Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2024-06-28 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures - Friday 2024-06-28 (Post #1452)

Hello, darling tutufarians! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, train-loving, London-exploring ballerina, Emma, here, back with another fabulous Friday blog post!

The weekend is finally here and after another whirlwind week of pirouettes and pas de bourrées, I'm so excited to be back in the heart of London, ready for a fabulous day of exploring. The air is abuzz with excitement, the shops are bursting with colour, and my little pink heart is overflowing with London-love.

This week, my ballet shoes haven't just been for the stage, oh no! I've been on a double bill – first, a stunning performance in Sheffield, a charming little city up north with some of the warmest audiences, and then back to London to conquer a packed performance at the Royal Opera House. Now, don't get me wrong, the London crowds are definitely more 'reserved' (fancy word for 'a bit too cool for school'!), but the applause was still glorious!

Anyway, I digress, because as you all know, Friday's are all about London! Today's agenda? Plenty of sunshine, gorgeous shops, possibly a spot of tea, and, of course, a ballet performance this evening!

Travel Time! The joys of a train journey!

My trusty little suitcase, filled with more pink tutus than I can carry, is safely tucked away on the train, while I sip my chamomile tea and gaze at the rolling hills of Derbyshire. I always love this journey. It's a time for quiet reflection, maybe a little people-watching (the English countryside offers up some truly delightful characters, I must say!) and the promise of all that London holds. The rhythm of the train tracks has this magical power to clear my mind and let my creativity flow. Ideas for blog posts, choreographies, even fashion collaborations just tumble into my head as I gaze out at the changing scenery. It's definitely the perfect setting for inspiration, darling tutufarians!

A Pink Tutu Landing in London!

The moment the train pulls into Kings Cross Station is exhilarating! I absolutely adore the grandeur of this old building, all those arched windows, the echoes of countless travelers and the scent of hot chocolate from the little stalls. This is London, darling tutufarians, and this is my happy place. I do a little twirl for the crowd – just a little something to get their Friday spirits going!

Pink Tutu Boutique! Time to shop, shop, shop!

You already know my mission: a day filled with beautiful things, charming tea rooms, and gorgeous pink tutus, of course. I've had my eye on a new one – a pale pink, soft chiffon number with intricate details on the bodice and a perfect pouf. I can already picture it against the backdrop of Buckingham Palace, or, maybe, with a splash of sunshine in Hyde Park.

London Shopping Spree - What did Emma find?!

After my ballet class, I headed straight to the Covent Garden Market – the smell of fresh flowers, the colours, the energy – it’s all so exhilarating! It’s hard to resist everything, but today my attention was caught by this fantastic, bright-pink, floral patterned dress – perfectly princess-y! It’ll go beautifully with my new pale pink tutu, don't you think? It’s also very ‘Emma’ – colourful, whimsical and utterly flattering. The boutique owner said she’d only received the last one! Looks like it's meant to be. Now, darling tutufarians, let's just say that, it's finding a special home with me!

Pink Tutu Afternoon Tea at The Ritz

After my shopping extravaganza, I am SO ready for a spot of tea and cakes. The Ritz is my favourite afternoon tea location. It's such a stunning venue. Imagine, high ceilings, elegant chandeliers, and walls lined with beautiful art. Today, however, I feel like wearing something even more extra for this elegant setting – and what better than my most dramatic pink tutu? I paired it with a silky top, a charming hat and my most precious pearl necklace. It's a simple yet glamorous look for afternoon tea, perfect for me! I'm picturing a cup of Earl Grey tea, scones with clotted cream and strawberries – dreamy!

Pink Tutu Ballet at the Royal Opera House - Swan Lake, my love!

This evening's show is a true highlight of my trip: "Swan Lake," my all-time favourite. I’ve seen it so many times, and I'm still blown away every time. It's just breathtaking! And, you guessed it, I will be going to the theatre in my pink tutu. Of course, I had to choose a very special tutu for this event – a midnight blue creation, with swirling silver detail. The beauty of it just matches the ethereal atmosphere of the ballet.

As always, the performance was utterly captivating. From the intricate movements to the captivating soundtrack, each performance I watch adds another layer of emotion to the piece. This time, I really felt for Odette’s heartbreaking journey from innocence to despair. Oh, the drama! I could have spent the entire evening just watching the ballerinas – they move with such grace and power, it’s just awe-inspiring. I feel such joy to have a passion for something as beautiful as ballet!

More than just ballet! - Emma's fashion musings

Don't be fooled, darling tutufarians – ballet is just one of my many passions! Fashion is right up there, too! This weekend, I was inspired by a gorgeous floral dress that I saw in Covent Garden - so dreamy and Parisian ! It has me daydreaming about finding a beautiful, romantic garden, with blooming roses and lilies and taking some fabulous photos in my pale pink tutu with my new dress. A whole day of picnics and pretty dresses - my dream come true! I have to get my camera out to capture some lovely moments for Instagram!

More Pink Tutu Adventures in London

Stay tuned next week, darling tutufarians, because there are SO many more exciting adventures in store, like exploring London's charming hidden alleys, catching a West End play, maybe a rooftop picnic...who knows?

So, stay sparkly, stay beautiful, and stay true to your inner ballerina, darlings. And, never forget - pink tutus are always the answer, and maybe... just maybe you could join me next time! See you all here, next Friday, on Until then, be fabulous, and keep on twirling! 💖✨

Yours in pink, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2024-06-28 Exploring London