Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-05-15 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #1237

Friday, 2020-05-15

Hello my darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, here from the bustling streets of London! Today is a day for celebration – not just because I'm in this fabulous city, but also because my love for pink tutus has brought me here, by train, no less! I'm so excited to share my London adventure with you, but first, let's have a quick catch up.

As you know, my life is a whirlwind of pirouettes, performance prep and (of course) pink tutus! Funding these grand adventures is no mean feat, but thankfully my ballet performances allow me to travel and explore, even bringing me all the way to London for the weekend!

My darling readers, remember how I told you about my ultimate dream, to get the entire world wearing a pink tutu? Well, the city streets of London were just the perfect place to start! Let me tell you, there are some fabulously colourful characters here, but I noticed a slight pink-tutu void! Tsk tsk! Luckily, I came armed with the perfect pink tulle, and my mission began. 😉

London by Train – My First Pink Tutu Impression

So, my journey started in my little hometown of Derbyshire. This week’s theme for my blog post? A train ride to London! It was simply magical! It always makes me feel like I’m embarking on some great theatrical adventure, the train journey becoming my very own pink-tutu-inspired act.

Picture this: My pale pink tutu billowed out, matching perfectly with the vintage, faded pink luggage bag that I’ve been carrying for years. This was an old gem I’d snagged from a vintage shop, and it felt wonderfully symbolic.

Even on a train packed with London-bound commuters, I felt incredibly glam! I did attract a few odd glances from a couple of commuters in stiff suits, but it didn't faze me. It's all part of the fun of being a pink tutu ambassador! My smile must have been infectious because a little girl with a sparkly pink handbag gave me a beaming smile, and the whole train carriage seemed to warm up to my twirling pink delight.

A Friday Stroll – Pink Tutu and London’s Charm

The first stop for me was always going to be the vibrant Covent Garden. I practically floated through the market, eyes darting between the stalls filled with beautiful blooms, exotic fruits, and vibrant fabrics. You could practically smell the theatre backstage somewhere nearby. It's pure enchantment, a reminder of the stage and my ballet world, the perfect starting point for my day in London.

Now, let’s get into the fashion, darling! Shopping on the streets of London was like a whimsical pink-tutu dream. Each boutique offered something new and exquisite. A beautiful sequined bolero in deep plum would go perfectly with a pale pink tutu… Just imagine it! And that exquisite lavender dress with ruffles - a must-have for a special performance or a glamorous dinner party… And those pink polka-dot socks! The colours and designs were divine, and oh the joy of adding them to my collection! I’d happily spend hours getting lost in the colourful tapestry of London's fashion scene.

Of course, a day in London wouldn't be complete without a visit to one of its iconic landmarks – Tower Bridge! It felt so majestic, with its historical charm and stunning architecture.

Standing on that bridge with my pink tutu swaying in the breeze, I couldn't help but feel like I was a character straight out of a classic fairy tale. The iconic bridge just begged to be incorporated into my next tutu routine. The setting of this enchanting backdrop with the pink tutu… simply spectacular!

The Buzz of the West End - The Stage Awaits!

A day in London isn’t a day without a ballet show. And it wouldn’t be right to mention London and forget its West End Theatre. This enchanting place pulsates with theatricality, making my ballerina heart beat faster!

Tonight, the stars were aligned - I managed to snag last-minute tickets to see Swan Lake. I was swept away by the grace and elegance of the dancers, their movements like poems set to music. This was the best ballet show I’d ever seen, each delicate arabesque, the beautifully poised bourrees, it left me utterly enthralled, wishing I could join them onstage.

And then the pink tutu made a small entrance. While waiting for the performance to begin, I did some quick twirling in the theatre foyer. There was a murmur of surprise followed by a burst of applause from some younger ballet students. Their eyes lit up in wonder, some shyly asking for my autograph on a playbill! Seeing their wide-eyed joy in those moments made it all worthwhile. Perhaps this is the start of my pink tutu revolution, one twirl at a time!

The London Finale - A Touch of Pink on The Thames

My London adventure would be incomplete without a trip down the River Thames. The sight of Big Ben rising from the water with the magnificent London Eye towering in the background, well, words don’t quite do it justice! This, along with my ballet performance earlier, made my journey complete.

You can’t help but feel inspired, being in this energetic, vibrant city with its rich history and boundless creative energy. With a farewell twirl of my pink tutu as I stood by the river, I felt an overwhelming wave of contentment, the perfect end to my London adventure.

As I hopped back onto the train, back to Derbyshire, it wasn’t goodbye to London – just a fond au revoir! I’m already thinking about my next trip, brainstorming tutu outfits and dance routines that would fit perfectly amongst London’s architectural wonders!

Fashion Musings – The London Edit

I have to tell you about the pink delights that landed in my shopping bag.

First, a pair of soft pink ballet flats. I mean, what London trip would be complete without these darling dance-ready essentials? Their delicate pink colour is just the right shade of elegance that blends with everything! From floral tea dresses to wide-leg linen trousers, these are perfect for all of my sartorial escapades.

Next, an incredible, sparkly pink shawl. You’ll have to wait to see it fully displayed on my next blog post. Just picture this: It's a sheer beauty in pink, delicately embroidered with gold floral embellishments, just perfect to transform a basic outfit. I simply cannot wait to debut this glamorous number at a forthcoming event!

And lastly, the pièce de résistance… a beautiful floral pink hat, complete with a jaunty ribbon. Oh, it’s exquisite. The perfect touch for that elegant, afternoon tea occasion! I imagine this elegant, blooming beauty atop my head with a vintage, blush-coloured dress and a pair of sparkling earrings. The image brings so much joy!

This wasn’t just another fashion spree, but a collection of items that reminded me of the delicate dance between femininity, grace, and fashion.

Don't Forget to Shine Bright!

My dearest readers, the streets of London were like a blank canvas ready for my pink-tutu magic! So, keep an eye out on your travels, keep those pink tutus front and centre and spread some joy!

Don't forget to subscribe to my website and share your stories with me using #PinkTutuBlogLondon!

Until next time, my darlings, let your inner tutu twinkle and always remember: it's always a great time to twirl!

With a pirouette and a sprinkle of pink,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-05-15 Exploring London