Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2023-07-14 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon - Friday 2023-07-14: London Calling!

Hello, darling dears! Welcome back to another Friday frolic on #PinkTutuBlogLondon. Today we're whisking ourselves off to the bustling metropolis, the iconic city of London - and yes, I'm wearing pink tutu (post number 1402 for the win!). I do love a good train journey, and today, it's a vintage carriage whisking me off to the capital for a day of exploring.

Now, I’m here thanks to the most fabulous ballet performance in Derbyshire last week. It was The Nutcracker – oh, the magical costumes and breathtaking leaps! It brought in enough to fuel my latest adventure. (As you know, I love nothing more than funding my travelling adventures through the beautiful art of dance.)

I have to say, as I sat on the train, I could already feel the energy of the city tingling under my tutu! Pink, of course. How could I travel anywhere else? London, with its history, culture, and undeniable chic, is the perfect playground for a tutu-clad fashionista like me.

Speaking of fashion, darling dears, have I told you about my new love for vintage finds? Imagine, discovering a fabulous pink vintage dress tucked away in a cobbled-street shop – it's practically meant to be. My London wardrobe is just screaming for a little retro charm! So, shopping will definitely be on the agenda, tucked between the ballet shows and theatre performances. Did you know London's got some of the most breathtaking theatre productions going? I can practically feel the sparkle from a mile away.

Today, my plan is as perfectly pink as a ballet slipper:

  • Morning: I’m starting the day with a delectable breakfast at The Wolseley in Piccadilly, just across the street from The Ritz (where I absolutely have to go and swoon later).

  • Mid-Morning: An absolute MUST, a wander around Covent Garden, which is a total wonderland. Think flowers, street performers, and the Royal Opera House just next door – a ballet-lover's paradise! And who knows what vintage finds await me in the surrounding shops. (There are already pink tutus in my mind!)

  • Afternoon: After all that excitement, I’ll need a delicious cream tea to fuel up for my big moment – seeing a performance of the incredible Hamilton! I hear there are even some fabulous pink costumes and sparkling scenes.

  • Evening: Now, I know a visit to London isn’t complete without seeing the theatre, darling! I'm making my way to the National Theatre, to see what wonders await me – who knows, I might just be inspired to add a touch of London chic to my own repertoire. And what better way to end the evening than by soaking up the vibrant energy of the city on a river cruise?

But hey, London's a beautiful maze of wonders. My blog is here to tell you all about it! This is my #PinkTutuLondon diary! Now, excuse me while I get changed into the most delightful pink tutu I have in my luggage! Let's do this!

Oh, darling dears! How could I forget? There are some absolutely FABULOUS things happening in London today. Did you know it's the World Music Day? How exciting is that? This means all across the city, there are amazing concerts happening - all for FREE. Now that's what I call a London symphony of wonder. Oh, and let’s not forget the Wimbledon Championships, right in the heart of London! That’s some serious sports day chic. I might just have to don a tennis skirt and maybe even a touch of pink!

And because it’s July, it’s the summer of fun and excitement, which means there's a carnival in Regent's Park – so much colour and life! Now that screams pink tutu style! It will be like a giant, glamorous celebration and you just know there'll be enough candy floss to satisfy even the sweetest tooth! London, you're seriously a world of wonder!

Okay, so as you can see, this is my favourite day ever! But that's not the best bit, darling dears! It's actually the start of London's Big Summer Festival. Think fireworks, dancing, delicious food, street markets and loads and loads of sparkle! For the next month, London is truly transformed. What an amazing time to be in London with the whole city buzzing! Now, this calls for a pink outfit change!

Oh, don’t you just love the thrill of discovery in a new city, darling? It’s like opening up a whole new world of inspiration! And what better city than London?

Well, this tutu-clad fashionista's got to get going, darling. This London journey’s already filled with sparkle! Stay tuned for all the stories and, of course, photos – after all, my Instagram will be overflowing with pink tutu London snaps! You won't be disappointed.

Now, tell me… what’s your dream London adventure? What colour is your dream tutu? Don’t be shy to share! Until next Friday, keep the glitter and the pink shining through!


[Link to]

[Pink Tutu Fashion Photography and Outfits from today.]

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Post-Trip Adventures

(I had to share the rest, darling dears! It wouldn’t be fair to leave you hanging.)

It turned out that my morning at The Wolseley was absolutely glorious, filled with elegant ladies and men in smart outfits, and I even spotted a few tutus on a couple of glamorous mummies with little girls in tow!

Covent Garden was simply bursting with colour. The flowers, darling! Every shade of the rainbow. I practically twirled! The smell alone is enough to make you happy. And the Royal Opera House, it's truly a fairytale place – the building, the steps, even the air. Imagine the stories it's heard. I swear I even caught a glimpse of a beautiful dancer, clad in pink in a rehearsal, looking down at the vibrant crowds in the market. I know it sounds fanciful, but even I was totally blown away!

The afternoon's cream tea in one of the tea shops by St. Paul’s – ah, it’s a tradition that always brings a smile to my face. And you have to see St. Paul's, darling – it's even more magnificent in person. My Pink Tutu London fashion game was totally on point - I spotted two pink flamingo dresses! (Pink alert!) Now, that’s a fashion icon moment, darling! And a tiny reminder that we must never stop loving our love of pink. I just wanted to scream: pink power, London style!

My evening, however, was the grandest adventure yet! My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree (or should I say, a sparkly tutu?) as I sat in my seat in the theatre. Hamilton is simply mesmerizing, with incredible lighting and costume designs, all perfectly timed to take your breath away. I actually caught myself wanting to dance.

After Hamilton I decided to take a late-night river cruise to finish off my day, with London bathed in the twinkling lights – what a breathtaking view. The Thames is like the beating heart of this incredible city, carrying history, life and wonder.

You know, sometimes I sit and I think… the world truly is filled with fabulous people. I had a chat with a fab Londoner named Simon, who said to me: "What’s wrong with pink?" He had his own fashion philosophy: 'It's a color that should be embraced in all its beautiful shades. And, for a brief, glittering moment, I felt like I'd won over a whole new audience!

Oh, London – you've captured my heart!

Stay tuned, darling dears. There will be lots more London stories from #PinkTutuBlogLondon, for you to soak up! Now, I’m going to get ready to take on another city, another ballet show, another chance to sparkle the world with pink. But next Friday, I’ll be back with another adventure – stay tuned!

And never, ever forget, darling dears… *pink makes the world a brighter, happier, more sparkling place! *

Until next time,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2023-07-14 Exploring London