Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-09-27 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post 1204 - A Friday Fling in the City!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, back with another post from the ever-fabulous London!

I just have to confess, travelling by train is one of my favourite things. Watching the world whizz by as I sip my chamomile tea, wrapped in my fluffy pink scarf, with my trusty tutu bag nestled by my side? Absolute bliss! This week's train journey from Derbyshire was particularly special as it meant I was heading straight to London for a whole day of exciting adventures!

The weather was positively glorious, a beautiful clear blue sky punctuated by fluffy white clouds - the kind of weather that inspires even the most reluctant to wear a bright pink tutu!

The City Awaits...

As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, I practically vibrated with excitement. London always feels like a place of magic and possibility, especially for a ballerina like me! And today, my list of activities was bursting with things that make my heart sing.

First stop: the Theatre!

You see, darling, today was a very special day. Today was the day that the highly anticipated performance of The Sleeping Beauty opened at the Royal Opera House.

"The Sleeping Beauty" - A Magical Ballet Affair!

Let's just say I've been waiting for this ballet production for what feels like forever! I have tickets front row centre for the opening night performance, and let me tell you, I'm absolutely buzzing!

After months of rehearsals, the dancers were finally ready to take the stage and it was truly spectacular. The costumes, the choreography, the sheer brilliance of it all…it was absolutely breathtaking! And of course, it wouldn't be a trip to the ballet without a little tutu-twirling. I let myself go, spinning around in the lobby before the performance with fellow tutu enthusiasts and even snapped a few pics for the 'gram. Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by other twirling tutu-loving ladies in the name of ballet?

Shopping Extravaganza!

After the breathtaking beauty of the ballet, it was time for something equally exciting…shopping!

Now, London is a shopper's paradise, and for a tutu-loving ballerina with a passion for all things pink, there is literally nowhere better. I was heading straight for a store I had spotted while walking past – "Tutus and Tea" - what a magical name, right?! And just like the name promises, it was filled with everything a tutu enthusiast could ever dream of: sparkly tutus in every shade imaginable, dazzling accessories, adorable shoes…even tea!

I must admit, I was like a kid in a candy shop, spinning and swirling with each tutu I tried on, making my fellow shoppers chuckle and exclaim about how cute I looked. After all, a pink tutu just brightens up everyone’s day, right? And while I wasn't entirely sure what to pick, I left the shop with a gorgeous blush-pink tutu, perfect for my next ballet class. (I may have bought some matching pink socks and a pink headband as well!)

A Lunch Fit for a Ballerina!

After a morning of such intense excitement, I was starting to feel a bit peckish! And of course, being a ballerina, I was craving something healthy and delicious. So, I hopped on the tube to Soho, the buzzing heart of London’s food scene, for a spot of afternoon tea.

My choice? The adorable "Pretty Pastel Patisserie", known for their exquisitely pink desserts and charming floral-themed decor. It was the perfect escape, especially after all the tutu-shopping and ballet excitement. I settled into a plush velvet armchair, ordered a delicate teacup of earl grey, and indulged in a delicious macaroon and a scone with clotted cream and jam – a total treat!

Evening Entertainment: A Theatrical Delight!

As the sun started to set, casting a warm golden glow across London, it was time for another exciting experience: A show at the Globe Theatre!

For this special Friday night in London, I had snagged tickets to see a Shakespeare play – “Much Ado About Nothing” – a story of love, misunderstanding, and mischief. I love the theatricality of these classic productions. I was in awe of the vibrant costumes and the masterful storytelling. And even though the performances were centuries old, they were so captivating and relevant that it felt like a completely fresh experience.

Of course, I couldn’t resist twirling a little in my pink tutu at the end of the show - just to make sure everyone knew I was having the time of my life!

Reflecting on the Day...

As I boarded the train home, London’s lights glittering in the evening sky, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the day's incredible adventures. From the elegant beauty of the Royal Opera House to the whimsical magic of Tutu and Tea, from the theatrical delights of the Globe to the pastel perfection of Pretty Pastel Patisserie, London truly has it all!

I have to say, this day trip to London reminded me of something important: life is all about seizing the moment, embracing the things that bring us joy, and wearing a pink tutu whenever the mood strikes!

I hope you all had an equally magical Friday! Until next time, stay twirly and pink!



P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest tutu collection on my website: It's bursting with colourful delights that are sure to make you twirl!

And don't be shy to share your own favourite London adventures with me! You can connect with me on Instagram at @pinktutublogger for a dose of tutu-inspired fun!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-09-27 Exploring London