabesque, spinning in the most beautiful kind of happiness.

There's truly nothing like seeing live ballet, especially in a space as majestic as the Royal Opera House. The energy of the performance was contagious, the music sent shivers down my spine, and the pure artistry of it all left me in awe.

After the curtain call, I walked out feeling inspired, energised, and overflowing with the desire to dance! You see, my friends, itā€™s moments like these that make me truly appreciate the transformative power of art, and how ballet, for me, truly represents beauty in its most perfect form.

The Power of Pink - Bringing Joy to the Streets

On Friday, after a hearty breakfast of pancakes with maple syrup and a whole pot of strong black tea, I was ready to embrace London with the same confidence and style I use in my ballet classes. And what's better than a ballerina's best friend? A pink tutu! It was time to share the magic and joy with the world!

Draping my new pink cashmere scarf around my neck, adding a touch of sparkle with my new jewellery, and finishing the look with my beloved pink tutu, I knew I was ready to paint the town pink!

With a bright pink beret perched upon my head and my ballet flats strapped tight to my feet, I strolled confidently down the street, feeling like the absolute epitome of pink power!

Walking through the vibrant markets of Camden Town, a kaleidoscope of colour, and exploring the cobblestone streets of Notting Hill, I noticed people stopping to stare.

Some people, of course, laughed and looked a little perplexed. Others seemed curious, and a few even took pictures! But I realised, it didn't matter! It wasnā€™t about making them understand my love for tutus. It was about bringing a little bit of pink magic into their day, sharing a smile, and spreading the power of feeling utterly fabulous.

And you know what? It worked. I saw genuine smiles erupt on peopleā€™s faces. Children pointed and giggled, mothers seemed a bit embarrassed, and fathers actually tried to give me a fist bump. Even some teenagers stopped to take a selfie with me. It was a truly amazing feeling!

My favourite encounter, however, was with a group of girls huddled together on a bench. As I approached them, my tutu billowing in the wind, one of the girls piped up with, ā€œOMG, you're so cute!ā€ and her friends burst into laughter, completely charmed by the pink tornado that had just danced past.

That right there was the power of pink in action, a reminder that a little bit of sparkle and silliness can make a world of difference in a busy, sometimes stressful world.

Friday Night: Theatreland Glamour and Ballet Dreams

After a whirlwind day of exploration and pink-tinted adventures, it was time to enjoy some theatre magic. The evening's offering? The captivating and incredibly energetic show, ā€œCatsā€. It was an incredible experience.

Although it wasnā€™t my usual ballet preference, the story was charming, the costumes stunning (especially those extravagant furry tail designs!), and the performersā€™ acrobatics, movements, and artistry blew my mind.

Seeing the show transported me to another world. The music, the costumes, the incredible story-tellingā€¦ I left the theatre feeling like a super-charged, ready-to-dance energy ball!

Final Thoughts

My London trip, always a dream for a girl who loves ballet and everything pink, lived up to every expectation.

From the elegance of Covent Garden to the magic of Londonā€™s theatre scene, this city never ceases to inspire and amaze me. This trip made me realise, once again, that every day is an opportunity to find joy, share sparkle, and dance your heart out, in whatever way feels fabulous to you.

Until next time, gorgeous readers, remember to dance like no one's watching and embrace the magic of a little bit of pink!



The Pink Tutu Blogger!

(Follow my journey on www.pink-tutu.com. Until next week, wear your pink proudly, my lovelies!)

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-12-05 Exploring London