Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-11-24 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon: A Tutu-tastic Day Out in the Capital! (Post #1108)

Hello my lovely tutu-wearers!

It’s Emma here, back with another post from my pink-hued world. This week, I traded the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the bustling streets of London! And of course, I did it in style, with my trusty pink tutu trailing behind me like a flurry of tulle.

As always, I travel by train - the rhythmic click-clacking of the wheels against the rails is the perfect accompaniment to my ballet-inspired thoughts. And what a beautiful autumn day it was - the sun was shining through the trees, painting everything in warm golden hues, a perfect backdrop for a day of exploring London in a tutu, wouldn’t you agree?

London, Here We Come!

Once I arrived in the city, I headed straight for the vibrant, colourful, and ever-so-slightly chaotic, Covent Garden. This is my favourite London district - the mix of street performers, quirky shops, and vibrant market stalls makes for an exciting and inspiring atmosphere. I couldn't resist trying on some of the vintage hats and sunglasses at a street vendor stall – perfect for a fun, photo-op, darling! You'll find those pictures in my Instagram stories this weekend - @pinktutuemma if you're interested in seeing!

After all that fun, my tummy was rumbling, so I treated myself to the most divine, pink-hued strawberry and elderflower cake. Honestly, my friends, it was absolutely heavenly - if you're in the area, don’t even think twice, just grab yourself a slice, you won't regret it! Of course, it tasted even sweeter in my favourite shade of pink, so I might just try and replicate it back home in the Derbyshire kitchen.

Theatreland Delights

No visit to London is complete without a trip to the theatre. And tonight, I had tickets to see the magnificent Hamilton at the Victoria Palace Theatre. Let me tell you, darling, this show blew my mind. It was absolutely sensational. The cast was brilliant, the music was phenomenal, and the costumes... oh my goodness, I loved the detail on the women’s dresses, and let's not forget the dazzling hats. All that with the added bonus of hip-hop? I had to steal some of those moves! It’s fair to say that I left the theatre feeling energised and inspired, so much so I even had to buy a pair of red dancing shoes on the way out - they looked a bit like sparkly ballet shoes but definitely more fitted for Broadway!

A Touch of Royalty

To top off a perfect day in the capital, I ventured to the royal grandeur of Buckingham Palace. While the changing of the guard ceremony may not be a daily occurance, it’s well worth seeing! I was transported to another time - it was a truly impressive sight, full of tradition and ceremony.

A Tutu-ful Evening in London

After all that exploring, I decided to indulge in a luxurious, yet simple, dinner at a quaint Italian restaurant near Leicester Square, the home of countless theatres. The pasta was perfectly cooked and the wine was lovely - a perfect end to a fabulously exciting day. The street was alive with the energy of theatre-goers making their way home, or popping to a bar for a nightcap after seeing a performance. It was definitely worth lingering a while in the bustle, just enjoying the buzz of London, watching everyone's vibrant fashion statements!

London’s Tutus

Did I spot any other tutu wearers? Sadly, no, my friends. That just means I’ve got my work cut out for me! More tutu inspiration to share! And my next plan - getting a Tutu in every shade on my next London shopping trip! My mission is to encourage all you gorgeous, inspiring, wonderful souls to wear tutus. Let's bring a little twirling fun into the world, shall we?

*See you next Friday, with even more adventures and Tutu-tastic delights! Don’t forget to join my pink revolution - visit my website at for even more photos, outfits, and all things tutu! I'll be posting new tutorials, dance tips, and fun facts next week. *

Yours in Tutus, * *Emma

P.S. For those of you curious about this Friday’s events, I'll leave you with a little tidbit of London info! Did you know? *November 24th was "National Espresso Day"! * You can learn even more exciting facts on my site, too!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-11-24 Exploring London