Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-10-07 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #1049 - A Pinktastic Friday in the Big Smoke!

Hello my darling tutu-loving friends! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tastic ballerina, back with another blog post straight from the heart of London! Today's adventure? A day exploring the Big Smoke, fuelled by a hearty dose of pink, a love of ballet, and a sprinkle of excitement, naturally!

This week, my pink tutu and I travelled all the way from Derbyshire, braving the wonders of a good old fashioned train journey. The journey was as delightful as ever, filled with charming strangers who probably thought I was slightly eccentric (in a good way, I hope!) but then again, who isn't a little bit quirky these days? Besides, who can resist the pure joy of twirling on a train platform? tutu twirls!

And here I am, ready to tackle the capital in all its magnificent glory! My diary for this Friday reads like this:

Morning: "All aboard the fashion express!"

London is the ultimate fashion capital, so, naturally, a shopping trip was on the agenda. My first stop? The glorious department stores. I spent the morning dodging mannequins and sipping lattes, picking out the perfect accessories to complete my look. (I did find a glorious vintage-looking handbag – pink, of course!) And, how can you resist the beauty of a cashmere scarf or a pair of pink gloves? Absolutely not. A shopping spree in London is a must-have for any aspiring ballerina!

Lunchtime: A delightful pit-stop!

After a morning of sartorial indulgence, it was time to refuel with some classic British fare. A quintessential fish and chips lunch, perfectly crisped and perfectly pink, filled me up nicely! I can't resist those pink, flaky fish-batter bits, they make any meal perfect, and let's be honest - who can resist chips? I know I can’t. I did sneak in a bit of extra fish just for my darling tutu! She deserved a little treat after all the excitement.

Afternoon: Let's get cultural!

No visit to London would be complete without indulging in some cultural delights. I caught an exquisite matinee performance of the National Ballet’s Swan Lake. Every movement, every gesture was a delight – those beautifully executed arabesques and fouettés simply take your breath away. It reminded me why I fell in love with ballet in the first place: the raw power and beauty combined in each delicate gesture.

And you know what? Seeing ballet live? It truly is the most exhilarating experience. Seeing those dancers express their artistry through movement? Absolutely magical. Tutu twirls with excitement!

*Evening: "Light Up the Night with a Glittering Show" *

Now, no day trip to London is complete without a little evening glitz and glamour! This evening's treat was an awe-inspiring musical show in the West End. Let's just say my evening dress and sparkly tiara were a hit. From the dazzling costumes to the catchy melodies and the incredible storytelling, it was an unforgettable evening. (And oh, did I mention the charming actors – always a good thing!*) It left me feeling utterly inspired.

A Tutu-ful Conclusion:

And so ends another fabulous day in the Big Smoke! I must say, a little pink, a little sparkle, and a touch of the magical, London has it all!

Now, as I reflect upon my adventure, it’s time to let my dear tutu relax a little. I’ll be packing my tutu bag, ready to face the Derbyshire morning sun. I’m also making sure I write a new blog post for you next Friday, about what inspires my love for tutus!

Until next week, happy tutuing, my friends!

Emma x

Here are some of the events that were on this date, October 7th, 2016.

  • The UK Prime Minister Theresa May visits the U.S. and meets President Barack Obama in Washington D.C.
  • Thousands march through Paris to commemorate the first anniversary of the deaths of three women of French descent who were attacked and killed.

    *Now remember, don't forget to check out our website, and check out my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook pages. Let me know if you’re planning to visit London soon! *

Stay Pink and Fabulous!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-10-07 Exploring London