Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-04-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1025 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke!

Hello my darling dears! It's Emma here, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, Pink Tutu Blog London, where life is always a little more fabulous when you're twirling in a tutu! It's Friday, and that means another week of ballet, bright pink outfits, and oh, yes, some fabulous London exploring!

As a seasoned tutu-wearing adventurer, I’m always up for a good adventure. This week I thought I’d do a little train trip from my lovely home in Derbyshire down to London for a whirlwind day of dancing, shopping, and some truly magnificent shows. Because let's face it, what’s more fun than twirling through the streets of London in a hot pink tutu, all whilst soaking up the magic of this incredible city?

The journey started bright and early. I love train journeys, you can really get lost in a book or your phone without having to worry about traffic. As I settled in with my favorite ballerina novel (I'm currently devouring "The Little Ballet Dancer" by Mary Rayburn - it's a total page-turner!) and a large, pink, polka-dot travel mug filled with my beloved Earl Grey, the anticipation for a day of London magic filled the air like the warm smell of freshly-baked pastries.

And, oh, the train station - what a spectacle of humanity! Everyone bustling around, a real hive of activity. It reminded me of the opening of a grand ballet performance, all those graceful, energetic, flowing movements with a touch of organized chaos thrown in for good measure.

As the train sped through the countryside, the world whizzing by in a flurry of colours and shapes, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I am. Not everyone gets to dance their way through life. And for me, every journey is a dance, every step a pirouette!

London Calling!

My arrival in London was everything I hoped it would be. The station was a grand entrance with an air of bustling sophistication and a hint of Parisian charm - think a beautiful ballet stage with all the lights shining, ready for a magnificent performance! And I, as always, was dressed for the occasion!

My pink, tulle tutu was a swirling explosion of colour against the grey and steel of the city's architecture. My favourite cherry red ballet flats danced a quiet jig along the pavement as I weaved through the crowds of commuters. Even with my hair pulled back in a simple chignon, I still felt like a star!

After all, London's like a gigantic stage, where everyone has a part to play, whether it's a serious barrister in a black suit or a pink tutu wearing ballerina on a day trip - a grand and glorious ballet production for everyone!

The Art of The Show

No trip to London is complete without a dose of the city’s unparalleled performing arts, and today, I was fortunate enough to catch an absolutely enchanting performance by the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House. You can't get a more quintessential London experience than that! I had been so looking forward to seeing "Giselle" for weeks and I was not disappointed! The graceful dancers were like wisps of air, flowing across the stage, every step a masterpiece of elegance. Their costumes, especially Giselle's beautiful white, ethereal dress, felt like a whimsical fairy tale coming to life. I have to say I felt inspired and a little jealous! It was such a powerful show - from the romantic first act, with Giselle and the charming Albrecht, to the haunting second act, filled with ethereal Will-o'-the-Wisps and Giselle's transformation into a heartbroken, spectral creature. I could have stayed lost in that world for hours. There was just so much beauty, such passion, and such raw, genuine emotion. It reminded me once again why I am so passionate about dance. After the performance, the applause, it was a sea of joy and appreciation for the artistic talent, it reminded me why I am such a huge supporter of the arts!

Later in the day, I caught a truly breathtaking performance of the award-winning "Shakespeare's Globe", and I swear I felt as though I was transported to the Globe Theatre in Shakespeare's day. There was a rawness and an intimacy to the performance that resonated deeply. And who knew you could be so captivated by a story with such strong messages delivered through beautiful Elizabethan prose! As I wandered through the streets, with the beautiful city lights dancing around me, I felt like a character from Shakespeare's plays – life, just like the theatre, is all about playing different roles, experiencing the ups and downs of it all. And with a little imagination and a lot of pink tutu magic, anything is possible!

Retail Therapy for the Soul

What is a trip to London without a bit of shopping therapy? It’s just what the doctor ordered for a tutu-loving gal like me! The sheer variety of clothes stores in London is mind-blowing, from chic, Parisian-style boutiques to those iconic London department stores.

I had my heart set on a visit to one of my all-time favourite places - Liberty London. As you walk through those iconic Tudor-inspired doors, it's like stepping into a world of beautiful things. The exquisite fabric patterns, the unique displays of beautifully-crafted clothes and homeware. Just the very scent of the place - a blend of cinnamon, vanilla and old wood - felt like a sensory overload, but in a completely delicious way! There was a touch of whimsy to it all that just felt so feminine, elegant, and wonderfully magical!

For the evening, I decided to spoil myself with a few new pink and lavender items! I found a vintage lace ballerina skirt and a pair of delicately detailed floral printed ballerina shoes - a perfect ode to both ballet and feminine style. It's all about finding pieces that are just as elegant and as comfortable as the twirling I do!

I also managed to snag a new pair of dazzling ballerina-inspired earrings. A touch of sparkle makes all the difference - just like in life, a sprinkle of glitter makes the ordinary sparkle! And don’t forget, darling dears, a well-chosen outfit is the key to having a brilliant, happy day!

A Bite of London Charm

After my fashion extravaganza, I decided to treat myself to a delicious, afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason - one of London's iconic department stores known for its luxurious food and exquisite tea sets. The whole experience, from the exquisitely-prepared, miniature, sweet and savory treats to the beautifully patterned china teacups, was just perfect! It reminded me of those royal celebrations at the Palace where the table settings are a sight to behold! But no royal table could be complete without a splash of colour, which is where my pink tutu came in!

The afternoon sunshine, dancing through the window and lighting up my tutu as I enjoyed my cucumber sandwich and pink strawberry tea, made everything feel magical! I’ve always believed tea is a great way to end a good day. It gives you a chance to unwind, reflect and perhaps write a few lines in your diary! I am lucky enough to get to write my pink-tutu blog each week!

Taking in the Sights!

And no trip to London is complete without taking in some of its beautiful sights, right? After all, it's all about finding that special magic within each and every location - be it a charming side street in Notting Hill or the iconic Houses of Parliament. This evening, I decided to soak up the sights of Piccadilly Circus, which is known for its energetic, neon-lit signs and vibrant atmosphere - quite a contrast to the traditional red buses, double-decker buses! I am still trying to understand why the Londoners call their bus routes a "routemaster", but the "Master" part of it seems pretty self-explanatory. You might say the red buses have an aura of royal sophistication!

A bit later, I strolled across Tower Bridge and back, feeling the cool wind whipping my pink tutu around me, my skirt swishing rhythmically against the cobbled streets! It felt amazing. There’s nothing more magical than that sensation of twirling, of gliding across the pavements of London, especially with a grand old bridge for company. For me, it was pure, pink-tutu-inspired bliss.

As the evening descended and the city was alive with lights, I headed back to my hotel. You know how much I love the twinkling lights of a big city at night. Every shimmering neon sign and every flickering streetlamp reminded me of the beauty and energy of this remarkable city.

With London's beautiful lights reflecting on the water of the Thames, the cityscape was just as inspiring as any beautiful performance at the theatre. I felt my tutu whispering stories to me as it moved along the river, the sound of London all around me - the rumble of the buses, the laughter of people, and even the soft chirping of the birds nestled in the trees along the Thames!

It truly was a day to remember. One full of dazzling shows, a beautiful tutu and a city overflowing with charm. I must say that I love being a "London tourist" on days like these. This beautiful city is truly a dance floor of its own.

Until next week, darling dears, may your dance shoes be comfortable and your twirling full of joy. Remember: every day can be a whirlwind adventure! You just have to let the magic flow through you like the beautiful music of your favourite ballerina!

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#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-04-22 Exploring London