Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-12-24 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! 🩰👑 (Post #1321)

Friday 24th December 2021

Hello, my gorgeous twirling darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, here, writing to you from the bustling heart of London! It's Christmas Eve, and the festive cheer is palpable, swirling around me like a sugarplum fairy's dust! I'm practically bouncing with excitement. Today, we're embarking on a London adventure fit for a princess - or at least, a ballerina in her finest pink tutu! 😉

My trip started earlier this morning, with a whizzing train journey from my Derbyshire home. Oh, how I adore the railways! The rhythmic chugging, the fleeting glimpses of the English countryside, the comfy plush seats... it's pure magic, particularly when combined with a well-chosen pink outfit (today's ensemble: a darling blush pink cashmere sweater, a perfectly pleated pink tulle skirt, and my signature statement tutu, of course!).

Once I arrived in London's grand Paddington Station, I was greeted by the vibrant energy of the city. The air was buzzing with the chatter of Christmas shoppers, carols wafted through the streets, and twinkling lights adorned every corner. I knew instantly – this was going to be a truly spectacular Christmas Eve!

But before diving into the city's holiday spirit, I had a date with destiny (or, should I say, with the delightful ballet shoes!) at a special class I had been looking forward to for ages. I simply adore ballet and seeing those talented dancers pirouette, plié and jeté across the stage – it’s utterly captivating! But it’s a different story altogether when I’m in class. Yes, I do manage to stay upright, though my ballet instructor, a delightful woman named Penelope, would tell you otherwise. However, I just feel that joyful, graceful movement within myself! Plus, you just can't beat the feeling of a new leotard, and a perfectly chosen pink one at that. 😉 I do confess though, I sometimes wish Penelope would give us more barre work, as a true ballet-lover I can't get enough of those lovely lines and positions. However, it’s an excellent opportunity to perfect my elegant, pink tutu-clad twirls!

After class, my energy levels were bubbling over with festive cheer, and it was time for my favourite pastime - exploring the glorious streets of London! I'm talking cobbled laneways, grand department stores brimming with Christmas baubles, charming tea rooms (perfect for a cheeky afternoon cream tea!), and hidden art galleries - you name it, London has it all.

First on my agenda was a pit stop at Fortnum & Mason - it's a veritable palace of delicacies, with everything from perfectly presented tea blends and biscuits to the most glorious selection of gourmet Christmas treats you could possibly imagine. I even spotted some delectable pink macarons - I couldn't resist indulging!

Next up, a wander through Covent Garden! Oh, what a magical place it is. With its vibrant street performers, exquisite craft stalls, and charming cobbled streets, I felt like I'd stepped into a Christmas carol. You could feel the genuine joy and excitement radiating from every corner.

And who could forget about the grand theatre district? Walking around this historical area is like taking a step back in time. I couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful architecture and imagine all the fascinating stories the old playhouses have to tell!

The best part of my London adventures, however, was always about soaking in the city’s incredible atmosphere and observing people’s reactions when they saw me, this ballerina twirling around in my pink tutu! A playful twinkle in their eyes, a hesitant smile, or even a joyful "Oh, you're lovely!" – each response was like a little piece of joy scattered throughout the day. There’s a bit of a myth out there that London is a bit stuffy and people are reserved, and don’t take the opportunity to be playful or lighthearted, and, honestly, that just couldn’t be further from the truth.

Speaking of joy, London simply doesn't know how to have a dull Christmas! From dazzling lights in Piccadilly to the iconic Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square, the city has gone all out this year, transforming into a shimmering, enchanting wonderland.

To be honest, after all the sightseeing and shopping, I decided to treat myself to a truly memorable Christmas Eve treat! A little research uncovered an incredible gem – The Enchanted Christmas Experience at the Savoy Hotel! The beautifully decorated lobby with twinkling fairy lights and ornate Christmas trees simply felt magical! Oh, and the luxurious ambiance, the Christmas carols softly playing, the sweet aroma of warming gingerbread, it was all utterly charming!

But it wasn't just the ambiance – the food was equally magical. A perfectly crafted festive afternoon tea complete with Christmas scones, delicate finger sandwiches, a selection of mouth-watering festive cakes and pastries. But wait, there’s more! To add to the enchantment, a dazzling show with performers in dazzling costumes (you wouldn't believe the exquisite array of feathered headdresses and sequined gowns!) who filled the room with cheer and festive spirit. There was a jolly group of Victorian carolers and even a captivating magician who had me in stitches! This entire experience was pure magic – perfect for a London Christmas Eve!

Even as I sit here now, reflecting on this magical day, the memory of that show fills me with warmth and cheer. It reminds me of the sheer magic that life offers, even when things get a little tricky. There’s something beautiful to discover every day, whether it's a charming coffee shop tucked away in a cobbled alley or a friendly face in a bustling street.

Of course, my London escapades wouldn't be complete without mentioning my absolute favourite hobby - window shopping! I find myself captivated by the displays of vibrant colours and tempting fabrics – especially the pink ones! 😉 And the fabulous, elegant dresses and exquisitely tailored outfits are a joy to behold. I've already scoped out my must-have outfit for my upcoming winter ball! It's a beautiful, pale pink silk dress that practically shimmers with a life of its own, and, you guessed it, a touch of pink tutu around the skirt, of course.

And you just know I’m taking the opportunity to catch a few fantastic ballet performances – “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty”. You can't find a more dazzling combination of artistic expression and storytelling! Plus, London theatres are often beautifully decorated for Christmas! And who knows, I might even get some inspiration for my own future stage debut (I can’t reveal too much, I want it to be a total surprise)!

And now, as I’m finishing off this blog post and the snow is softly falling outside my cosy window in London, I can’t help but feel deeply grateful for the memories and moments I’ve collected throughout this Christmas Eve. Every tiny twirl, every joyful interaction, every whimsical adventure – they all remind me of the wonder of life. I wouldn't be surprised if it became a Christmas tradition!

Before I sign off, I have one small favour to ask you all: spread a little Christmas magic this weekend – try wearing a pink tutu, a simple pink accessory, or even a splash of pink eyeshadow. Let’s sprinkle a little joy and whimsy wherever we go, and who knows, maybe, just maybe, this simple act will inspire someone else to dance their way through life. 💖

Wishing you all a wonderfully happy holiday season filled with love, laughter and maybe, just maybe, a dash of pink tutu magic! 😉

Until next time, keep twirling! 🩰👑

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-12-24 Exploring London