
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-08-21 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #990 - Friday 2015-08-21: A London Daydream in Pink!

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, here, bringing you another London adventure, straight from the heart of this fabulous city!

As you know, Iā€™m all about living life in pink, and what better way to do that than in London, the city thatā€™s as vibrant and stylish as a well-chosen pair of pink ballet shoes! Today was a day packed full of fun, from the train ride in to a whirlwind of exploring, fashion, and of course, ballet.

This week, I managed to snag a rather glamorous performance opportunity at the Theatre Royal in Derby, twirling for the delightful folks of my hometown. Itā€™s a good thing I have my secret weapon for packing a million costumes into a tiny suitcase: a well-worn ballerinaā€™s bag (complete with sequin pockets ā€“ youā€™d be surprised what a girl can fit in there)!

Speaking of journeys, I couldnā€™t resist the opportunity to travel to London by train. I know, I know, a train trip might seem rather old fashioned to some of you, but I can't get enough of the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels on the tracks. It's such a wonderfully relaxing way to travel!

It's also the perfect excuse to dress up for the occasion, and for a Friday trip, pink had to be the colour, of course. My outfit was a pastel pink polka dot dress paired with a matching headband and a crisp white cardigan (which, donā€™t worry, I tossed in my bag as soon as I was off the train!) This whole look was perfectly punctuated with a bright pink, vintage tutu ā€“ just a tiny touch of sparkle for the London streets.

I arrived at Euston Station, already buzzing with energy, and instantly, the city started working its magic on me. That delightful London smog (which I wouldnā€™t recommend to anyone but I find charming) had this lovely smoky pink tinge, creating this almost fairytale-like aura over the whole city.

Finding the Pink in London

Now, who am I kidding? I know, I know, some of you may think I'm being a little too romantic. But listen, I'm an old soul who just can't resist the charms of London!

After the train ride, I knew I was in for a delicious day of pink-tastic London adventures. My first stop was the Covent Garden Market, a must-see for every shopper and food lover, and oh, so wonderfully chaotic, too!

From the moment I stepped onto that cobblestone square, I could practically hear the cityā€™s heartbeat. There were all sorts of beautiful street performers - jugglers, magicians, musicians - their performances filling the air with music and laughter. Itā€™s like walking through a living postcard, isnā€™t it? And as always, I just HAD to join in!

I had a little giggle to myself, I think people were quite amused seeing a girl in a pink tutu twirling with the buskers. Letā€™s be honest, the London crowd doesnā€™t bat an eyelid at much, but you can always make a bit of a splash with a well-placed twirl and a smile!

My day in Covent Garden was all about colour and discovering some unique treasures. I got myself a pretty pink handbag and a set of vintage ballet clips - you know, just for the hair, I told the charming shop owner. He winked! I was, of course, browsing the stalls for the perfect vintage pink tutu for a new performance piece ā€“ a delicate little lace number for my next ballet.

And yes, I had my pink picnic lunch with a perfectly sculpted strawberry cream cheese sandwich and my special tea blend, lavender and honey. The sun was shining, I was on my feet with a tutu on and London was buzzing, what else did I need?! (Besides a second slice of that cake.)

Londonā€™s Dancing Gems

I took the Tube, which felt oddly thrilling after my train journey, and found myself right by the Royal Opera House, where magic, glitter and pure dancing talent unfold on a daily basis. It is quite simply breathtaking.

While the ticket prices for a performance inside are quite expensive, donā€™t despair - you can often spot ballet dancers outside, performing right there on the street for the pure joy of dance! Itā€™s something quite magical to experience. It's those impromptu moments of beauty and the artistry on display that just draw me to the heart of the city.

Now, youā€™d think this city of dreams is packed full of tutu-wearing gals like myself? Well, surprisingly not quite! But as a dancer myself, my life is a testament to finding beauty and adventure in the unexpected. I have to admit that sometimes, I get a tad jealous of the sheer amount of amazing ballet schools you find here in London. They are simply stunning.

I find myself often gazing into the dance studio windows of the Royal Ballet School or the English National Ballet - hoping I could be a fly on the wall just to be able to watch the grace of these amazing dancers, oh the talent, itā€™s extraordinary. I imagine the conversations the young ballerinas would be having and their future aspirations. The sheer dedication, commitment, and passion that must emanate from the studio is exhilarating.

Perhaps if I had some ballet training when I was younger I would have landed a dream role as one of these ballerinas, perhaps a swan princess or even a sugarplum fairy, my favourite ballet roles. Sigh, how fun would that have been.

However, as the song says ā€œThereā€™s no place like homeā€. While Iā€™m grateful to my beloved Derbyshire countryside, I still canā€™t help but feel an attraction to this bustling city, a magical kind of enchantment which only London can evoke.

As evening descends upon the city and the shadows get longer, the city lights twinkle and you can sense a real energy bubbling to the surface. Thatā€™s when I head back to Euston to catch my train home. A perfect day of shopping, sightseeing and a dance lesson from the professionalsā€¦ and oh yes, the excitement of a train ride at the end!

Back Home in Derbyshire with My Pink Tutu

Of course, London, you can be sure, won't see the last of me.

Next Friday, Iā€™ll be sharing a little blog about my travels across Derbyshire for a lovely countryside event, complete with some sparkly tutu magic of course! You know, to make Derbyshire a bit more dazzling.

Till then, be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com. And remember, dear reader, wherever you may be, always remember to make a little space in your life for a bit of magic, a little bit of pink, and of course, the very best pink tutu for the occasion.

Happy dancing!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-08-21 Exploring London