Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-02-05 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1275 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Capital!

Hello lovelies!

It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, ready to share my latest London escapade!

This Friday felt like stepping into a magical, whimsical storybook, with all the vibrant energy and sparkle only London can provide. This city truly has my heart, and each trip here is a whirlwind of delightful discoveries, exquisite shopping, and breath-taking performances.

This time, I boarded a train from my little corner of Derbyshire, my tulle swirling with anticipation. This whole 'tutu travel' thing is a joy! Imagine, whizzing past green countryside in a pink cloud of tulle - a real-life ballerina's fairytale!

From Derbyshire to the Royal Albert Hall: A Tutu Adventure

I arrived in Paddington Station just as the sun began to dip low, painting the London sky in hues of fiery orange and delicate purple.

The first stop, of course, was a pit stop at my favourite pink boutique near Kensington High Street! Oh, the treasures I unearthed! Imagine: a pale blush satin blouse with intricate beadwork that looked straight out of a ballet scene, a whimsical floral-patterned dress that swirled around my legs like a petal-covered cloud, and a little clutch shaped like a miniature pink ballerina shoe - pure perfection!

My heart was practically doing pirouettes with excitement!

And speaking of pirouettes, I was in London for the main event: the Royal Ballet's breathtaking performance of "The Nutcracker" at the Royal Albert Hall! I had been eagerly awaiting this show for weeks. I adore the Christmas ballet classics – there’s just something about the magical stories, the shimmering costumes, and the captivating music that makes me want to leap with joy.

The Royal Albert Hall's enchanting performance

The Royal Albert Hall, with its majestic Victorian architecture and incredible acoustics, is an architectural masterpiece, the perfect setting for a ballet performance. From the moment the orchestra started playing the iconic opening score, I was swept away into Tchaikovsky's magical world.

Seeing "The Nutcracker" on the grand stage at the Royal Albert Hall is truly a breathtaking experience. The dancers' precision and grace were absolutely captivating! The music transported me to a land of snow fairies, toy soldiers, and dreams, making me feel like a little girl lost in a wonderland.

Even though I wasn’t in the stalls this time (the price of tickets these days, oh dear!), even being high up in the dress circle gave me a truly immersive experience. My tulle tutu was definitely feeling the magic of the moment, twirling in tune with the ballet’s swirling grace!

The Post-Ballet "Pink" Dinner and a Delightful Evening Stroll

After the curtain call, a wave of happiness and excitement coursed through my body. I had a quick celebratory glass of champagne in the bar before venturing out into the cold London night for a deliciously indulgent post-ballet dinner.

A touch of elegance calls for a special occasion, and where else could I go but my favourite Italian restaurant nestled in a romantic back street off Kensington High Street? They treated me like royalty with an authentic Tuscan meal and a bottle of prosecco!

Dinner done, my tulle billowing in the wind, I took a slow walk back to my hotel in Notting Hill. It was the perfect ending to a day overflowing with colour, laughter, and pure delight! Walking down Portobello Road, I couldn’t resist a quick peek into some of the quaint shops and cafes - there’s always an air of adventure and fun along that beautiful street.

Fashion finds and a ballet class at Pineapple Dance Studios!

The next morning, a vibrant city welcomed me again! London is just teeming with so many beautiful places to explore. The morning was dedicated to retail therapy! I hit the sales at a department store, finding some real fashion gems - a pale pink knitted dress, perfect for brunch with friends, and a silky cream blouse, just right for a glamorous evening out.

But you know me, my passion for all things ballet just keeps calling! After shopping, I headed to the iconic Pineapple Dance Studios. If you’re ever in London, it's a must-visit for any ballet enthusiast. There’s such a buzz of excitement and creativity there.

Imagine - a vast studio space with ballet barre all around, sunlight streaming through the windows, a group of graceful dancers stretching their muscles, and me, happily joining them for an invigorating ballet class! I must admit, my tutu felt rather at home amongst all those dance professionals.

And let’s not forget my essential, ballet-inspired tea stop after my class! There's just something about sipping a delicate Earl Grey amidst the aroma of tea leaves and cakes that sets the perfect mood for creativity.

Final thoughts: London's endless charm!

That Friday was truly one for the memory books - filled with dazzling shows, vibrant shopping sprees, and beautiful encounters. It’s just so easy to fall in love with London over and over again, its endless charm just keeps drawing me back for more.

Don't forget, I share a new Pink Tutu London Blog post every Friday at Come join the fun! I always love to hear from you - so feel free to comment below!

And always remember, dear readers: you too can be a pink tutu princess. Every single day can be an adventure! Embrace the whimsy, let your imagination run wild, and dare to twirl your way into the world in a fabulous pink tutu!

See you next week, loves! Until then, keep dancing, and remember to wear your pink tutu with pride!

*Lots of love, *

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-02-05 Exploring London