Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-03-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 40 - 13th March 1996: Bonjour from the City of Style!

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another installment of my Milan adventures! As you know, I'm currently residing in the fashion capital of the world – the gorgeous, bustling city of Milan – and it's truly a dream come true.

You see, I have a rather lovely pink tutu I'm carrying with me everywhere – and as always, it's sparking conversations and putting smiles on faces wherever I go! It’s funny, but since I started travelling in a pink tutu, it seems like everyone's becoming more and more receptive to the power of a little pink fluff. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not advocating for everyone to rush out and buy a tutu just like mine. (Although, darling, if that happens, well, I can't really object!). It’s more about being bold and embracing your own personal style. What does that have to do with tutus? You ask. Well, I’ll have you know that my beloved pink tutu makes me feel amazing, confident and full of life, and it has helped me overcome my shyness. Wearing it reminds me to have fun, embrace life’s unexpected turns, and never stop dancing, literally and metaphorically.

Right, enough of my rambling – on with the blog!

This week has been a whirlwind of fashion, culture and, of course, ballet! I started my week on a high note, gracefully gliding through Milan’s vibrant streets. Oh, you wouldn’t believe it, darling – I was just leaving the chicest little tea shop in the city when I met a lovely woman with the most incredible vintage hat collection. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much glamour packed into one person! You see, the art of elegance isn’t just about wearing beautiful clothes, but about knowing how to combine them, and this lady was a total style guru! Of course, we had a grand old chat about hats, and fashion in general, all while my little pink tutu twirled effortlessly alongside us. I managed to convince her that wearing a tutu in a fashion conscious city like Milan was not only perfectly acceptable, but incredibly chic! Who knows, maybe she’ll be gracing the streets with her own version of a tutu sometime soon? Fingers crossed!

Later that day, I found myself taking a delightful tram ride to one of the oldest opera houses in the city – Teatro alla Scala. I just had to take a peak – even though my purse was practically screaming at me about how much money I had spent on coffee and croissants that morning (one does love the little pleasures of Milan!), you know, sometimes you simply must indulge. Luckily, this was a perfect example of "splurge-worthy" experiences. As soon as I set foot inside that stunning hall, I was overwhelmed with the sheer history and grandeur of the space. There was a special exhibition about famous ballerinas that I simply couldn’t miss! I felt like a time traveller, transported back to the golden age of ballet! All of the stunning costumes, from delicate tutus to elaborate ball gowns, took my breath away. Imagine, dancing on a stage with such history! Honestly, I felt like a ballerina myself.

On the subject of ballerinas, did you know that I finally booked myself into the most renowned ballet studio in Milan for a class? I’m all about embracing opportunities that make my heart sing, and you know how much I love a good dance, even if my technique isn’t the most refined – just imagine a ballerina with pink fluff doing a little plie - a ballet dancer's best friend! Honestly, though, everyone there was so friendly and supportive, and it was a joy to dance among other like-minded individuals! My only wish was that my tutu would've had its own space on the dance floor, but sadly it didn’t fit into the wardrobe of any of the other ballerinas, so for now it’s relegated to being a glamorous observer. However, I don't think anyone even noticed!

As usual, my week has been filled with shopping sprees, because what is Milan if not the Mecca of fashion? After all, I believe that clothes should reflect your personality, just like the pink tutu does for me. Speaking of which, you might be wondering where I’ve been picking up my wardrobe delights while I’ve been here in Milan? Well, darling, you won't believe this but my favourite little boutique is run by the most lovely woman – she was in Derbyshire at the same time I was - we were born under the same star I'm telling you! Imagine! I love everything in her shop - you could say it’s got a "Pink Tutu" vibe - delicate laces, pastel colours, romantic dresses - all designed for the modern fairytale princess!

You won’t believe what I picked up - the most stunning, pastel pink silk top, the softest, fluffiest mohair cardigan that’s going to keep me cozy when the evening breeze turns a little chilly. The woman actually mentioned to me about a "new pink tutu dress" design coming out very soon... I think I may just have to get one. My new pink dress is definitely going to become a favourite – I have all sorts of lovely plans for it – fancy afternoon teas in the sunshine, perhaps a charming performance in a piazza square? My head's simply swimming with possibilities! And I haven't even mentioned the most delicious pink cashmere scarf I found in a little market hidden in a secret corner of the city.

After a whirlwind of shopping and cultural explorations, it was time for my week to culminate with an exceptional experience – a show-stopping ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala itself! The ballet was so captivating – I swear the dancers moved like ethereal beings! You would not believe how many gorgeous tutus were featured. I felt a connection with them - it was almost like we were united across the decades! Imagine, a Pink Tutu Milan legacy! Maybe I'll start my own "pink tutu ballerina" school when I get home - I’ll certainly need a bigger pink tutu than I've got already. Just picturing myself gliding through the studio and on stage - it brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes - pure joy. My imagination is just overflowing with so much creative energy, I need to write all this down - maybe it will be a blog post? The idea of spreading the "Pink Tutu" spirit in Derbyshire and beyond truly ignites something deep within my soul - a desire to express myself, to bring joy to the world. Maybe someday... maybe one day...

Anyways, it's now the time for me to pack up my tutu - yes I have one large suitcase for my tutu, darling! and head off to catch my train, which conveniently leaves from a station located right next to my little flat! So much for the romantic train journeys of old - though, truth be told, it does bring some drama when the whole train seems to stop at the exact moment you pull out your "Pink Tutu" lipstick for a last minute reapplication. Luckily, this has only happened to me once! My train journey this week, however, is full of excitement because I will be heading to Vienna for a series of special performance. Oh! And just you wait – the Pink Tutu is bringing its own Viennese flair!

And of course, I’ll be posting all my adventures on my blog, so be sure to stay tuned! In the meantime, remember – there’s a pink tutu in all of us. It’s simply about finding the courage to express it. I really do hope you've enjoyed my Milan blog this week, darling - It’s time to put on my tutu and set out to make some magic, Austrian style! Until next week!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

[Photo - Emma, looking radiant and effortlessly chic in her pink tutu and latest fashion finds - a chic hat, pink silk top and mohair cardigan, stands confidently by a picturesque tram stop in Milan.]

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-03-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia