Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-07-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #983 – Friday 2015-07-03: London Calling!

Hello my darlings!

It’s Friday, and that means one thing… London Calling! I’m currently sitting in my little Airbnb flat in Bloomsbury, the sunshine streaming in and the sound of a nearby busker playing a cheerful tune in the street below. My pink tutu (naturally) is hung neatly on the wardrobe door, ready for tonight’s ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. I can almost feel the magic of the theatre swirling around me.

For the past year, my ballet performances have been funding these amazing little London getaways, and it’s been incredible. I’m really embracing the whole “ballet for travel” concept – after all, it’s my life’s work to bring a bit of magic and pink-tutu sparkle to the world!

Today, though, I’m ready to embrace a bit of that London magic. And wouldn't you know it, today's agenda is filled with everything that makes London so utterly charming: charming streets, delicious cafes, and the thrill of discovering the city's hidden gems.

I travelled down this morning from my little Derbyshire home, by train of course. Nothing beats a train journey to London. All those fascinating faces, the changing scenery whizzing past the window, and the gentle rumble of the tracks – pure bliss! I settled myself in with a good book, a cup of tea and a scone, and watched the world drift by. You really feel like you’re part of a story, don’t you?

So, on this glorious Friday, I'm off on an adventure, my dear readers. Come along with me as I explore London’s vibrant streets and embrace the excitement of the city!

Morning Coffee & London Calling

First things first: a spot of caffeine! I knew exactly where I wanted to go for my morning pick-me-up – a sweet little cafe called “The Tea Caddy” in Covent Garden. They're famous for their incredible latte art – they even make flowers and little bunny faces in your coffee!

I treated myself to a delightful cappuccino and a slice of their famous Victoria sponge (so incredibly delicious!) while I browsed their collection of teapots and china. What a treat for the senses! It was the perfect way to start the day, surrounded by so much beautiful charm and a sense of vintage loveliness.

Shopping Spree – Bloomsbury Chic

After my cafe stop, I popped into a couple of shops on the way back to my flat. A charming vintage shop with all kinds of fascinating knick-knacks, and of course, the ever-popular Zara – you know how much I love a good outfit!

You see, it’s all about a balance for me – balancing the artistry and discipline of ballet with the playful exploration of fashion and style. To me, fashion is a form of expression. Just like a ballet performance, a stylish outfit can tell a story, reflect your mood, and let you feel confident and empowered.

Bloomsbury is absolutely buzzing with charming independent boutiques, but I’m always drawn to those big name stores – those timeless designs that speak of elegance and sophistication. And then there’s Zara – the best for on-trend pieces with an edge of fun.

Today I treated myself to a chic navy blue blouse, a beautiful pair of suede ankle boots and, of course, a gorgeous pink silk scarf with delicate flower patterns. My whole heart fluttered when I saw it! I know exactly what dress it will go perfectly with for this evening's ballet performance.

A Picnic in the Park

After my shopping spree, the sun was high in the sky and calling out to me. The day was warm and breezy, perfect for a picnic. It’s hard to choose the perfect place to have a picnic in London – Regent’s Park? Hyde Park? Kensington Gardens? They're all so lovely, each with their own unique charm.

I ended up strolling to the lovely square at the edge of Bloomsbury – a peaceful haven right in the heart of the city, dotted with colourful flowers and with the sound of children playing in the background. I settled down on a bench beneath a beautiful old tree and enjoyed my little picnic of cheese, grapes, and a crusty baguette from the nearby bakery. It’s hard not to be inspired by London – just the energy of it all!

Westminster – The Heart of History

After a quick power nap (essential!), it was time to visit Westminster! This historic place never ceases to inspire me. You can really feel the weight of history here, the energy of all those who’ve come before, dreaming their own dreams.

My visit always starts at Westminster Abbey. What an architectural marvel! I absolutely love walking around and absorbing the beauty and serenity of the building. It’s amazing to think that so many monarchs have been crowned there and that so many incredible figures have worshipped here over the years. I always have a quiet moment there, reflecting on life's grand tapestry and remembering that it's always a good time to find inspiration in those before us.

From there, it's only a short walk across the road to the Houses of Parliament. They are just stunning, like something straight out of a fairytale, the gothic architecture and the intricate towers, it all just draws you in. It’s a testament to the architectural talent and engineering skill of the people who built this incredible city.

Next on my itinerary, Big Ben and the iconic Clock Tower. To be honest, I can't leave London without at least getting a glimpse of this majestic clock. Every time I see it, it gives me that feeling of excitement and anticipation, as though I’m just about to embark on the most amazing adventure. I wonder if it’s the same feeling those brave explorers had as they ventured into the unknown?

Art in the Heart of London

Walking from the heart of London back to Bloomsbury where my flat is, I had time to visit the National Gallery. Nothing beats exploring those great masterworks. It was inspiring to spend a little time amongst some of the most significant works of art in the world. It made me realize the connection between ballet and art – it’s all about expressing your inner self through creative energy.

I love how art reflects the mood of the times, capturing the spirit of the past. It’s also a great place to get those Instagram-worthy pics! My phone's gallery is brimming with photos of me posing by various pieces, twirling like a ballet dancer, and using the gallery's intricate hallways as a backdrop for some elegant pictures!

Ballet, Brilliance and the Evening Glow

It’s time to head back to my little flat for a quick freshen-up! The evening performance at the Royal Opera House is about to start.

As I slipped on my sparkly pink tutu and practiced a few poses, a warm sense of excitement flowed through me. I can't think of a better way to end the day than being transported into the world of dance and performance.

I always feel so connected to other dancers during the ballet – we’re all on the same journey, expressing ourselves through our art, striving for something greater than ourselves. I believe we all have the potential to dance in our own way, even if it’s just a joyful twirl in the kitchen.

Until next week…

My darlings, I've loved taking you on this little trip through the day with me. It's truly inspiring to experience all this city has to offer, and it's so fun sharing my adventures with you. Don’t forget, everyone can wear a pink tutu!

Remember to join me again next Friday for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! Until then, have a fab week!

Lots of love, Emma


Let me know your favourite things about London in the comments below! What do you like to do when you’re visiting the city? What's your favourite cafe, museum, or park? Let's inspire each other!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-07-03 Exploring London