Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1995-09-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

#PinkTutuMilan: A Ballet Bonanza in Milano! (Post #15)

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Wednesday the 20th of September 1995, and I’m practically bursting with excitement! Milano has truly been a whirlwind of tulle and twirls, and I can't wait to share every single fabulous detail with you all! As you know, #PinkTutuMilan is all about finding the beauty in everyday life, and there's simply nothing more beautiful than a good dose of ballet and a whole lot of pink.

For those of you who are new to the Pink Tutu family (welcome!), I'm Emma, a girl from Derbyshire who's taken a bit of a detour to find her happy place in the magical world of dance. As my granny would say, I've always had a "tinkle" in my feet! My life’s goal? To get the whole world waltzing around in pink tutus. Why? Because happiness comes in a fabulous shade of pink, my lovelies!

And trust me, Milano is painting the town pink! Just the other day, I popped into La Rinascente - such a glamorous department store, dear reader! They even have a whole floor dedicated to dancewear - I simply had to snag a pair of beautiful silk ballet shoes, just the thing for my next performance at the theatre! I must say, these Italians are real style connoisseurs - they know how to dress up a simple outfit with a touch of colour and flair! I think it's quite possible the "little black dress" actually has an "alternative black" in Italy. Let’s call it “pink"!

Of course, no visit to Milano is complete without experiencing their wonderful trams and trains! A trip to the opera house, La Scala, has been high on my list ever since I saw “The Sleeping Beauty” in Covent Garden last summer. And trust me, the trams have become a crucial part of my sightseeing, taking me right to the heart of all the exciting action! It feels quite wonderful to just relax, put on my headphones, and drift into the Italian rhythm.

Yesterday I went to watch “Carmen" at the Teatro alla Scala – talk about a truly fabulous show! There's something so magical about stepping into the beautiful theatre with its grand history, surrounded by all the other theatre goers in their stylish best! And the performances, well, they were just breathtaking!

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the street ballet that took my breath away last night. Just as I was crossing the Ponte della Gerola, there were two ballet dancers gracefully gliding through the busy piazza – it was as though they were right out of the movies! I simply couldn't help but stop and applaud - they were absolutely radiant!

The truth is, there’s an energy here in Milan, in the streets, the cafes, and the squares, that simply crackles with joy. It's just as though they’re saying "Viva la Vida" at every turn! They appreciate the simple things, and for me, the biggest perk is how this wonderful city allows me to simply relax and enjoy the present. You know how I feel, darlings, we're never promised tomorrow.

Today is the day for the fashion parade for new costumes at the famous Teatro alla Scala – and you can come along too! Just come and find me near the Teatro alla Scala. I’ll be there at midday in my brand new hot pink tutu! Trust me, you won't be able to miss me. And hey, why not don a pink tutu yourself? Every girl can rock a little tulle, don’t you think?

Speaking of "Pink", I can’t wait to show you the darlingest little pink boutique I’ve discovered right off the Corso Vittorio Emanuele! I simply have to have a look for something sparkly and girly - oh, I’m totally feeling my fabulous inner ballerina right now!

Well, darlings, it's getting late, and I have a grand total of eleven (that's right, eleven!) performances lined up for next week - the Italian life, it seems, is a whirlwind of beautiful things, and I can’t get enough!

I’ll see you all next Monday for another peek into the dazzling #PinkTutuMilan! Until then, remember: “A pink tutu is a state of mind – a smile and a twirl can take you anywhere you want to go!”

Arrivederci! xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1995-09-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia