Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-08-26 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1043: Friday Feels and Fancy Footwear!

Hello my lovely lot! Emma here, and oh my goodness, I am absolutely bursting with excitement about my weekend jaunt to London! Friday feels are in full effect, and the pink tutu is feeling the buzz of a big city adventure.

You see, darling, this week the pink tutu made its way by train to the capital. It’s just the best way to travel – all that time to stare out of the window at the countryside (and check your reflection in the glass!). I mean, how often do we get to sit back, take in the passing scenery, and think up new blog posts about all the pretty outfits I could wear at all the fabulous locations I'm heading to? (This pink tutu always loves to be ready with ideas!).

Oh, did I mention? I fund my travels through my dancing! It's been another brilliant week of ballet performances - my latest production in a brand new pink tutu (can you guess which one?!) has been an absolute triumph, leaving the audience buzzing with ovations and praise.

I simply adore the ballet – I think it’s just the best combination of music, art and physical expression in the world. I wouldn't be able to get up to my lovely antics if it wasn’t for all my gorgeous performances! I must confess though, the thrill of buying a new outfit for the theatre is one I find pretty hard to beat! There's something truly magical about having the perfect pink tutu or elegant ballerina-inspired outfit for a performance that makes every single performance a joy!

I have to tell you, this weekend's trips are all about seeing what London has to offer, with a touch of a ballerina twist. The plan is simple, dear readers: explore, embrace the art, maybe squeeze in some gorgeous ballet class and a little shopping, of course, and make some memories that sparkle even brighter than a diamanté embellishment on my pink tutu!

Day One - Finding Magic in the Big Smoke!

As I stepped onto the platform in London, the sheer scale of the place was astounding. Everywhere I looked, I felt like I was stepping onto a scene from a storybook. It was full of people rushing about – a human river flowing in different directions. All I wanted to do was step right into a fairytale scene from an old ballerina movie! (You know, those wonderful classics where ballerinas were all perfectly made-up, twirling in pretty white tutus!)

This time though, it's my pink tutu who's making the adventure! I made my way from the station straight to Covent Garden and took in the sights, sounds and smells of this truly fabulous spot! I popped into a tea shop for a spot of afternoon tea - you know how much this pink tutu loves those cucumber sandwiches. They do make such a splendid break after a long walk, don't they?

Afterwards, I was just a little peckish for a few tasty treats. Oh my, the aromas from all the different food stalls in Covent Garden – they are utterly tempting. I went for a delicate croissant. It was fluffy, light, and the perfect treat to savour while I sat on the steps of a nearby building - feeling a million miles from Derbyshire, yet somehow, just a stone's throw from my very own, comfy little life in the village. It really made me appreciate those quieter, little moments, where you can just sit and people watch. And oh, what a lot of characters there were, all dressed up with somewhere to go. You can bet your boots, that I felt completely inspired to create a few new outfit ideas!

Next on my itinerary was a stop at the National Portrait Gallery. A haven for the visual art enthusiast, the building itself is amazing and boasts some really beautiful, grand rooms, adorned with opulent carpets, rich wooden panelling, and enough gilded frames to rival a Christmas bauble! It really is the epitome of grand British decor. There is just something special about stepping inside such a historical setting, feeling a connection to the artists and figures that graced the rooms over centuries! It gives you that touch of inspiration for the senses. (If I was being honest, I might have stopped for a quick little photoshoot at the entrance to capture some pictures for my instagram!)

An Evening of Lights, Sound and Laughter

After some seriously exciting discoveries in the National Portrait Gallery, my senses were truly buzzing with the wonder of it all. It was then on to a theatre performance!

We are talking Broadway - all lights, costumes and fantastic music, to create the ultimate dramatic escape from real life. I always enjoy the grand set designs – how creative they have to be to give you a feeling that you are really on the stage with the actors.

One of the things I love most about travelling is just letting go of the worries of daily life and focusing on those moments when my own creative soul is inspired. There’s nothing quite like getting lost in the art form – all the way from the stories that they tell and the emotion behind the characters they play, right down to the sequins and feather boas. What an experience! Sometimes the pink tutu needs a touch of sparkle, after all.

Day Two - Twirling through London!

The sun was shining and it felt like the whole of London was getting up to its own kind of excitement! A day of ballet class was the perfect plan to set me up for some fabulous sightseeing. And my lovely ladies and I did just that! There is just something amazing about the energy in the class when everyone is working towards a shared goal and you can all see that same sense of love and passion in their dancing. I can't tell you how invigorated I felt after an hour or two of beautiful, classical movements.

I’ve been lucky enough to train in some of London's finest ballet studios - from some of the well-known established spaces to quirky, little hidden gems. But wherever I have ended up, the one thing that has been consistent is the level of enthusiasm that every single ballerina has for her passion. It's a joy to witness the community, the shared dreams and ambitions and to feel so completely immersed in a truly supportive and creative environment. You get a real sense that everyone's got their own story to tell.

My pink tutu, darling, has a little secret to share: It’s quite nice to just step out of that very intense environment for a little bit and lose yourself in a beautiful setting that offers the comfort of some fabulous views and a good coffee shop with delicious cakes! Just what you need after a serious work out in the ballet class!

Of course, it wouldn't be a proper London trip without a walk down Oxford Street and Bond Street. They truly are fashion meccas – even more so than my beloved Derbyshire boutiques – all those brand new designs and styles just fill you with so much inspiration for new ballet costumes and outfit combinations!

And finally, a cheeky little treat and a much-deserved glass of wine were just the ticket to end my lovely trip. A bit of luxury to savour the moment, before taking the train back to Derbyshire – where a comfortable bed and a fresh pot of tea await.

That’s all, for now, my dear readers. A very quick summary of my adventures, for a busy week. Don’t forget to visit the website -, every Friday, for my weekly updates! I hope my trip has inspired you to consider the simple things – that wonderful sense of joy that we can experience as we embrace the everyday in a whole new way.

See you next Friday. I've got a pretty fabulous ballet performance lined up this coming week and I simply cannot wait to share it with you! Remember: life’s too short to be ordinary, it’s all about wearing your best outfit and making the most of every minute! I can't wait to meet you all in my next blog! See you there!


The Pink Tutu.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-08-26 Exploring London