Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-09-09 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - #1045 - Friday, September 9th, 2016: A Tutu-tastic Day in London!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and welcome to another installment of Pink Tutu Blog London. I’m just brimming with excitement as I sit here at the delightful little cafe by my hotel, penning this post to you after an absolutely brilliant day exploring the capital. As you know, this little blogger loves nothing more than hopping on a train and setting off on new adventures, and today's jaunt was especially grand.

Today was a bit of a whirlwind, as I always seem to cram so much into one day, and I was simply bursting with enthusiasm from the moment I set foot on Platform 1 at Chesterfield station. The thrill of the train journey is always a bit special for me – something about the rhythm of the wheels on the tracks and the fleeting views whizzing by sparks joy within. Of course, it also gives me plenty of time to people-watch and admire everyone’s outfits. My bright pink tutu was definitely drawing some appreciative glances, though I must confess, the new floral-patterned maxi-dress I'd bought from a vintage shop in Derbyshire was probably getting even more attention. The girl loves her colour, I can't help it!

We arrived at Euston station at around 10.30am, which was perfectly timed for a leisurely walk through the trendy streets of Bloomsbury to my favourite coffee shop, The Dalloway. If you’re ever in London and seeking a cuppa and a slice of delectable cake in a quintessentially English setting, this is the place to be! The Dalloway always manages to be buzzing, but you know I can never resist a good old-fashioned English breakfast, even if it does require me to wear my tutu slightly higher than usual. No, seriously, it's truly fabulous, a full English with an extra dollop of love – exactly what I need to power up for a day of exploring!

Of course, I had a plan, my dear readers! As soon as I had that English breakfast settled in my tummy, it was on to the British Museum to see a little exhibition they had about the art of the ancient world. It's free to visit, and, believe me, they really do have some astounding collections, not just Roman or Egyptian but the ancient Greek world as well! My inner history buff was positively beaming! And you know what they say, right? A little bit of ancient history really does make you feel very contemporary.

Then, as the sun was high in the sky, and my legs were aching after wandering the vast corridors of the museum, it was time to do something rather special. One of my ballet heroes, Wayne McGregor, is staging his phenomenal work 'Woolf Works' at Sadler's Wells Theatre, a performance of sheer brilliance that will, no doubt, take ballet into the 21st century. The music is incredibly vibrant, it incorporates a string orchestra and a very contemporary pop band that has a bit of a jazzy twist. 'Woolf Works' was truly magical, it combined an exploration of Virginia Woolf’s life and works, while featuring incredible contemporary choreography that makes your soul sing. I was utterly spellbound and, for once, unable to do anything more than watch with absolute amazement, even though the urge to get up and pirouette was extremely tempting!

Speaking of pirouettes, you simply cannot come to London and not witness the magnificence of a West End production. So, with my excitement levels sky high from the ‘Woolf Works’ performance, it was straight onto a train to the Piccadilly Circus area where we'd booked tickets to see Wicked! Let's face it, I know my dear readers love me but I’ve always been more about the graceful balletic movements of classical ballet than those musical theatre songs that all involve a high-pitched voice that vibrates for ages. And yet, even I, an absolute ballet fanatic, must admit the grandeur of West End musical theater truly shines. This performance of ‘Wicked’ just seemed to have everything, so much drama, the costumes and makeup were out of this world, it was the sort of theater show that completely sweeps you up into its magical spell!

To complete my utterly splendid day in London, after watching a performance of ‘Wicked’, a few friends and I, wearing our tutu’s of course (because one should never travel alone without one!) found ourselves enjoying a few glasses of chilled prosecco on the rooftop terrace of the beautiful Covent Garden hotel. That feeling, that very specific kind of magic, is one that’s impossible to describe, especially if you love life in London. With its dazzling lights, cobbled streets and the most charming shops and restaurants, it truly feels like the beating heart of Britain’s culture, if not the entire world!

It was on this note that we, with hearts full of London magic, decided it was time to hop back onto the train and make our way back to the Derbyshire countryside. With one final glance back at the illuminated night skyline of London, my friends and I set off, content that we'd made memories to treasure. I’m going to keep this weekend special for a few days by revisiting this week's photos, especially the ones taken by the lovely Miss Violet and, you know, just relive every wonderful detail of it all over again! I am truly blessed to be living this wonderful pink tutu life, I love my friends, I love the way ballet inspires me and, more than anything, I love the city of London.

So that is it from me for today! My dears, what’s your London adventure like? Join me for the weekly chat about our favorite London moments, be it a walk in Regent's Park, seeing a world-class ballet show, having a pint in a traditional British pub, enjoying the music of a bustling street busker, or simply the delicious smell of freshly baked pastries. Remember, you don't need to wear a tutu to have fun! But just think how much more fabulous you’d look, just saying! Catch you next Friday, darlings, on Until then, keep it positive, wear pink, and don't forget to make every day tutu-tastic!

And remember, a little pink tutu goes a long way in making life even more wonderful. So, get out there, try something new, embrace the colour and, of course, stay fabulous!

Love always,

Emma xxx

On September 9th, 2016

This Friday, September 9th, 2016, is going to be the opening day for the "Shakespeare's Globe" theatre on the banks of the River Thames. The new season for Shakespearean theatre is an event not to be missed! It features both old and new adaptations of Shakespeare's work. The theater is open every day until October for theater performances and you are welcome to take a guided tour. For all my fellow Shakespeare buffs out there, this will be an unmissable date for our calendars.

For those of you new to the Pink Tutu Blog London, here’s a little more about me!

Hi! I am Emma. As you will have guessed by the title of my blog, I have a real soft spot for pink, especially pink tutus. As a professional ballerina, I spend a lot of time in them. You could even say it’s a sort of work uniform for me! So it goes without saying, a pink tutu has accompanied me on so many of my London adventures! This blog will give you a look into the fabulous side of London as experienced through the eyes of a pink-tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed adventurer, that’s me!

For the past couple of years, my love for dancing has been the ultimate driving force, fueling my explorations of London. I support myself by doing various ballet gigs, from classical ballet performances, to dancing in theatrical productions. So every trip to London comes thanks to the world of ballet. So my blog, Pink Tutu Blog London, isn’t just a platform to celebrate a life spent in and around a pink tutu. It’s also a platform to explore what it means to find passion in a vocation you love and to use that passion to unlock and explore your world, both through travel, fashion and the world of ballet!

I do love travel and I do like the idea that London, this exciting city, could be my base, a stepping stone to travel even further afield.
But I am so proud of my heritage, I'm a real Derbyshire girl, my heart belongs to the rolling hills and countryside landscapes. London is fabulous but it's not always my thing, the hectic pace can be quite demanding, my heart finds comfort and calm when I’m back home, but when I’m not in the heart of the Derbyshire countryside, London is the city that inspires me.

If you love a touch of sparkle, a dose of 'life in the pink', then join me here, every Friday for a fresh look at life as a tutu-wearing ballet fan, in the world’s most exciting city.

Don’t forget to look out for the pink tutus, if you spot one, feel free to strike up a conversation, there’s a high probability it’s me.

I am Emma and I can't wait to see what London has in store for us next week. Until next time!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-09-09 Exploring London