Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1995-10-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #17 – Ciao, Bella!

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, Pink Tutu Milan! This week, I'm thrilled to be writing to you from the fabulous city of Milan, a true fashion paradise! My week here has been a whirlwind of beautiful sights, even more beautiful fashion, and of course, some glorious ballet!

You all know I love a good train journey, and getting here was a pure delight. A journey through the rolling green hills of the Italian countryside, punctuated by quaint villages and breathtaking vistas – perfect for my Pink Tutu to really shine, wouldn’t you say? I even managed to convince a sweet old Italian gentleman to pose with me for a photo on the platform in Verona, wearing his trilby hat with my pink tutu! He was thrilled to be in the photo with the “Pink Fairy”, as he affectionately called me. That’s what makes this job so wonderful – the moments, big and small, that fill your heart with joy!

Speaking of joy, arriving in Milan was like stepping into a dream! The streets, bustling with life, oozed a vibrant energy that made me practically skip into the taxi. My apartment is an absolute charmer - a little jewel of a flat nestled in the heart of the city, overlooking a cobbled piazza bursting with the scent of freshly baked bread. I must say, there's something about a delicious smell wafting in from downstairs that makes every day feel a little bit more glamorous, don’t you think?

A Ballet Week in Milan

Now, onto the real reason I’m here: ballet! I'm so excited to tell you about this week's spectacular ballet performances. Milan, my loves, is absolutely brimming with world-class talent. The ballet scene here is incredible.

  • La Scala, the Grand Dame - I have to start by mentioning La Scala Opera House. This iconic theatre, known worldwide for its operatic magnificence, has also been showcasing some exquisite ballet productions this season. It’s not just about the history, though, it's about the sheer quality of the dance. The technical brilliance, the expressive grace, the captivating narratives, all perfectly encapsulated in a setting of unparalleled beauty. Let me tell you, the pink tutu looked simply divine under the glorious chandeliers. I even had a gentleman propose to his sweetheart on the balcony (after a curtain call, naturally!) – talk about making memories!

  • Milanese Modernity – But La Scala wasn't my only stop. Milan is home to a thriving contemporary ballet scene too! The Teatro Carcano presented a spellbinding choreographic piece that really challenged conventional ballet techniques and got the audience engaged like I’d never seen before! Let’s just say, the combination of the dance, the lighting, and my Pink Tutu turned some heads… in a good way, of course!

  • Ballet on the Streets - You know how I love a bit of ballet street magic! This city doesn't disappoint. I stumbled upon a flash mob in the Duomo Square, with some absolutely sensational street ballet performers doing some mind-blowing acrobatics and modern moves. The onlookers were in awe, and it reminded me just how accessible this art form is! The beautiful marble Duomo towering above it all, I thought my pink tutu would almost float off the ground!

*Where did my Pink Tutu lead me this week? *

Of course, a ballet trip to Milan wouldn’t be complete without a dash of shopping, am I right? There’s simply something about the elegant boutiques and the heady energy of Milan's fashion scene that gets my creative juices flowing! The fashion shows at Milan Fashion Week were simply phenomenal – a symphony of vibrant colours, bold textures, and an undeniable air of elegance. They left me itching to recreate some of those looks, adding my personal Pink Tutu touch, of course.

  • The Mercato di Porta Ticinese: This open-air market, a chaotic jumble of stalls and street food vendors, is truly a sensory overload, a vibrant heart of Milan that pulsates with energy. Here, I found the most magnificent silk scarves in bold, bright colours - a definite must-have for a pink tutu accessorising extravaganza. And those little Italian leather bags - just gorgeous!

  • Via Monte Napoleone: If you’re looking for designer labels and a dose of glitz and glamour, head straight to this high-end street. You’ll find designer stores here, one more extravagant than the next, and the street is just overflowing with the chicest Milanese fashionistas – truly inspiring. It reminded me of how powerful fashion is. How it can express creativity, celebrate individual style, and ultimately, make you feel incredible. I'll be honest, I went a little bit crazy in one of the designer shops. I came away with some stunning accessories. Let's just say, I’m so happy I decided to invest in myself!

Eating, Drinking, and Living in Milan:

I have to mention the food - It’s delicious, a feast for the senses! The cafes with their little outdoor tables, buzzing with life, have become a regular pit stop for me, with a freshly-brewed coffee and a decadent slice of Milanese pastry.

Milanese people seem to have a certain "je ne sais quoi” - they exude a sense of style and effortless chic. I am starting to embrace a little of this. But what truly impresses me is how down-to-earth and welcoming everyone is. The locals have welcomed me into their city with open arms, always eager to point me in the right direction with a warm smile, and often offering a helpful tip about hidden treasures I might not find on my own. They remind me that kindness and connection are as vital as a stunning new pair of heels!

I had my very own “Pink Tutu Milan Moment” at a traditional trattoria - a charming little place tucked away on a side street. As I took my first bite of that divine pasta carbonara, it hit me. There I was, the “Pink Fairy” from Derbyshire, surrounded by the warmth of Italy, enjoying simple delights that filled my soul. In that moment, the universe aligned perfectly. I felt perfectly content, exactly where I should be, and, to my delight, even my tutu seemed to radiate an inner glow.

Looking Ahead…:

My darling friends, this whirlwind Milan trip has been incredible - an experience filled with fashion, culture, and of course, my beloved ballet! And just as a ballerina takes her final bow after a performance, it's time for me to wave goodbye to Milan for now. There are so many other wonders to be explored, other inspiring cities waiting to be discovered with my Pink Tutu, and of course, more exciting ballet adventures!

Thank you for joining me this week! If you'd like to follow along on my journey, be sure to head over to my website: and follow me on all the socials! Don’t forget, every Monday, I’ll share a new chapter of Pink Tutu Milan – my week, my stories, my dreams of sharing a pink tutu experience with the world.

Until next time, my loves!

Much Love, Emma. xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1995-10-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia